
The Inventory of 20 Traveling Kings, the opening background of Luffy

Introduction: On the eve of the Summit War, a mysterious projection descended on Pirate World. Twenty king-level titles will be publicly selected, starting with [Background King] Luffy. Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the leader of the Four Emperors has red hair, and his master is Dark King Rayleigh... As Luffy's background was exposed, other supernovas were numb. We are going out to sea to be pirates, you are a rich second generation experiencing life! ... When the titles of the kings continued to burst out, the world of Pirates ushered in a violent shock! Buggy: King of luck? As expected of me! Shanks: Are you the king of faces? Haha, this inventory really gives me some faces~ Kaido: Wait, what the hell is this, the King of Hundred Disciples? ?!?! Kizaru: How dare you say that I am the master of paddling? slander! This is absolutely slander! Luffy: The background king, the prison king, the harem king, the sit-up king...all these are talking about me? Higuma: Smash the four emperors with a wine bottle, step on the future Pirate king, who is the strongest sailing? Only me Higuma mountain thief king! Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated. Feilu Novel.com's exclusive signed novel: "Inventory of the Twenty Kings of Voyage, King Lufei of the Opening Background"

hybenash · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 1 The Heavenly Dao Inventory System is coming soon, an inventory of twenty traveling kings!

The sea calendar is 1520 years old.

An unprecedented riot broke out on the Sabaody Island.

Monkey D. Luffy, the straw hat boy, fought against the Celestial Dragons at the population auction!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

The Navy Headquarters sent Admiral Kizaru, leading a large number of naval soldiers, to rush to the Sabaody Islands to capture the Straw Hats.

And the three pirate groups headed by the three supernovas Luffy, Kidd, and Law encountered the navy's siege outside the population auction at this moment.

The situation is chaotic.

And at moments like this...


A strange fluctuation suddenly came from above the sky.

In an instant, it has spread all over the entire pirate world!


The world seemed to be paused.

Everyone's movements were frozen at this moment!

Not only that,

the ships sailing the seas,

Sails and banners blown by the wind,

Bubbles rising from the Sabaody islands,

bullets fired from the muzzle,

the birds of the sky,

Fish swimming in the sea...

Everything is frozen!

At this moment, the whole world was completely silent!


People's consciousness and perception are not static with such a freeze.

next moment!

All can hear...

A cold, majestic, and emotionless mechanical sound suddenly sounded!

"Ding! The Heavenly Dao Inventory System has been successfully bound to this world!"

"During the Tiandao inventory, the world will fall into a time stop state, and everyone will be unable to act."

"The Tiandao screen will broadcast various inventory videos to all living beings in the world, and randomly ask questions about the content of the videos."

"The audience who answer the question correctly will have the opportunity to get the mysterious reward of Heaven!"

"Rewards include, but are not limited to: devil fruit, body skills experience pack, swordsmanship experience pack, Haki experience pack, resurrection crystal, special abilities and special props from different worlds, etc..."

"During the Tiandao inventory, all viewers can speak and communicate in the Tiandao chat group."

"The number of speeches is directly proportional to its own strength."

"The Heavenly Dao screen is projecting..."

"The Tiandao chat group is recruiting members..."

Along with that cold and majestic mechanical sound continued to sound.

next moment,

Everyone in One Piece World can clearly feel that,

Something similar to a projection screen appeared in front of their eyes.


More precisely it should be...

Appeared in their minds!

For even those whose eyes are now closed,

Or the blind who cannot see with both eyes,

It is also possible to clearly see the emergence of a projection screen.

at the same time,

Beside that projection screen,

There is also something like a chat box.

A series of system reminders are constantly popping up.

[Sengoku has joined the group chat. ]

[Monkey D. Dragon has joined the group chat. ]

[Edward Newgate has joined the group chat. ]

[Gol D. Roger has joined the group chat. ]

[Rocks D. Xebec has joined the group chat. ]

[Monkey D. Luffy has joined the group chat. ]



This is the Tiandao chat group mentioned by that cold voice just now.

[Sengoku: What's the situation? Is the whole world still? real or fake? ]

[Kizaru: Ugh~ everything around me is really frozen, it's so scary~]

[Kuzan: Heavenly Dao Inventory System? I've never heard of such a thing before...]

[Sakazuki: Hmph! It must be the gang of the Whitebeard Pirates who came up with a trick to save Fire Fist Ace! ]

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la ~ Akainu kid, you really spit blood when you come up! ]

[Marco: The ability to influence the entire world, Red Dog, you think highly of our Whitebeard Pirates, right? ]

[Jozu: If we really had the ability, we would have wiped out your navy headquarters long ago! ]

[Kaido: What the hell is this Tiandao inventory system? How dare you interrupt me for a drink! ]

[Charlotte Linlin: I was about to eat a freshly baked cake when this ghost caught me. The delicious cake was right in front of me. I can see it but couldn't eat it. I'm so mad at this ! ! ! ]

[Gol D. Roger: Yo! There are really many old acquaintances in this chat group~]

[Silvers Rayleigh: Roger? Are you even pulled in? ]

[Shanks: Captain Roger? ! Could it be said that this Tiandao chat group can even bring in dead people? ]

[Silver Axe: Hmm...it seems to be the case. ]

[John: I was almost bored to death in the world of the dead, now I finally have some fun! ]

[Rocks D. Xebec: If I heard correctly, the voice just now seemed to say... There are resurrection crystals among the rewards for answering the questions correctly! Does this mean that I have a possibility of being resurrected? ! ]

[Monkey D. Garp: Rocks, if a guy like you is resurrected, it would not be a good thing for this world! ]

[Donquixote Doflamingo: Furfurfur~ I always feel that the arrival of this Heavenly Dao inventory system will cause this sea to fall into an unprecedented rampage! ]

[Monkey D. Luffy: Damn it! I don't care what the law is, let me go quickly! How can I fight the navy like this? ! ]

[Trafalgar D. Water Law: Straw Hat, I advise you to give up. Until this so-called Tiandao inventory is over, all of us have to maintain this state. ]

[Eustace Kidd: Seriously...how could I somehow get mixed up with idiots like the Straw Hat Kid? ]


As audiences continue to enter,

The Tiandao chat group suddenly became extremely lively.

And just after everyone chatted enthusiastically for a while...

The cold mechanical voice sounded in everyone's ears again.

"Tiandao screen projected successfully!"

"All members of Tiandao chat group have been pulled!"

"Next, the first inventory theme will be played—"

"Twenty Kings of the Pirate World!"