
The King of Heroes (MHA)

a boy born in the world of Heroes and Villains with the Powers and Treasury of the King of Heroes. What happens when the protagonist and his circumstances draws his attention to Japan. read to find out. (MC is neither reincarnated nor Gilgamesh from fate, he is an OC born in mha verse. he will still end up arrogant since that much power and wealth can do wonders on your personality)

Overlordfanboy · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs


The large abomination with an exposed brain and a beak for a mouth struggled to free itself from the chains. The more it struggled, the tighter the chains got.

"What is that?" Shigaraki asked with anger as he saw the Nomu made to kill Allmight dangle in the air, suspended by chains coming out of golden portals,

The giant creature tried to pull and push the chains yet it became more and more tight, to the point that now no matter how hard the Nomu tried not even a speck of motion could be detected,

"What...What are you doing Nomu?! Kill Them!!!"

Shigaraki screamed at the top of his voice as Nomu again tried. This time the attempt to move wasn't even visible since the chains were so strong that it was impossible to move even a little bit.

'Squelch' 'Crack' 'Rip'

13 who was the closest to the villain, besides Uruk, moved back as she heard the sickening sound of flesh tearing and bones breaking, as Nomu ripped his arm off his shoulders that was held by the chains,

"God!" Some of the kids and even the villains exclaimed at the brutal scene.


The Nomu surprised everyone again as another arm grew back in its place and roared.

"Ha Ha Ha" Shigaraki laughed in glee.

"Nomu was made to kill Allmight, it has instant regeneration"

"Shit" Kirishima exclaimed as he along with Bakugo and Todoroki got ready to fight the monster.


'Clank' 'Squelch'

This time the roar was interrupted as another chain wrapped around his neck and crushed it, While another chain appeared and bound the newly regenerated arm in place of the old one.

"Silence filth, your part in this pathetic squabble is yet to come"

Gilgamesh said as he stood unwavering right where he stood since the start of the debacle. 13 looked at the golden-haired boy keeping an eye on the creature and sighed in relief. She couldn't even react to how fast the villain reached them but the boy held it off.

So this was why Gilgamesh kept an eye on him and didn't help them. Because only he could have defeated the creature. Everyone was suddenly reevaluating their opinion of the arrogant teen.

"How long can you hold him?"

13 asked concerned but was met with silence. She was suspicious that the boy didn't help simply because he didn't wish to but kept that thought for later.

"He can hold as long as he fucking wants" Bakugo shouted to 13 from the other side as small explosions started igniting within his clenched fist.

"We need to focus on Mr. Aizawa and leave this villain to Uruk" Momo stepped forward as she started making smoke bombs to cover their approach.

13 taking one last look at the monstrous villain and agreed with the young heroine, trusting the students with her back she jumped down to the plaza and stood before the few villains left before the bird villain took out Aiwaza, or if the blue hair was right, Nomu.

"You... You useless thing...Cheating, You are all Cheating!!!"

Shigaraki's anger reached its peak. The Nomu made to kill made to kill Almight was taken down by a child, the whole situation was grating on his nerves. First, one of the two heroes still stood strong. Second, none of the kids were even stretched. Lastly, Kurogiri even allowed one of them to escape to bring reinforcements.

The whole plan had gone to shit.

But it was still possible to salvage something, first, they needed to take out that boy holding the Nomu and then the Nomu would do its job.


Without saying anything Kurogiri understood what Shigaraki wanted considering his glare at the boy in golden armor.



One of the hired thugs screamed as he was pulled towards 13. She used the same technique as before and threw the thug across the plaza into the pond in the distance.

"There is no end to ...AAA!!!"

Kaminari exclaimed as he was kicked into one of the villains electrocuting him, and was subsequently dubbed the human tazer.


A large explosion rang through the place as Bakugo made a beeline toward the two villains at the back, the supposed ring leaders of their operation. Ready to turn the man-child at the back into a fucking art piece.

For too long he was sidelined, first by Half-n-Half, then by Deku of all people, and finally by Goldie. This time he will prove to them that he is the best hero there ever will be, by plummeting itchy-neck into the ground.

Only to find the said itchy neck going into the cloud guy's portal,

"No, you don't!!!"

Bakugo screamed as he accelerated, making his way towards them but he was still not at max speed since the portal guy could simply open a portal in his face and send him to fucking Narnia and he won't be able to do shit. That's why he was always leaving some sweat, to quickly change his direction if he needed to, by igniting the remaining sweat.

