
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

The Ghost of Madine's peak

The gang was very lucky to get on the ship that would let them go to saffron city while they were on the ship, Ash decided to evelove the last three Evee's. He gave them the fire stone, water stone and Thunder stone to the three of them. They evolved into flareon, vaporeon and Jolteon.

"Hey look over there!" Yellow said in the morning as they continued to sail off. They all looked to where she was pointing to see a small island.

"That must be the Madien's peak," Brock said. "The ship will be going there."

"It would matter to me if I wouldn't see a land again," Brock said, looking very sad, "I just wasted another summer."

Ash said,"But, we had a wkole summer of adventure."

"For kids summer means playing on the beach, splasing around, having funbut for me....summer means, bikini, and girls wear them!" Brock said before looking down in sadness,"Now, bikini season's over and I have to wait another year to meet a girl and to make girl friend."

Everyone looked at him annoyed.

"He was fine yesterday. " Yellow comented

Ash surrged.

They looked back at the sea and Glissle gazed at the island as they were approaching it. Yellow noticed stands around and

smiled,"Hey, what's going on there?"

"Look like there's a festival going on." Misty replied

"How about we check it out?" Yellow said

"Sure why not?" Glissle said and they started to walk back to their room before stopping ahen they noticed Brock was still on the floor.

Glissle looked angry,"Come on, Brock! Let's get our bag! "She grabbed him by the shirt and started to drag him away as others except Ash quickly followed. Ash just smiled and Followed them.


When the ship finally stopped at the dock, Ash and his friends got out and looked around.

"Amazing." yellow said

"I'll ride the feris wheel all alone." Brock said in sadness

Ash siged, "oh bro."

"Come on Brock cheer up we are at a festival." Ash encouraged

"Yeah, let's go have some fun." Yellow said


They stopped at a shooting game stanbd where you shoot as many target as possible and highest score gets the grand prize. Ash and Glissle immediately wanted to try it. Funny enough they won it and got a master ball each.

After walking for a bit, Glissle was getting annoyed by Brock's mood.

"Would you stop?" Glissle said

Brock was looking down, "she was most beutiful girl I've ever seen." (He saw the madiens peaks ghost and he has fallen in love with her.)

Ash, yellow, Glissle and Misty looked at him in confusing. Well Ash knew who Brock was talking about: the Ghost of Madien's peak.

"Hey you there." A voice spoke behind Brock and he quickly turned around.

"Are you the beutiful---" He stopped when he looked down to see an old woman looking up at him. Brock stepped back,"You're not the beutiful girl."

"Who's not beutiful?" The old woman asked, looking offendend, "Beware, not of a old beauty like me, but a young beauty or you'll met a crule fate."

"The girl on the rock, I have to meet her." Brock said

The old woman turned to Ash who flinched at her stare.

"Well, we better get going. " Glissle grabbed Brock by the back of his shirt as the others followed

They continued to walk untill they saw people were gathering around the shrine. They walked closer and pushed themseles to the front row to see an old man with a painting that was hung underneath a cover.

"Welcome everyone!" The man said,"To celebrate the summer festival, we will now represent the shine of the Madien's greatest treasure. For 2000 years, this painting has been hung in the shrine of madien. Once in a year, it is removed from the shrine, and displayed for the public during the festival. "He grabbed the sheet and pulled it away, showinh a painting of a young woman, who had her hands together looking sad.

The gang looked in amazement.

" it's her but it can't be. "Brock said while taking few steps towards the painting with... James?

Glissle pointed at james in confusion while the other were also confused.

"She's so beutiful."Brock said

"She's the girl of my dreams, don't wake me up." James said gazing at the painting as they both started to walk towards it.

The old man held his hands up to their faces,"Stay back. The woman in the painting has died 2,000 years ago." He said

"2,000." Brock said

"She was in love with a brave young man, but he left her and sail away to fight in a war." The man said,"she waited for him, in a very long time, hoping to see his ship on the horizon, but her true love never returned to the place. Still, she waited and waited, never moving from that spot, until finally her body turned into stone. Just like the cliff upon, she stood. To this day her lover never returned."

"Just tell me, where's this rock?" Brock said

"Madien's rock is a little away from this shrine." the man answered

With the answer Brock started to run towards the shrine. The gang followed behind.

"Brock wait." Ash said


As they reached to the cliff, the sun was strting to set. Brock was leaning on the railing as we looked at the stone of a young woman at the other side of the railing.

"So that's the Maiden's rock," Brock said looking at the rock,"It's the most beutiful rock I've ever seen. If she was my girlfriend, I'd made sure she would never be out of my site."

Ash grabbed Brock's hand and said,"Come on Brock let's go."

Brock pulled away and said,"No I have to stay here. She will come, I know it."

Ash, Yellow, Glissle and Misty exchanged a worried look.


It was night now, and they were still at the cliff, waiting for the girl(ghost) to appead. Brock was sitting on the grass while facing the back of the rock. Ash and his group except Brock were starting to fall asleep, so they decided to head back to pokemon center to sleep there.

