
The Journey of Blaze

It is the Journey of Blaze who Reincarnated as Luffys Twin brother

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11 Chs

Chapter 4 : Fateful Encounters

Chapter 4: Fateful Encounters

The tranquil village of Fusha was abuzz with excitement as news spread that the renowned Red Hair Pirates, led by the legendary captain Shanks, had arrived to restock their ship. Shanks, a figure revered across the seas, was known for his strength, charisma, and unwavering loyalty to his crew.

Blaze, aware of Luffy's eventual acquisition of the Devil Fruit ability, observed the events unfolding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. He understood the power and consequences that came with consuming a Devil Fruit, but he also recognized the impact it would have on Luffy's journey.

As the evening settled in, the Red Hair Pirates found solace in Partys Bar, a cozy establishment owned by Makino. The air was filled with laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the tantalizing aroma of food. Makino, tending the bar, served Shanks and his crew with a warm smile.

Blaze, aware of the Devil Fruit that Shanks had snatched from the clutches of the World Government, watched intently from a distance. He understood that the fruit would eventually fall into Luffy's hands, shaping the course of his destiny. But he made a conscious decision to let fate take its course, to allow Luffy to make his own choices.

In a moment of jest, Shanks playfully taunted Luffy, poking fun at his dreams of becoming a pirate. In an attempt to impress the captain, Luffy grabbed a nearby box and voraciously bit into its contents without hesitation. A sudden realization washed over the room—a Devil Fruit had unknowingly entered Luffy's possession.

The bandits, sensing an opportunity, burst into the bar, their intentions nefarious. Chaos erupted as they seized Luffy and swiftly made their escape on a small boat. The Red Hair Pirates, taken aback but resolute, were quick to react. Shanks, with a look of determination in his eyes, knew that he had to save the boy who had just unwittingly eaten the Devil Fruit.

In a dramatic display of courage, Shanks leaped into the water, his crew rallying behind him. As the sea churned and a massive sea king emerged, threatening to consume Luffy, Shanks positioned himself between the creature and his young friend. A flash of pain pierced through the air as the sea king snapped its jaws, severing Shanks' left hand in the process.

Blaze, witnessing the bravery and sacrifice of Shanks, felt a surge of emotion welling within him. In that moment, he awakened his own latent ability—the Blacklight Virus. Darkness enveloped his form, and an otherworldly power surged through his veins. Flames flickered within his eyes as he charged forward, determined to save his brother and repay the debt of gratitude to Shanks.

With a single swing of his arm, Blaze unleashed a torrent of inky darkness infused with the Blacklight Virus. The bandits, caught off guard, were engulfed by the darkness, their bodies withering and decaying at an alarming rate. In the midst of the chaos, Blaze reached out and pulled Luffy back onto the safety of the ship.

As the Blacklight Virus subsided, Blaze looked upon Shanks, his heart filled with gratitude and admiration. The sacrifice of the captain, the loss of his hand, and the profound impact it would have on his own journey became etched in Blaze's memory. Shanks had not only saved Luffy's life but had also awakened Blaze's own potential.

The events of that day would forever shape the path of Luffy, Blaze, and their brothers. They had witnessed the power of brotherhood, the consequences of consuming a Devil Fruit