But that proved useless when Shigaraki and Kurogiri disappeared from the back lines.

"Damn it!!!"

"Bakugo! Take Aizawa!"

"Don't tell me what to do!!!!"


There were a lot of students, still up the stairs waiting, for the reinforcements. They had not gone below because of their reasons that vary from person to person.

For Midoriya, It was a simple reason. He would be helpless down there, One of his fingers was already badly broken, So going down there where the pro hero and Kacchan were fighting, He would only be a burden for everyone else.


A muffled scream and Midoriya flinched again.

Following the muffled scream, the monstrous villain tore his leg off the chains and grew a new one which was then once again bound by the chain. The same thing that had already happened a dozen times.

Midoriya, along with others like Uraraka, Mineta, Kouda, and Asui who did not join the fight, took great effort not to look at the pile of limbs gathered just beneath the Nomu. Especially not after a few of them emptied their stomach, a while before, to that exact scene.

Ignoring the horrid scene, Midoriya instead focused on another aspect of the quirk of their most mysterious classmate. Chains that moved on their own. Looking at the amount of chains that came out of different portals, there has to be multiple chains instead of just one, and seeing how the villain was struggling against the chain it must be strong too. But the biggest mystery was how Uruk controlled the chains, were they like Tokoyami's dark shadow? Sentient quirks? Or were they controlled by a very trained mind...


Midoriya heard a scared Uraraka call him out as deja vu hit him and he quickly turned around to apologize but noticed that she wasn't looking at him,

She was looking at Uruk.

His head whipped around as he saw the blue-haired villain appear behind Uruk with the purple-colored teleport quirk villain and his instinct kicked in. He was the closest to Uruk, and no one else was near him.

There was a shout but Uruk didn't look, the sound of the Nomu-villain struggling against the chains and the fighting going down below them, Kacchan's explosions, he could hear them drowning out all voices. With no other options in sight, his legs moved.

The Blue-haired villain ran towards Uruk, and so did he but he would never make it in time.

That was if he didn't use One for All and his choice was obvious,

Green lines shined in place of his nerves, as he matched the speed of Nomu momentarily and flew the distance in a fraction of the time,

He was ready to punch just as he reached the running villain, he saw the hand that was reached out for Uruk's neck had now appeared right in front of his face coming out of a purple portal.


Confusion was all he registered as things happened so suddenly he had no time to react.

He could not change his trajectory, and his fate was decided. Running face-first into the quirk of the villain.

He needed to think things through, didn't he? Well, at least Uruk will notice them and deal with them. He was much more important here than he was.

With the five fingers right in front of his face, Midoriya closed his eyes accepting his fate.

When he was yanked to the side by his tracksuit.


Midoriya opened his eyes to find himself hanging above the ground with a broken finger and a leg, both of which were his doing. So was the blue-hair villain's quirk also teleportation?

That thought quickly ended as he saw legs covered in golden armor.

Turning his head he came face to face with one annoyed Gilgamesh Uruk and sweat ran down his forehead,


Before Uruk burst out laughing.

"What a pathetically courageous act of absolute idiocy. You are an entertaining clown, Faker"

Midoriya rolled up into himself as the boy dubbed Goldie by Kacchan made fun of his rather sorry attempt at rescue where he was the one who got rescued instead.

Midoriya's face had turned completely red as embarrassment and shame covered every thought in his brain. When suddenly felt his body started swinging.

" Catch"

"Catch? Wha...AAAAA!!!"

Midoriya was flung across the platform towards Uraraka.

"Don't worry I got you Deku!"

Uraraka caught the boy and quickly used her quirk on him to lift him off the ground as he could not walk due to his broken leg.

"T-Thank you...but c-can use p-p-please p-put me d-d-down"

Midoriya meekly said Uraraka noticed she was carrying him like a bride.

and immediately sat him down on the ground,


The two fledgling lovebirds were interrupted by a hateful voice from where Uruk was.

"YOU...You are CHEATING!!!"

Shigaraki said as he tried to free himself from the chain that bound him across his legs as he hung upside down. No matter how much he tried to use his quirk on the chains it didn't work.

The chains didn't budge an inch.


Shigaraki called out as the purple cloud guy covered Shigaraki and the portal and tried to move them to another location but was surprised when his quirk didn't work on the portals.