"No matter how long you wait here, a rock is a rock Brock." Ash said

"Yeah we are tried." Others said

"Why don't you all go and get a little sleep. I will be joining you soon." Brock said

"You know where we're staying right?" Ash asked

"At the pokemon center."Brock said, " I'll be there soon."

The group heasited but said okay and walked away.


As they waited Ash called his mother, prof. Oak, Misty's siter, Mealnie and Daisy for a hour or so. When the call ended it was getting quite late so they started to get worried a little. So they went to the place where they left Brock a few hours ago.

"Brock where are you?" Ash yelled

"Where are you Brock?" Glissle yelled

As the others also called Brock and continued to search for him.

"James! James! If you're not here at least come and tell us!" Two voices said at same time

The heard a familiar voice near them, and they all looked over to see jessie and Meowth, who both then looked at them.

"It's the twerps." Jessie said

"What are you doing here?" Glissle asked maintaining a glare

Before the fight begin Ash intervned and said,"You 're missing someon too?"He said notiching james was not with them.

"Yeah we can't find him." Meowth said

Jessie cleared her voice and said,"Prepare for trouble!"She said trying to imitate Jame's voice, who was not there."Make it double."She said, "Doing it by myshelf is a real drag. To protect the world from devastation. To unite all people of our nation. To denounce the evils of truth and love."

Suddenly they heard a low voice saying, "To extend our reaches to the star above."

They all looked around in confusion and jessie said,"Jessie"


They looked around but couldn't see James anywhere.

"Team Rocket blast off at speed of light."

They all looked to the small house near them and then, James thrown out as he called, "Surrender now or prepare to fight." James said landing beside Jessie and Meowth.

"He looks awful." Meowth said

"Wotse than usual." Jessie said and suddenly Brock was also thrown from the house.

"Brock." Ash said kneeling next to him

"Pull youshelf together." Jessie told James,"What do you think you are doingsaid

"So everything turned out as I predicted." A old woman's voice said

"It's the same old woman from yesterday." Ash said looking at her.

"Obviouly this two have been possesd by the Madien's ghost." The old woman said

"Ghost of Madien. " They all repated but suddenly Brock and James wake up and started to walk towards the Madien's statue but Ash quickly commanded pikachu to use thunderbolt due to which both of them fall on the ground.

Brock wake up and said,"Who am I? I'm Brock."

Ash and the others smiled.

"Brock's back." Ash said.

James sat up and said ,"I'm james from Team Rocket."

"Come with me." The old woman walked into the house and the others quickly followed. All of them sat down.

The old woman said,"All man who passes this way, fell under the Madien's spell."She said,"It's always the same story, over and over. We find them here, acting like zombies with lofe suck out of them, mumbling like a idiot. It's work of thet Madien's ghost. Still waiting for her young soilder to return. It's just as I warned you."

"So waht, who cares, as long as I can be with her." Brock said with a daze

All the people in the room looked at him with shock and Ash waved his hand infront of his eyes but he didn't notice.

"He isn't cured." Misty said

"I'm scared You've to do something." James said

"There's only one thing we can do about it. " The woman said and they all looked at her,"We have stickers,"She walked closer, sticking two on both Jame's and Brock's head. "These are anti ghost stickers. However I can't give you those stickers free."


They bought the anti-ghost stivkers and stuck them around the house and on James and Brock. They waited at night for the ghost inside the house, and to their surprise the doors opened up."She's here."They heard the old man saying

The wind blew fast around them, pulling stickers away from the walls, from Brocks and James. To their shock, they saw the ghost of the women at the opened doors.

Brock stood up and stare at her,"It's you."

"I've been waiting for you." The ghost said

"Yes, and I've been waiting for you also." Brock said

James was shaking with fright ,"I'm scared, really scared. "

"I've wanted to meet you." The ghost said

"And I also." Brock said

Suddenly he and James were lifted in the air. Brock was floating after the ghost as she floated away.

"Brock." Ash called before he and his friends followed him.

"I don't want to go. I don't want to go." They heard James behind them as they grabbed Brock's leg before he could reach to the ghost over the rock.

"Brock." Glissle said

Brock looked down at them,"Hey, let me go."

They ignored him and pushed him down.

"I don't want to go." James said as the gang looked at him flying towards the ghost. Then they saw a missile hitting the ghost, but it went straight within her, making the ghost let go of James, and he grabbed the railing before he could fall into the earth.

Ash and his friends looked at Jessie in surprise, seeing she was the one who fired the missile, "Hey Jessie, you can't take him, you haven't got a ghost of a chance. "

James looked at her with a relif,"You really care."

"It's not cause of you." Jessie said,"Girls like her disgust me. Always waiting around for her man as if she was a faitful pet. She can't stand of the thought of losing me. She cries and wait till the end. There are plenty more man in the world."

Mewoth crossed his arms,"You are right."

