Izuku’s mind snapped when All Might tells him he can’t be a hero. But once he meets some UA students, will he snap back to reality, or could he create the most feared group in all of Japan?
There he was.....all his dreams crushed, and by his idol of all people.
"Sorry but, without a quirk I don't think you can be a hero." All Mights words circled in his head. He really couldn't be a hero? No one believed in his dreams. Izuku was a normal kid, well not really normal since he didn't have a quirk. He had worked so hard wanting to be a hero, but with everyone breaking him down...now he reaches his limit.
Izuku was walking down the street when he saw it, a big explosion. 'Must be a villain' he thought. Izuku would have run to see what hero's would come but right then, he couldn't care. He just kept walking till he got home.
"Mom I'm home!" Izuku called out. A short, round, green haired woman popes out from a corner. Inko was her name. A stay at home mom with her husband over seas at work.
"How was your day dear?" Inko asked, her tone bright and happy.
"Oh it was alright." Izuku lies through grinning teeth, and inko saw through that smile, but ignored it.
The two are in almost silence with a little bit of small talk here and there. That night izuku was walking back and fourth in his room when suddenly he scratched his arm on the corner of his desk. 'Ow' he thought. Yet the pain felt....good, in a weird way. Izuku sat down on his bed with a razor piece he got from one of his moms razors.
'I shouldn't do this....it's wrong' Izuku tried to talk himself out of it.
'No you should. Just a few cuts will make it all better. You deserve to feel the pain.' Voices in his nipped at his brain like a pack of dogs. Without thinking, Izuku brought the razor to his arm, surprisingly it only hurt for a moment. Two cuts turned into four, four on one arm became five on the other. His hands shook, not knowing why he did what he did. Blood dropped down his arms onto his carpet. The red liquid stained his carpet in little spots. A smile slowly crawled it's way onto Izuku face. He took the razor and ripped the rest of the metal blades off, hiding them around is room and some in his pocket. That night Izuku went to sleep with a smile on his face, blood on his sheets, and the video of All Might left un watched for the first time.
The next morning
After waking up Izuku saw the dried blood scares on his arms and smiled once more. 'Better hide these before mom sees' he thought. His mind sounded empty with those voice crawling around in the back of his head. Izuku put on his uniform, thankfully it was long sleeves and covered his arms nicely. As he walked out of his room with his book bag to meet a smiling face.
"Izuku honey! How did u sleep?" Inko smiles brightly at her pride and joy.
"Oh I'm great mom~ Also no breakfast for me, I'm not hungry" Izuku's voice was deep and a little crazy sounding. It sent small chills down Inko's spine.
"O-ok. Have a good day dear." Inko couldn't help but watch as her son walked out of their home with that weird feeling to him. The feeling you get when something just isn't right....
At school
Izuku walked into his class room when suddenly he was knocked to the ground. His school books and founders flew everywhere.
"Oh my bad deku. Didn't see you there."
"Why do you always do this kacchan?" Kacchan was the nickname Izuku called Katsuki Bakugo. Deku is what Bakugo called Midoriya, he called him Deku since he said it meant "a person who is completely useless".
"The hell? You talking back to me nerd??" Tiny explosions went off in his hands as Deku turned on his back to face Bakugo.
"What if I am? What you gonna do about it? Bastared." Izuku couldn't believe what he was saying. He had never talked back to Bakugo before. The bully in question was taken back by this too. Until is foot came down on Izuku's chest making him let out a silent scream of pain.
"Don't forget what you are Deku! A quirk less no body!" Deku smiles at his words and stared at the boy.
"Oh I know kacchan." His voice got broken by a deep chuckle. "I know I'm worthless, and you will always be better than weak little mean." Bakugo stared back at Deku, completely taken back by his face. Izuku's face was dark and had a creepy smile. The look in his eyes weren't the sparkle, happy eyes he knew from childhood....no these eyes were dark and dull, no happiness anywhere. His foot came off Dekus chest and he backed up a little, a small pointy object in his pocket caught Bakugos attention.
"What's that in your pocket nerd?" Deku's hand covered the pocket and stood up. He grabbed his books and went to his seat.
"Nothing you should care about." Izuku's tone was dark and distance, something that rubes Bakugo the wrong way. That day Bakugo didn't bully Deku at all. The students and teachers wondered what was going on. Deku was cold to everyone and a little mean.
At lunch
"Hey what's that on your sleeve Deku?" A girl from his class passed by and saw a stain on his sleeve. Deku looked and saw one of his cuts came open and some blood got into it.
"It's nothing don't worry about it...." Bakugo came marching up and the girl backed away, everyone around stopped and watch seeing what was going on.
"Tell the fucking truth Deku."
"What do you mean kacchan~?" Deku meet Katsuki's eyes which made him flinch slightly.
"What's on your sleeve? Tell me now." Bakugo grabbed the color of Dekus shirt and tried to pull it up.
"Hey cut it out!" Deku yelled earning more attention. His shirt came sliding off showing his white shirt sleeve shirt under neath. Bakugo took the over shirt and looked at the sleeve. His eyes widened.
"Th-this is b-blood." Bakugo's voice was shaky and surprised. He grabbed Dekus arm and held it up so he could see. Deku has cut more of his arm during their last class. The grip on his skin caused the newest cuts to slowly come open and dripped down his shirt. A big smile crawled in Izuku's face again.
"What's wrong kacchan~? You look a little scared." Deku leaned up and licked his blood off his arm. The taste of blood filled his mouth. It was one of the most amazing taste he ever tasted. The room stared at him, some looked guilty, others scared and worried.
"Oh please," Deku pulled is arm away from Katsuki'a grip. "You all knew it would happen sooner or later." Deku grabbed his over coat and his stuff, putting it in his bag and stared to walk out of the room.
"Where are you going?!" His teacher yelled after him.
"You think I'm staying here? You must be dumber than I thought." With that Izuku walked out of his class, and out of the school. What happens next, changed his life and the life of another boy.....