He could not move the portals.

"The king's treasury can only be moved by the King, filthy man-made abomination"

Gilgamesh said with an irritated face, as a portal opened beside him and a strange silver scythe appeared out of the golden portal.

The fighting had subsided a lot since before, and with Bakugo no longer exploding, Midoriya and Uraraka, who were closest to Uruk, could hear him along with a few others like Shoji. They all thought of the same thing,


Midoriya had so many questions. What did he mean by man-made abomination? What was that scythe? But he put all that aside and focused on what he could do to help right now,

Shigaraki looked at the teen in golden armor watching them with an amused expression, his hatred and anger for the society grew even more. This cheater was everything wrong with society, how they toyed with the people they didn't accept, enjoyed violence, and laughed at the misery of the so-called villains...

Shigaraki took one look at Kurogiri who nodded but,


The horrid sound of a blade stabbing through flesh confused Shigaraki as the sound came from Kurogiri but there was nothing near him.

Kurogiri stopped as the clouds gathered to form arms that desperately moved toward the area below his eyes.

The cloudy visage of the villain slowly disappeared as a humanoid being appeared with the head of a familiar silver scythe buried at the side of his neck which was protected by a metal cage but considering the blood, the cage was useless against the scythe.

"k-k-Kurogiri?" Shigaraki twisted himself around to find the golden-armored teenager holding a scythe whose blade was missing.

Shigaraki didn't need to connect the dots as the teen slowly twisted the scythe in his hand.

"aaahaaHAAA!!!" Kurogiri struggled to scream but the pain won, for some reason, he wasn't able to use his quirk and was even losing all his energy getting tired and in a lot of pain as the blade lodged in his neck suddenly twisted.

Shigaraki's anger had no bounds, as looked at the pleased expression on the boy's face as he twisted the scythe,


His speech was cut short by another chain wrapping around his neck and squeezing it. Shigarari clawed at the chain and tried to use his quirk on them but nothing budged them.

"I didn't permit you to speak, vermin."

Gilgamesh said as he yanked the scythe out of the villain who collapsed immediately.

The blood flowed down the blade of the scythe which appeared whole in Uruk's hand once again as a taunting grin adorned his face.

"The mere fact that I acknowledge your worthless existence should be an honor for one, so pathetically incompetent."

Midoriya was ghastly pale and so was Uraraka. Mineta was shaking violently on the spot praying to every god he could to save him, not from the villains but from his own classmate.

"The only reason a mere puppet like you is still alive is because you still have a role in this little play albeit a miserable one but a role nonetheless"



The fight below had already ended, Aizawa and the rest of the students arrived in time to hear Uruk rip the villains a new one with his insults.

"Remove the chains around his neck, Uruk"

Aiwaza said in a weak voice as he saw the villain struggle to breathe,

Gilgamesh stared at the blood-covered hero who was riding on 13's back looking at him with his uninjured eye as Gilgamesh snorted and chains choking Shigaraki disappeared.

'cough' 'cough' 'cough'

Everyone looked at the mastermind villain hanging upside down, snot and tears running down his face painting a very miserable picture of the once terrifying villain. The monstrous creature, named Nomu, had also quieted down and stopped struggling.


'cough' 'cough'

"I will... kill you!!!"


"Damn!" Kirishima and Mina exclaimed as they saw the most murderous glare they had ever seen,

Sero quietly moved at the end of the pack, praying to all gods that Uruk had not heard what he said on the bus. Bakugo and Todoroki saw the three ring leaders of the villains reduced to this state with an unreadable expression.

Aizawa asked 13 to get closer to the blue-haired villain to talk to him. Knowing that the villain's quirk could decay anything he touched with all five fingers, Aizawa maintained a safe distance and noted that Uruk's chains did not decay even when the villain tried to use his quirk on them.

A part of him wished to test his quirk on Uruk but doing so now would be risking the two villains going free.

Aizawa looked right at the livid villain,

"You have lost, now tell me how did you...' BANG'"

Before Aizawa could finish, a loud bang echoed throughout the USJ,

"HAVE NO FEAR, WHY? Because I..."

Allmight stopped midway as he saw everyone from the Academy gathered near the gates with the villains lying on the floor across the USJ, one of them bleeding out while the other two hanging in the air by golden chains,

they all looked at the newest arrival in a fight that was most definitely finished.

"Umm...I am here?"


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