"I've been waiting, you can not interfere. " The ghost said before sending wind around them. Right after it stopped, severl ghostly figure appeared, laughing. Jessie and Meowth quickly ran to stand beside James, Ash and his friends.

"What is that?" Yellow asked

"Not any pokemon I know. " Ash pulled out his pokedesk and point at the Madien's spirit.

[Gastly, a Ghost pokemon. It is usally invisible. It's specialty is Hypnosis. It evovles into haunter.]

"So you're really a pokemon?" Ash said

"So, you finally figured it out," The gastly replied,"Sometimes I'm the ghost of a 2,000 yeara old Madien. It changed to the old woman, " And sometimes I'm the mysterious old woman, but no matter what the disguise, I'll always be.."It started to change, into gastly. "Only gastly."

"Pikachu(A gastly which can talk)." Pikachu said

"And here I thought Meowth was only the talking pokemon." Ash said

"The true reason why you posed as the maiden so that she would never forgotten, right?" Ash said

Gastly looked surprised and then nodded,"Yes."

"Wait a minute." Meowth said,"Are you telling us fhat this whole time you were the ghost madien?"

"Yes, I was the ghost madien." Gastly replied

"That doesn't matter now. A talking gastly will be a perfect gift for boss."

"You're right. Let's catch it." James said

Meowth leped forward and used fury swipes towards gastly.

"So, Meowth you want to play games with me?" Gastly asked, "Here's a cat foy I think You'll enjoy. " A ball sudenly appeared, making Meowth stop running towards Gastly and quickly turned to ball play with.

Jessie threw her pokeball and said,"Go Arbock."

Arbock was realsed and went straight towards gastly. The moment when Arbock wrapped itshelf around the gastly, Gastly turned into mongoose.

The mongoose smirked,"Dinner time."

Arbock quickly ran away from it and hid right behind Team Rocket. Jessie looled annoyed, turned to James,"Your turn."

James blinked before letting weezing out,"Weezing use Poison gas."

Weezing did as it was told, but the mongoose stomped Weezing down.

"You know that? James and Meowth. Boss didn't need a gastly." Jessie said returning her pokemon

"Indeed. There's always another rare pokemon to give to Boss." James quickly returned his pokemon and ran off, grabbing Meowth on the way.

The gang watched them hurry off and then turned to Gastly.

"Gastly, how come you can't tell that Ghost madien that her lover is no longer alive? He's probably still waiting for her in afterlife." Glissle said

Gsatly said sadly,"I have tried. But it seems that she knows in her heart that he'll come. So I disguised myshelf as the madien so that she'll always be remembered. "

"So that means. She won't be able to pass on?" Misty asked

Gastlt noded sadly.

Suddenly at that moment, Ash felt nearby and turned around to see a spirit of a young man.

"My love." A male voice said

"Gastly is that the madien'a lover?" Yellow asked

Gastly noded in shock, "yes, he's finally come back to her."

The gang gasped at that. The ghost walked over to the rock madien. A light came from the rock and then a ghost appered. It was the real madien from the painting.

"My love you have came back to me at last." The madien said

The madien and the male ghost hugged, and the madien cried tears of Joy. The gang and gastly were smiling at the scene.

"You as well."The madien said, " Where have yoy been all these years?"

"I don't even know myshelf. As I was dying All I could think about was seeing you and I plungled into darkness and then I was surrounde by light. I wonderd around for some time. Strangley enough, I cam across a bright light and I was here." The young ghost said

"Well, I'm glad you're finally here." The madien said with a smile and turned to gastly,"Thank you for everything gastly. "

"I was glad to help." Gastly said

Soon the two faded away and the sun began to rise.

"Well Ash what about you catch me?" Gastly said

Ash was shocked hereing it and asked,"Are you sure about that Gastly?"

Gastly said,"I have done my work and I've nothing to do. So yes"

Ash smiled threw a pokeball towards Gastly and ball started to beep till it was caught. Ash was happy to finally catch a pokemon.

"What a night." Glissle said and Everyone agreed

"Well let's get some sleep and then we will go to the festival. " Ash said

"Good idea." Everyone agreed


The gang slept nearly the whole day as they were awake the entire night. Then the evning come and they were all refreshed

Right now they were watching the citizen of Madien's peak put the candle lantens on the water.

"Pretty." Misty said.

"We hope that all the wondering spirit will be able to rest in peace." The gang said as they watched the lantens float on water


Soon after that the gang were back at the pokemon center putting on their kimmino and after all of them are finally finished with it.

"Okay we're finished."Th girls said

" we're also finished."The boys said

Ash said, "we should get going."

"Right." Brock said

After that Ash and the gang went to the festival and Ash to dance with all the girls. To be true it was a pretty crazy for the gang.

To be continued


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon.

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandslash, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow(11), seaking, Garydos, spewerow(20), pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio, dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy), squirtle, umbreon and Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon and Gastly.

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy waterflower , lily, violet, Glissel, Mealine, Yellow and Daisy oak

Current Ash's Legandry & Mythical -Mew

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

Antarip_Ghoshcreators' thoughts