
The kids got a dark side

Izuku’s mind snapped when All Might tells him he can’t be a hero. But once he meets some UA students, will he snap back to reality, or could he create the most feared group in all of Japan?

TheFlipside · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Overflowing thoughts

On the city streets

This was the first time Deku had ever done anything bad. He talked back to Kacchan, he's skipping school, he didn't tell his mom. Today he felt different, that smile creeped its way into Dekus face when he thought of the blood. The salty sweet taste~ he wanted more of it, but who would have good tasting blood? His thoughts were stopped when he saw him, Todoroki Shoto. Son of the number two hero. Dekus mind went threw all his notes about moves, it took only a minute to come up with a plan.

Todoroki had to stand there while his father talked to the News lady. His father didn't even notice he was there.

'So annoying' Shoto thought. Suddenly hands grabbed his arms and mouth pulling him back. His body was pinned to a wall both hands held tightly.

"What the hell?!" Todoroki yelled.

"Shhhhh!" Deku didn't think about him screaming, and if he moved his hands, shoto would use his quirk.

"Don't tell me to shush!" Deku had to think of something quick...

"Someone he-" Dekus lips slammed on todoroki's. The teen only struggled for a moment before surrendering to the kiss. 'What am I doing?! I don't even know this guy!' Shoto though as his wrist dropped in the tight hand. After another moment Deku pulled away, both had to take a moment to catch their breaths.

"S-so u gonna be quiet? Or do I need to do that again?" Shoto couldn't tell if that was a threat or not. But he also could tell if he wanted to do it again...

"What do you want?" Shoto's expression was neutral like this was all natural. Dekus hand went into he's pocket, it came flying out causing a small cut to appear on shotos cheek. Bright red blood dripped down off his face.

"I just want a tast~" Deku whispered softly cause chills to go up shotos spine. Dekus tongue slid slowly over the cut, the taste was amazing but shotos reaction seemed better. The teen slightly shook at the gentle touch. 'Th-this guys crazy....' Shoto thought.

"You taste pretty good~" Deku softly chuckled before licking the cut once more. A blush started to crawl onto Todoroki's face as Dekus hands started to soften. Todoroki knew this was his chance, he pushed Deku off and pinned him to the wall.

"Tell my why you grabbed me. Are you a villain?!" Todoroki's voices was low and cold, but the small blush still lingered on his face.

"Oh I'm not a villain, well not yet I don't think~"Deku was amused by the fact Shotos face was pink from just a lick. "And I just wanted to taste some blood, when I saw u I wanted to know how you tasted~" Shotos face started to burn red by the words.

"I wasn't going to kill you or anything. Just wanted some blood is all." Shoto slowly took his hands off the wall. He looked down and saw the blood stained sleeves.

"Is that blood?" Deku seemed surprised by the question. Todoroki softly picked up an arm and moved the sleeve down, reveling the cuts once again.

"So your depressed?"

"Depressed is a strong word. I think BROKEN is a better word." Dekus face turned into a sad smile this time, he stared at Todoroki trying to figure him out.

"I'm sorry, so what's your name?" What?! He wanted to know who he was?! The kid who attacked him!?

"You can call me deku." Izuku didn't want to say he's true name, Incase he tried looking at files or something.

"Seems like an interesting name. We'll see you around Deku." Todoroki turned and walked away, his father never noticed he was gone.

A few days later

'I can't get Deku out of my mind...' Todoroki thought.

"Todoroki are you paying attention?" Todoroki's teacher said making the kids chuckle at Shoto.

"Oh sorry sir. Just a little distracted."

"Well try harder. School year is almost over and if you want into UA you must be prepared." The teacher was right. Yet Deku was glued in his mind. Ever since that day in the alley Shoto was off his game. A few times he thought he saw Deku across the street. What was wrong with him?

'I should have....asked Deku for his number...' Shoto thought as he stared at the chalk board.