
The Immortal Mutant Teen

100,000 years ago, a meteorite crashed into Earth, granting a 17-year-old caveman the power humans have craved for millenniums, immortality. Though originally a savage and cruel caveman, millenniums have let Acheron refine himself and surpass the epitome of Humanity, basically, a god on Earth. With his power, he mastered all forms of combat, every language, all the arts, and much more. He sometimes created empires, sometimes built empires, sometimes destroyed empires, at times, even his own. Today, mutants with superpowers walk among the public, it is kept a secret by the governments throughout the world, and events pertaining to them are covered up but doesn't stop Acheron from interfering with their plans. 2 months ago, his oldest adopted daughter passed away, she was 96 years old. Though he cherishes all the children in his family, she was without a doubt, one of his favorites. "Her last wish was for me to have a normal life but what do children do in this era?" Acheron asks one of his adopted sisters. "They go to school, Lord Acheron," she says. "School? Will it be entertaining?" he asks, "It would at the very least be a new experience" she replies. "Make it happen!" he orders. " Yes! I will do it immediately, Lord Acheron" she says. He, who was there when the first Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa and existed way before the wheel was created, will let nothing interfere with his daughter's last wish and will slaughter anyone that stands in his way. P.S this is not a Marvel or DC fanfic. I will also be posting this on RoyalRoad.com (Cover photo was taken from Google)

AinzOolGown0601 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs

Chapter 100- Flex On 'Em

Everyone in the vicinity quieted down as they looked upon the super sports car that dared disrupt their peaceful yet exciting morning.

*Click* *Click*

The two doors opened and raised themselves over the car like wings. A young man and woman stepped out of the car, the muffled music finally blasting into the surroundings. The world seemed to slow down as they looked upon the duo getting out the car as if it was some sort of movie scene.

[…Subliminal thoughts when Imma stop sending them

Women are caught in webs spin and hock venom

Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illin' to stop

Amoxicillin is just not real enough…]

The woman could be described in two words, 'hot' and 'badass'. She wore a skin-tight tactical suit that hugged her curves in all the right places with a yellow bat symbol on her chest, the same one used by Batwoman. Her mask covered half her face, leaving her luscious red lips for the world to see and guess her identity. Her long red hair cascaded down her back, almost reaching the yellow belt full of gizmos attached to it.

All the men felt their costumes and pants get a little tighter as they looked at this woman. They almost lost their minds when she turned around and bent over to grab a rectangular silver guitar case from the back seat.

When she turned to look at the young man that also stepped out of the car and arrived with her, that was when everyone remembered there was someone else.

The moment their gaze landed on the young man, their hot blood turned cold and their boners shriveled up. A spine-chilling shiver ran throughout everyone's bodies the moment they looked at his face, more specifically, the 8 eyes that remained closed. Now that they have seen his face, some had already realized it was Acheron that stepped out of the car. His braided red and yellow hair caught everyone's attention as it looked as his hair was made of fire but not as much as the two antennae sticking out from Acheron's forehead.

When Acheron walked around the car, everyone was finally able to see the long scorpion-like tail sticking out from his lower back. He wore black and red Gucci silk gym shorts, a black Punisher shirt, Christian Louboutin Black Spike Sneakers, and some black spiked wrist bands.

[…. But in this industry, I'm the cause of a lot of envy

So when I'm not put on this list the shit does not offend me

That's why you see me walk around like nothing's bothering me

Even though half you people got a fuckin' problem with me

You hate it but you know respect you've got to give me…]

As they walked away from the car, the woman raised her hand and pressed a button.

*Chirp* *Chirp*

The car's doors closed, and the music was turned off along with it. As Acheron walked towards the two girls who he had already recognized as Akeno and Sakura.

