
The Immortal Kitten


Masquerade1010 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2: I have become a Kitten?












The sound of water can be heard hitting the floor of a dimly lit cave. At the very back of the cave in a small crevice, we find a cat that has fur as white as snow and eyes that are blue like the sky, who has made itself at home as it prepares to give birth to some kittens.

Some time later the sounds of kittens meowing for the first time can be heard throughout the cave as they come into the world.

The Momma cat has given birth to three new baby kittens, two of these kittens look exactly like the mother they both have snow white colored fur and eyes that are blue like the sky.

The third kitten the mother cat gave birth to does not look exactly the same as the mother. The third kitten is white with black stripes, and her eyes are much deeper blue than her two siblings.

This third kitten is none other than Lila.

'Where am I? I can't see anything, I felt myself floating in some type of strange liquid, before being squeezed through a small hole and now all I can hear is meowing from both sides of me.' Lila thought as she felt solid ground beneath her new paws.

As Lila is thinking about what the implications of what just transpired could possibly mean. She feels her body start to be licked.

'Stop that! Who is licking me? Stop licking me for goodness sake that feels… actually not too bad…. You know now that I think about it it feels kind of good…..' Lila's new mother proceeds to lick all of her children clean.

While Lila is being licked clean she feels herself being moved by something, when suddenly she feels something soft and tender enter her mouth. She instinctively begins to suck on this soft and tender object that has entered her mouth and a warm liquid starts to flow down her throat. She takes multiple gulps of this deliciously warm liquid that is quickly satisfying a hunger she didn't realize she had.

Lila yawns cutely, and snuggles up next to her new mother with her two new siblings. Only she hasn't quite realized that yet as she can not see at the moment being a fresh newborn. To her this all seems like a weird dream, and is currently in denial that any of this is happening.

Some time passes and Lila wakes up from her sleep, she tries to rub her eyes but her arm isn't moving like it's supposed to…

'Mmm why can't I open my eyes? What's wrong with my arm? Why can't I feel my fingers? All I feel are little nubs were my fingers should be.' These are some of the thoughts Lila is having while she is trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

The mother cat notices her waking kittens, picks each of them up by the neck and positions then so that they can feed from her.

Lila feeling the strange sensation of being picked up by the scruff of the neck feels alarmed by the sensation, that is quickly replaced with a sensation of calmness and security, before once again feels something soft and tender entering her mouth. Lila gulps her mothers milk down eagerly after feeling the hunger pains in her small belly.

The days go by that consist of Lila Eating and Sleeping, her new mother only leaving the nest occasionally to hunt for food for herself.

On the 10th day of Lila being in this new world she finally gets to open her eyes. She looks up and sees her mother for the first time, who has just finished giving Lila a bath.

Lila looks up at her with wonder seeing her mother's blue eyes that sparkle. Her mother purrs in happiness seeing one of her children finally being able to open their eyes.

They stare at each other for the longest of time, before Lila starts to look around the dimly lit crevice that has been her home. She then looks at her two siblings before looking down at herself.

Now having the ability to see clearly she is forced to come to terms, that this is her new reality.

'This isn't all just a dream? I've actually been reincarnated, and as a kitten! So that mean lady is real and she kept me from going to heaven! I remember she said that this planet only had 30 - 40 years left until it would be destroyed because it was overrun by evil people. Also what did she mean when she said she would like to see how I would still be allowed to enter Heaven after living here?'

Lila suddenly hears a voice in her mind that sounds familiar…

{Hello, can you hear me? I sure hope so, this better not be a waste of my time. Hello Miss Anomaly I hope you are enjoying the new life I have given you so far. I just have some things I wanted to let you know about this world and to give a proposition. First if you think the word Status a screen you would usually find in a game will come up that displays all your stats and abilities. This world has magic and you will be able to use the magic of this world as you grow but, every person born on this planet is limited to 3 affinities and even though you are an Anomaly you will not be an exception to this rule. Although since you are an anomaly you can choose your affinities by learning skills that belong to their respective affinity.

Now my proposition, this world's population of all intelligent beings is 95% corrupt and since it has reached this level of corruption it is set to be destroyed in the next 30-40 years if nothing changes, this is where you come in, if you are able to reduce the corruption or evil of this world down to 75% by the time the world is coming to an end. You can save this world and its inhabitants from being wiped from existence and I will let you continue your way to heaven. If you fail I will make sure you are wiped from existence just like the rest of them. This is the last time you will hear from me. P.S I hope u fail.}

'Wow…. what…. That was… a lot to take in, I hope you fail? How rude!'

Lila lets out an internal sigh

'I guess I should check out my stats, Status.'


[Name: Lila]

[Race: Unknown]

[Level: N/A]

[Experience: N/A]

[Health: 10]

[Mana: —— ]

[Attack: 1]

[Defense: 1]

[Speed: 1]

[Intelligence: 1]

[Vitality: 1]

[Abilities: Devourer, Storage, Inspect]

[Affinity 1: undecided]

[Affinity 2: undecided]

[Affinity 3: undecided]

[Affinity 4: undecided]

[Final Form][Locked]

This is my first book I have tried writing in 3rd person, should I stay third person or switch to first person?

Masquerade1010creators' thoughts