
The Immortal Kitten


Masquerade1010 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: I can’t believe I was Truck-Kun’d

Lila was walking home one day after leaving school. When she saw an elderly women trying to cross the street. The Elderly woman decided to cross right when a massive truck was going through the intersection!

The driver of the truck seeing the elderly woman walking in its path slammed on its brakes and tried to swerve out the way but the truck that was very large was still in trajectory to hit the poor elderly woman!

Lila seeing this and walking within a few feet of this potential tragic accident made the split second decision to try and save the poor elderly woman.

"Watch out!" Lila yelled as she rushed to the elderly woman, successfully tackling her out of the way.

Or so she thought!

Lila managed to get them out of the path of the front part of the large truck but the back end was now swinging around and both Lila and the Elderly woman were both lying on the ground in the path of the rear end of the large truck.

Lila grabbed the elderly woman and rolled over out the way of the rear tires so that the trucks mid section passed over their heads.

The large truck continued to slide for several yards until it ran off the side of the road and hit an electric pole, causing several power lines that were connected to that electric pole to fall down onto the road.

One of the electric lines started falling right next to where Lila and the elderly woman lay on the ground.

Lila noticed this and rolled away from the electric lines as out of the two of them, she was the closest to touching those lines.

She got up and went over to the elderly woman, pulling her to the side of the road, out of the way before checking over the elderly woman's condition.

"Are you alright Ma'am I'm sorry for tackling you so hard, that truck would have killed you if I hadn't gotten you out of the way in time." Asks a clearly worried Lila to the elderly woman.

It takes a few moments for the elderly woman to get her bearings and take stock of everything that just happened.

"Yes… I believe I am alright I don't feel any pain anywhere yet. Are you alright young lady?" Asks the elderly woman as she notices Lila is rubbing her right arm through the sleeve of her jacket.

"I… I'm alright." Lila stammers as she stops rubbing the part of her arm that took the majority of the impact when she talked the elderly lady.

To try and reduce the harm the elderly woman received from being tackled and hitting the cement road, Lila pivoted herself so that the Elderly woman fell on top of Lila, and was able to use Lila's body as a cushion. Thanks to this Lila has numerous cuts and scarps on her arms, legs and her side.

"I will call you an ambulance for you." She tells the elderly woman before doing just as she said she would.

The police and an ambulance arrive within five minutes of Lila making the phone call.

The police seeing the massive truck off of the road give priority to making sure that the driver of the truck is ok before checking on Lila and the Elderly woman.

As the police and paramedics are finishing up with the driver of the truck and are about to head over to Lila and the Elderly woman to check on them another truck can be heard traveling at a very high speed!

For some reason the brakes on the new truck have gone out and the driver of that truck now has 3 choices that he can make. He can either continue in the same direction and run into the police cars and ambulance parked in the middle of the road. The next option the driver has is to veer right and run into a gas station full of people filling their cars up with gas. The last option is to veer left and possibly run over Lila and the Elderly woman who is currently sitting on the side walk that runs along an open field.

The truck driver regretfully chose what he considered the lesser evil of his three options and decided to aim for the field that Lila and the elderly woman were currently sitting in front of.

Lila thinking the driver of the runaway truck was going to plow into the police car and ambulance decided not to move out of the way until she saw the truck change directions because of the pain she was in from saving the elderly woman earlier.

Now having had time to sit and rest, her adrenaline has long since left her and she is now feeling the full pain from all the damage she caused to her body when falling onto the hard cement road and using her body as a cushion for the elderly woman.

Being physically restricted from the pain she quickly realized she did not have enough time to save herself.

So she mustered all the strength she had left and pushed the elderly woman out of the way once more.


Lila's body was crushed into paste milliseconds after successfully pushing the elderly woman out of the way.

Her vision went black so that she couldn't see, hear, and feel anything at all.

She felt like she was simply floating along in nothingness.

Suddenly, she found herself sitting in a not so comfortable chair facing a woman that is currently sitting behind a very extravagantly looking desk. The woman currently has her head resting against her hand while the other hand is taping the top of the wooden desk. She seems to be agitated about something, the deep frown on her face only further confirming that theory.

"Why is it that you anomalies always have to be the hero types huh?

Always trying to be the hero, always trying to change another persons fate…." The woman sitting behind the desks asks Lila rhetorically.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? Also why did you call me an anomaly? And lastly who are you?" Lila asks the strange angry woman that is sitting in front of her.

"Did you do something wrong!?" The woman scoffs at Lila's question.

"You changed that Elderly woman's fate, she was supposed to die from that first truck and you kept that from happening, TWICE!!

I called you an anomaly because that is what you are, you are someone that exists and doesn't have a fate and every time one of your kind comes into existence once every 1000 years. You alway try to change others fate by extending their life past their expiration. It always falls on me to wipe you anomalies from existence and setting everything straight and I'm really getting tired of it.

As for who I am, I am the goddess of reincarnation and that's all you need to know! As you won't be existing for much longer." She tells Lila before snapping her fingers.

A few seconds pass and nothing happens, the angry Goddess eyes widen and she snaps her fingers a few more times but still nothing is happening.

"Fine I'll do this the other way." Lila hears the angry Goddess mumble.

The Angry Goddess walks up to Lila and slaps her across the face as hard as she can.

The slap was so powerful it could be felt throughout the universe.

The goddess steps back in fear and amazement, as Lila rubs her face were she was just slapped as it hurt a lot.

"Not… not possible, you're just a mortal although an anomaly. I used enough strength to erase you from existence, how are you still here? How could I not even knock you out of that chair?" The Goddess says mostly to herself.

The Goddess stands there staring at Lila for a moment in shock before she collects herself, finding her seat behind the desk once again.

"If I can't erase your existence I will just send you to hell." the Goddess tells Lila with a smile as she slams her fist down on a red button that sits on the desk.

Her smile quickly fades as she realizes that once again nothing is happening to Lila.

She is about to ask Lila a question when a bright white light suddenly shines down on Lila. The white light is giving off a holy aura.

"Oh no you don't! I will not let you go to Heaven! If I can't wipe you from existence or send you to Hell then I will reincarnate you in a place that it doesn't matter who's fate you change. That world is over run with evil with very little good inhabitants on that planet. That planet is set to be wiped from existence if nothing changes in the next 30-40 years. That should give me plenty of time to figure out how to deal with you once and for all. I hope you enjoy your second life there. I'd like to see how you are still allowed into Heaven after living on that planet." The goddess laughs as she presses another button.

This time something does happen and Lila's vision once again changes to nothing but Darkness….

I hope everyone enjoys the chapter. Let me know what you think is it a good start?

If there are any grammatical errors please point them out and I will fix them as soon as possible.

Masquerade1010creators' thoughts