"Morning Akeno, Morning Sakura. Nice costumes!" Acheron called out to the girls,

The girls turned to each other before asking Acheron,

"How did you know it was us?" Sakura asked,

Acheron smiled and responded,

"From what I have seen, there are less than ten people with boobs as big as Akeno and by process of elimination, I figured you were Sakura"


Rose slapped the back of Acheron's head, her mouth pursed in anger.

"Acheron-sama! You can't say that to high school girls, especially Japanese girls!" Rose exclaimed,

"Why the fuck not?" questioned Acheron back,

"Look at them," Rose said as she motioned her head to the girls, prompting Acheron to look back at them.

Akeno's skin was a bright shade of red as she covered her chest with her hands, tears threatened to fall behind her mask. While Sakura looked even more depressed as she murmured how unfair the world is towards her.

"Oops, I apologize for my blunder just then," Acheron said,

Akeno waved her hands in front of her,

"N-no its okay, I just wasn't expecting you to say that!... though it did make me kind of happy," Akeno said, whispering that last part to herself.

"Anyway, I love your costumes! Acheron's is scary, while Rose-san's is extremely cool! It looks like it could be the real thing!" Akeno said,

"It is the real thing," Acheron said,

"Eh?" Sakura and Akeno both said,

"The suit is made of an extremely strong soft body armor, while the gadgets are all real and highly functional," Acheron explained,


Knowing full well Acheron wanted Rose to demonstrate, Rose reached for her belt and four batarangs appeared in her hand before throwing them with high accuracy towards one of the light poles nearby, embedding themselves quite easily.

"Wow!" the girls exclaimed,

Just then Rose raised her hand towards the batarangs and the flew back towards her, she quickly caught them and put them away.

"Her armor is strong enough that nothing could penetrate it, just look.." Acheron said,

Just then Akeno felt a breeze and she then noticed Acheron had one of her kunai in his hand.

The girls exclaimed in terror as they saw Acheron stabbing towards Rose's chest.


The girls watched in wonder as the kunai snapped in half the moment it touched Rose's suit.

"Where can I get one of those?" Sakura asked incredulously,

"Pandora," Acheron answered,

"I wanted to ask before, but what's with the monkey show?"

He turned to look around, 80 percent of the student population wore suits and dresses while the other 20 percent had costumes on.

"Well, this event is important as lots of parents come with children that attend here, and since they happen to be important people from whatever organization they represent, this turns more into a meet and greet for the rich and powerful and a teaching moment for those that are heirs" Sakura explained,

Acheron sneered,

"What a bunch of fucking plebs"

"How did you even know what they were wearing when I didn't see you open your eyes once?" Akeno asked,

Akeno and Sakura got the creeps as three of the eyes landed on Akeno, while the rest moved around independently. They could see the multiple eyes darting all over the place underneath Acheron's eyelids.

"I can smell the stink of the rich," said Acheron as he wore shoes worth $1,300 and his antennae twitch all over the place.

"Speaking of smelly things…" Acheron's antennae suddenly turned behind him.

Everyone looked behind him when he said that, only to see Amazoness dashing towards him in a sexy maid costume.

"Stop right there, Princess! Not another step!" Acheron ordered,

Amazoness stopped in her tracks wondering how he knew it was her.

"I can smell the stench of your 5 masturbation sessions from here! Come back later!" Acheron said, as his antennae twitched like crazy.

Amazoness turned red from embarrassment, while everyone looked at her weird.

"How can you talk to be like that?! I'm still a girl you know?!" Amazoness said indignantly, the lewd smile on her face clearly betraying her true feelings on the matter.

She turned around and ran away, yelling,

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go take a shower!"

Acheron nodded,

"Good, I was trying to find a way to mention it,"

This time Acheron was at the receiving end of the weird looks.


Papa Ainz The Bone Daddy's Announcements:

1) Please look for my comments on which story should be the next flashback. I'll be counting the votes by likes and not by anything else.

2) you can also vote on Patre*n and on my discord.

Don't forget to give me your power stones!

Thank you all for the support!




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