
The King's Avatar: Return of Death (TL)

Su Yan, who debuted in the fourth season of the Jiashi team and retired in the same season, but he is the brightest star of the golden generation of glory! A whole season of individual starters, without a single defeat! Title: Grim Reaper! "Veterans don't die, they only fade away, but... If you think "Full-time Master: Return of Death" is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and Weibo! -This is not my original fanfic. -This is actually a Chinese fanfic. -Raw link https://www.beqege.com/70215/

Funa_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Methods for Recovering State

"Starfall! Ascension Array! "

The war sickle turned into a stream of light and smashed down, and at the same time, under his feet, a golden magic array opened, and a repulsive force rose from the ground, sending Jun Moxiao flying.

The ascent power of the Ascension Array combined with the power of the starfall smashed doubled its power.


Hit empty.

The moment the battle sickle smashed, the flowery Jun Moxiao turned into a green-skinned dwarf.

Goblin, this is a ninja double!

By the time he realized that it was a stand-in, Karthus's perspective had changed to a floating perspective.

"Gee... The heart is dirty. Su Yan frowned.

I was already most careful, and I launched the hypnotism technique before the cooling of the shadow avatar was over, and I forgot that the Avatar Technique was also a low-level skill that scattered people could use.

While floating, a stiffening effect had appeared on Karthus.

Just now, it should be the battle method heavenly strike floating, and then took the battle method dragon tooth, a second of stiff effect.

Ye Xiu's hand speed is completely one of the best in the alliance, plus the thousand-machine umbrella attack speed 5 in Jun Moxiao's hand, it has surpassed all war spears, and the one-second stiffness brought by the dragon tooth is enough for him to use several skills.

After the dragon's teeth, there is a series of combat methods, and then a straight stab is a floating four-in-a-row attack.

And with Ye Xiu's operation, once the floating four combos are completed, then the shadow step plus the floating infinite connection.

The kind that can be connected to death!

If it is a combat method, Su Yan can still find an opportunity to break the float, after all, there are still a number of skills.

But this thing of scattered people...

His 120 skills were placed one by one until the blue amount was exhausted, and he didn't stop at all!

Even if the Divine Fire can seal skills.

But no matter what, the Divine Fire is also a skill that requires chanting to activate, and in the past, he might be able to seize the opportunity to chant, but now his hand speed can't support this high-end operation at all.

So, 1 minute, the battle is over.

Karsas was unsurprisingly defeated.

"You are too radical, the hypnotism is put too early, if I were you, I would use the talisman to trick the avatar out first." Ye Xiu shook his head and said.

"Ah, I found out too." Su Yan nodded and sighed, "Do you think I can have the level of what I used to do now?" "

"Less than half." Ye Xiu spoke unceremoniously in terms of glory, "Your hand speed is already comparable to Yu Wenzhou. "

"Yes?" Su Yan smiled bitterly.

In the end, it was a four-year gap, and his familiarity with glory was far less than it was back then, and his hand speed had also declined seriously because of the negative impact of these years of deserted and wasted hand training.

Technology, hand speed, experience, and awareness are far less than they were back then, and the only thing that has not declined but has increased is the ability to react.

"If you add the glory of the new generation, and the current league has a strong new talent, if you go to play the league now, the results you can achieve may be less than three points that year." Ye Xiu took out a cigarette, "Do you want it?" "

"Hmm." Su Yan nodded and took it, "That is to say, my current level combined is probably ... The level of the last first-tier players? "

"Almost." Ye Xiu took out a lighter to help him light it, and at the same time lit it for himself, "However, it is not difficult to recover, you also know this?" "

Su Yan nodded.

Experience can be recovered by further understanding the present glory, and consciousness is no different.

If the technique relies on further training, it should also be able to recover.

The focus is still on hand speed.

It took a long time to train to recover, but this is not a big problem, and it can even be said that it is the easiest one for him to recover.

