
Live for we are all dead

Clark had lost track of time in the cave finding himself trying something new to regain control over himself.

[Meditation Lv.11]

He was meditating trying to balance out the dark that seemed to be drifting in.  It helped as well that meditating seemed to make it easier to feel out his energy reserves even being capable of actually feeling the unnatural energy that was keeping him from using all he had.

Clark was sitting at a delicate balance his growing control of the ectoplasmic energy was allowing his body to purge more of the foreign energy out.

Opening his eye's slowly Clark looked around at the crystals all over the place that were beginning to take on a slight orange glow inside of them.  It was something he had been keeping an eye on as time passed even the furniture, he had carefully made was seemingly changing taking on some qualities that he could feel.

Standing up from the kneeling position that he had been in Clark paused feeling something shift about the island it wasn't the first time he had felt it either.

The longer he was on the island the more that an odd shifting sensation was happening like the whole thing was shifting out of alignment but seemed to snap back to normal a few moments later.

That shifting feeling seemed to be lasting longer and longer with each reoccurrence and yet each time it happened Clark only felt stronger.

Drifting out of the cave he was now transformed looking out over the jungle as his mind stretched out along little waves of ectoplasmic energy he was releasing into the air.

[36 life signs detected]

[1 Higher Ghost form detected]

His system processed the returned information for Clark though seeing the number of lives having fallen by twenty told him something was happening again.

Hovering there in midair Clark heard it before he saw it turning intangible as a giant fist passed through where he was hovering followed by the familiar half man half gorilla body.

Returning to a physical state Clark shot forward energy concentrated around his fist as he knocked aside the larger ghost sending it careening into the jungle below.

[Higher Ghost Form is estimated to still be two times stronger than host current capabilities especially as energy is still 60% sealed]

"Ah you are just trying to hurt my feelings now." Clark's knuckles cracked as he clenched them. "You are basing those odds off of information you have but you don't know everything."

Both of Clark's fists began to glow like mini stars as his back returned to normal flesh and blood part of one leg doing the same.

"I can't pull together a massive amount of energy but what I have with the practice I have had will be enough."

Roaring Clark shot towards the ground fist slamming into the side of the larger ghost as the star like glow around it dimmed by a tenth from just the first blow though a chunk was torn off of the bigger ghost.

Barely leaning his head back, a clawed hand swept through the air where his head had been the glow around one fist halving as it spread to his right foot smashing down against the ghost's chest.

The sound of bones breaking filled the air as the ghost gave a gargled roar trying to turn intangible to escape Clark only to find it not happening.

"I am smarter than I look simply because I was failing my schooling at a place filled with super geniuses doesn't mean I didn't belong."

Clark had redirected the energy released in the stomp throughout the larger ghost while forcing it to move erratically disrupting a number of powers.

He discovered the little trick completely by accident when he had accidentally failed to use a power because the energy was too chaotic to use correctly.

Simply put he was disrupting most of its advantages at the expense of his limited supply of energy.

His thoughts had apparently distracted him too much as a claw swiped across his leg the flesh one blood splashing across the ground while he snarled at the ghost.

Muscles were damaged and severed with one blow the type of injury that would require time to heal.  Floating the still transformed parts of his left leg Clark stomped down twice more expending all the energy in his right foot.

Though now the ghost was sporting a dented chest that was practically flattened paper thin by the foot resting in the center of it.

There was no healing happening for the bigger ghost its abilities were too disrupted to actually be used even instinctually.  It still reached up slowly towards Clark growling around the ectoplasm spilling out of its mouth.

But now that it was so weak Clark could hear something else behind the growls a softer humanity buried deep inside his hands reaching down slowly as they returned to glowing more of his body returning to normal flesh.

Turning them intangible Clark reached in forcing the energy still glowing around his fists to latch onto the different feeling underneath the primal rage.

Grunting he started pulling in two different directions focusing more on the metaphysical part of what he wanted to do a guttural roar sounding out across the island.

Slowly the form of the man gorilla began to separate into a more ghostly gorilla with a thin pale man appearing in Clark's other hand.

Yet the two were still tethered by a wrist thick strand of ectoplasmic energy he could see between them.

"Live..." A weak voice escaped the man.

"Die..." A deep strong voice came from the gorilla that one really caught Clark's attention.

"Or both!" The two spoke in sync voices overlapping as the cable connecting them thinned rapidly.

"Live for we are all dead here!"

The two melted away into puddles of ectoplasm within moments of speaking.

All around the sky flickered and changed as a green glow settled over the island the water flowing along the shores in all directions now being revealed to float above a void.

Floating up Clark looked out in every direction seeing more expanding green void in all directions a couple of chunks of land floating within fifty miles of the island.

[True Terriotory claimed]

[Ghost Zone Island]

[The island has long since hovered in-between the ghost zone and the normal world only held in place due to the spirit that roamed it]

[Heart of the island Unlocked fully]

Crystals containing a deep orange glow tore out of the mountain hanging above it as a deep orb of energy pulsed between them.

Yet below he could still feel the room just more clearly like a mental snapshot was in his mind.  Though now he knew that the chairs and other pieces of furniture were being saturated with his particular energy.

All over the island he could feel the survivor the more hostile ones were ejected with a thought doomed to drift through the endless expanse of the ghost zone.

A handful were clumped together looking up at the sky at Clark himself as he floated above them all looking at them.

[A majority of them can be ejected safely to the mainland in LA]

"Do it."

Only ten remained on the whole island their eyes flashing briefly in an array of colors a little spark in them being fed ever so slowly by the floating orb of energy.

"You all are not able to leave here."

Clark felt all of his energy become available to him again at that moment a slight groan escaping him as it felt like he had just shed tons of weight from his shoulders.

[+3 to all stats]

[Level Up! X4]

"So now, We must live for we are all dead in a way."