
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to become something better and live the life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish. Will our main character finally develop to be better, or will he let the rot consume him and sow chaos? Yeah, Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP (A/n: Make sure to give a review.....) Also warning: some chapters will be edgy. And PS, the book cover is not mine.

Saptarasura · Outros
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30 Chs

True Plan: The Cyberverse... Ritualistic War? "Nah, Screw That" said Dr. Bright?

(3rd POV: Indra Brahman Adolf)

[Throne Of The Supernal Conformity]

Upon the dark violet webs that expand in every single direction without end, like fractals as the further you move away, the more complex these webs become, a realm devoid of any light except for the webs emitting a violet light. No entity exists in this realm except for one. 

Do you see this entity? The entity is right in front of you.

It's the webbing that ever expands in complexity. The darkness around represents the untamed chaos, as the webbing molds it by its designs as a manifestation of pure Stasis that binds together the different Realms. Yet, both the eldritch chaos and the webs have kept themselves in some form of unity, where one is at a constant stalemate with the other.

Below all of that is an unyielding form untouched by all, deeply hidden within the darkness, creating a dark fog of purple around the enormous entity. It slumbers as it uses its consciousness to pilot what goes on within the ever-expanding realms. If this form were ever to set forth outside, it would leave a Quiet End to reality.

{{{What shall I do? Maybe I should begin the formation of a realm that connects to the very internet of this world—a computerverse.}}} The voice spoke within the dead silent realm. The voice didn't give off a thunderous roar but instilled a sense of control.

{{{I'll have to connect something to this variant of Earth in order to start my plan with that Broken God, and the internet is a perfect place to start while watching who would be able to finish their ritual first...

It's a good thing that I didn't tell Bright that the spiders from Yellowstone were actually trying to connect one of my realms to the material world, and not the good kind... I hope that the foundation succeeds in summoning me before that happens, but if they don't, then I'll just improvise for the hell of it.}}} What came out of the mist were needle-like claws as he moved them around like crackling whips, and through the pure darkness, no, the entire darkness within the realm of the Veiler's throne began moving.

Stretching into what looked like a pair of wings that overshadowed the glowing webs and kept stretching further beyond the scope of the naked eye, its countless eyes glowed a dark violet.

The mist grew even stronger as its immature body rose even higher; as the spider-like horror manifested, purple deadlights began forming around the juvenile's body, which could only be described as being given an unprecedented number of dimensions. It spoke one last time.

{{{And if that computer verse is made, it would make things easier to find parts of Mekhane, and to check if bitcoin exists in their world... I don't know if I should piece them all together to see what happens, OR I could make something out of their parts... To create something, no̴̟̹̟̼ͩ̈́͑̿͗͠͡ I would need Mekhane to find one particular branch from a different narrative of this world... And also.

I heard both Mekhane and Yaldabaoth were female... FUCK OFF ME!!! I NEED TO CAUSE MY DAILY DEVIOUS MISCHIEF!!!! Also, I am pretty busy with my realms, too, and creating anchors... I'm not lonely.}}}... And there Indra goes, ruining the scene by being down bad... But his grind won't stop. But at what cause?

After Indra spoke in a sour mood, his spiritual pressure was unleashed for a microsecond, causing that burst of energy to be pushed to the lower realms by the purple webbing. He fell back to a slumber so that he could use his minor manifestation in another part of the Supernal Realm to move around freely, to watch Dr. Bright from afar to see his choice.






[Location: Site 17]

(POV: Dr. Bright)

I was starting to feel better after my sixth shot of vodka while sitting inside God's containment room. He threw an ice pack to my head and said, "So, when are you going to report your findings to the Council? They must be pretty desperate to even put you in charge of finding anomalies." 

He brought up a good point, and I told him, "After I finish this last shot... Then, I'll teleport to their location to tell them my findings. However little information I've gained, it should be more than helpful enough. That bastard was probably sugarcoating the ritual that the spiders were trying to do. But all I can do is gamble and beat them to the ritual with this in my hand."

I pulled out the engine in my hands, and 343 widened his eyes in amazement, "And this entity wanted you to use that. as the main ritual?" I hooked my head. Yes, even though it's pretty hard to let this engine of mine go... Or should I try using it on myself now to test my luck? I looked at 343 as if he knew what I was thinking about.

"Are you going to try using the SWANN engine on yourself now? Did you try using it with the entity?" I answered as I didn't need to lie at all.

"I did try to use it on myself, but the Entity named Indra canceled the engine... But I think I'm going to use it now to erase the spiders in the national park... Before I explain my findings." 343 shrugged his shoulders and spoke.

"Frankly, do whatever you want. I believe that sometimes you shouldn't play into another's game by their rules." I looked at 343 with suspicion and said.

"You were never this supportive before, except when you helped me rake off bets between XK-class End-of-the-World Scenarios... *Ha* You son of a bitch.." I started to realize as I began to chuckle a bit, and 343 whistled away as he looked away from my direction. But he looked back with a goofy grin.

"He would make a pretty good contender, no?" From what I saw, I think the new anomaly being pretty good as a contender would be an understatement. I wonder if he could actually kill me? Maybe if I were to meet him again, I could ask that question next time. I already had the engine in my hands and tweaked it so that my soul would only temporarily reach a higher Narrative.