Su Yan's hand speed, the peak of the norm four years ago was around 450.

But the mobility of the Karsas is poor, so the requirements for the speed of the hand are actually not high.

In the whole season of that year, Su Yan's hand speed did not exceed 300.

So there is no need to revert to the previous peak at all.

His career can be compared with Yu Wenzhou.

Yu Wenzhou is that there is really no room for his hand speed to decrease, and his style of play is outrageously low in terms of hand speed.

And his current serious decline in hand speed is not because of age, 24 years old is considered a veteran in the league, but also a veteran who is still at his peak.

And Su Yan's family knows his own affairs, and the maintenance of his opponents in recent years is still reasonable, mainly due to the lack of proficiency in the keyboard caused by the blank period, and the recovery to 400 is a little suspended, but 300 is still more than enough.

"Lao Ye, in terms of glory, you are textbook level after all, how do you think I should recover?" Su Yan asked.

"It's not... Although I am a textbook, you seem to be over-the-top in this question, right? Ye Xiu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Also, you should not have encountered a blank period like me." Su Yan also shook his head and smiled.

"If I want to say, what you need now is to start from scratch like a new person, find your skills and consciousness little by little, and regain your original experience through retraining, and quickly train your hands back, whether you can reproduce the demeanor of the god of death back then is difficult to say, but it should be possible to recover a seven, seven, eight, eight." Ye Xiu said.

"Then practice again." Su Yan nodded, "Start from scratch." "

"It just so happens that the new server in District 10 has opened, and there is still time to register an account." Ye Xiu said, "Get you an account card? That's the right time to help me brush the copy together. "

"Well, I said you wouldn't just want to find a tool man to be a helper, would you?"

"Look at what you said, am I like that?" Ye Xiu said that he was not so tasteless.

"You're not like, you are." Su Yan was speechless.

However, what Ye Xiu said also made sense, starting from scratch and practicing again was the best way to get back to the original.

"You better think about what profession the new number is training." Ye Xiu took out a blank District 10 account card from the front desk and threw it to him, "You are different from normal exorcists, if you practice exorcists, it will not be conducive to your recovery, after all, you can never recreate a silver suit, so it is best to be a relevant and suitable profession for your style." "

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source exchange app that old bookworms are using, huanyuanapp.com]

"Such as?" Su Yan looked at him.

He is right, Su Yan's Karsas is not so much an exorcist, in fact, more like a punishing flow knight, compared to the orthodox skills of the exorcist, his playing style relies more on low-level sharing skills and fighting skills, bringing acceleration effects and strong control effects, most of the skills of the exorcist itself are used to output and consume the opponent's health rather than the real sense of the battle.

"The style of warfare is similar to exorcism, or the punishment of flow knights with tomahawks, knights' spears." Ye Xiu said, "Battle-type guardian angels or bakugu can also be. "

Su Yan's way of playing is hard to say, in the current glory, it is completely an evil way that does not play cards according to the routine.

These professions proposed by Ye Xiu, in addition to the similar combat methods and exorcist painting styles, most of the knights are still used as MT professions.

The guardian angel, which is more of an interception skill and defense skill in addition to healing, is more used to assist teammates, a moderate choice between priests and MT.

Not to mention the priest, pure nanny.

Punishing Knights, Export-type Bakugan Mu, and Battle-type Guardian Angels, these three genres were not without in the earliest Glory Region 1, and Ye Xiu had also studied them.

But these genres are too demanding on the operator and have too many flaws compared to the so-called normal usage.

If you really want to use these professions to output, it is better to practice a real output or tackle tough professions.

Over time, these genres have been eliminated, and basically no one needs to say anything, except for the former glory veterans, there are very few people who have even heard of these genres.

But if it is Su Yan, maybe these genres are more suitable for him than normal professions.

Moreover, he just needs to get back to his original state, and he will not use these professions in the future, so it doesn't hurt to practice.

It's just that Ye Xiu is worried about another thing.

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