"Alright, 343. Is it alright for me to use this engine inside here?" 343 sighed and said.

"Just try not to destroy my containment, Jack." I gave him my famous smile.

"Of course I won't! You have my word, buddy, that an explosion won't occur?" I spoke as confidently as I could, but I seriously don't know if I trust myself when using this thing occasionally.

I held it up next to my chest and pressed the button, and a bright blue light flashed before my eyes.

(3rd POV: SCP 343)

343 watched on while Dr. Bright was transforming into a higher narrative. His body was vibrating so fast that blue electricity was sparkling all over it; with that, his physical body was erased to transcend his soul and erase those spiders from existence. Leaving 343 shaking his head.

"Oh, Jack... I feel like your brain has been fried ever since you were transported back here... But, whatever, he was transported back with only a few concussions... 

He probably did that to himself while trying to get to his objective. I think that damn doctor left something important as to why the anomaly was able to nullify a SWANN engine, of all things... And why didn't it take it from him in the first place?" 343 was mulling over the reasons, but in the end, time will tell. He went back to find his favorite tea in a cupboard in his containment area, as sometimes the process of finding something is a lot more fun than snapping his fingers to get his tea...






[Location: Yellowstone Park's Outside Perimeter.)

(3rd POV: Dr. Gears)

'Something tells me that whatever these spiders are doing, we should stop them. I don't know if it's my instinct telling me this, but they're building something like a tower. That reminds me of The Tower Of Babylon.

This might have a few similarities with that tower, but this feels more like a summoning from a cult group, incredibly similar to The Church Of The Broken God...

Everything from these spider's behavior just reminds me of that scene when trying to contain one of their pieces of the machine... They have such a high intelligence from the time I've studied their behavioral patterns as they seem only violent when one of our operatives got closer.'

Dr. Gear's was somewhat fascinated with these spiders as he watched as they built an ever-expanding tower as if trying to connect it to something. With the Doctor's instinct on full drive, he was about to call the higher-ups to call in a more combative operative group for an immediate extermination. Still, a blue light appeared in his view in the camera that seemed to be a humanoid.

Dr. Gears put a hand on the side of his face, trying to guess who it was until it clicked, and upon that click, he had a scowl on his face. 'What the hell are you doing here, Bright?' Doctor Gear's was entirely confused as to why he used THAT item, of all things, but at the same time, thankful that he didn't have to call anyone... Quite a new feeling for Dr. Gear's, especially when Bright of all the people he works with popped out of nowhere.

From Gear's point of view, the 'humanoid' waved his hand and erased the spiders and the tower from existence. Dr. Gears stood up, started to put all of his information about the new anomaly SCP-00000-3 into a terminated file, and said.

"Welp... I guess my job is done without a hitch." His heart ached after all of the work he had just filed over his observations was nullified because of Bright... At least he has a few samples of the web, he thought.






[Location: Realm: Incomplete Cyberverse.]

(POV: Indra Brahman Adolf)

I was intently observing from the countless cyber screens, wondering what Dr. Bright's choice was going to be, and he did not hesitate to use that SWANN engine. Oh, I had such a bright smile on my face.

I was able to analyze it within the time period I held that delicate machinery in my hands, but all I needed was for Jack Bright to use it on himself or for him to sacrifice it for me.

But I am so s̞̖͒a̜̽̕t̻͂i̡̔s̻̽f̱̺͋ḯ̦̯e͉͋̍d̮͛ͅ to see how it worked and how it affected the narratives around him, he had ascended just like how I thought he would, now I can imagine what type of realm I'll create with narratives after connecting my own engine to my cyber realm, and boot it's connection to the internet on earth, unlike what those spiders were trying to bring about, this realm is almost entirely hidden unless you find it accidentally like the backrooms... Huh? Would calling this place The Cyber Rooms be a cheap knockoff to the backrooms? Meh, I'll call it parody...

(Third POV:)

A humanoid jester was sitting on a metallic chair and laughing with joy while watching the monitors of his almost-finished realm. The laughter slowly died down as he pressed a button, calling in one of his mechanical spirits.

Indra spoke to the mechanical spirit, "Has the engine been connected to the convergent core, Zelta?" 

Zelta answered, "Of course, Lord Indra. The engine and the core are connected. Would you like me to start it now?" Indra, The Jester in Purple, smiled with glee as his predatory eyes glowed.

"Start it now, Zelta." As Zelta obeyed, the spirit body glowed white, a beam of light appeared, and Zelta disappeared. With Indra waiting patiently upon his not-so-comfortable chair, he heard the core starting from afar, and he felt the engine working smoothly. The mechanized realm began to take shape from its incomplete self as it was beginning to attach itself to the internet from Earth.

"Finally... The Cyberverse shall begin... And it's all because of you, Jack Bright!!!! I'll finally get to see if Bitcoin exists!!" His soul-crushing voice echoed across the newly formed realm, and demonic laughter was the only sound in this dimension...





(A/n: And to set out into gaining influence... Right?) 

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