
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
103 Chs


Eve, slowly regaining consciousness amidst the ruins, surveyed the devastation around her. She spotted Seraphina attending to Kai's injuries and mustered the strength to speak, her voice filled with concern and urgency.

Eve: Seraphina... What happened here? Where is everyone? And most importantly, what happened to our mother? Is she...

Seraphina paused her treatment of Kai and met Eve's gaze, her expression filled with a mix of sorrow and determination.

Eve: Seraphina... What... what happened here? Where is everyone? And where is our sister, Lilith? Is she...

Seraphina paused her ministrations, meeting Eve's gaze with a mixture of sadness and resolve.

Seraphina: Eve, you're awake. We were attacked by Atriox. Lilith... she fought bravely, but she didn't survive the battle. She die as a warrior.

Eve's eyes widened with shock, her heart sinking at the news. She struggled to find the words to express her disbelief and grief.

Eve: No, it can't be...Lilith... How could this happen? She was so strong, so resilient. Tell me it's not true.

Seraphina's voice trembled with emotion as she spoke, her own pain evident in her expression.

Seraphina: I know, Eve. It's difficult to accept. My mother was a warrior, a beacon of strength. But she made the ultimate sacrifice, My mother was a warrior all the way till the end.

Tears welled up in Eve's eyes as she mourned the loss of their mother. She searched for answers amidst her grief.

Eve: And Atriox... Did you defeat him? Is he gone?

Seraphina's expression hardened, a fierce determination gleaming in her eyes.

Seraphina: Yes, Eve. Atriox has been defeated. We fought him with everything we had, and in the end, we emerged victorious. His reign of terror is over.

Eve's grief mingled with a glimmer of hope as she realized the significance of their triumph.

Eve: Your mother would be proud of you. Though we can't bring her back, we can honor her by ensuring that her legacy lives on. We'll rebuild and carry the torch of justice and strength that she embodied.

Seraphina nodded, her expression reflecting a resolute determination.

Seraphina: You're wrong, Eve. Lilith's spirit will only guide you. But Screw your sense of Justice, I only killed the bastard for her and for myself, For the world she envisioned—a world free from tyranny and darkness. Atriox may be defeated, but this war had just begun. We must remain vigilant.

Kai, still recovering from his injuries, looked at Seraphina with a mixture of awe and concern. He couldn't help but be curious about the transformation he witnessed during the intense battle against Atriox.

Kai: Seraphina, what exactly happened to you during the fight? Your power... it was incredible, unlike anything I've ever seen before. Can you explain what happened?

Seraphina glanced at Kai, her eyes reflecting the weight of her recent choices and the embrace of her newfound darkness. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before responding.

Seraphina: Kai, i don't know, I simply choose to either become stronger or die, It was a pivotal moment where I had to let go of my inhibitions and tap into the raw strength that resides within.

Kai listened attentively, his gaze fixed on Seraphina.

Kai: But what exactly does that mean? How did you access such incredible power?

Seraphina took a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain her transformation.

Seraphina: It's a part of me that I've always suppressed, out of fear of losing control or succumbing to the darkness. But in that battle, I realized that my refusal to accept that part of myself was holding me back. I allowed myself to embrace the darkness, to tap into the primal instincts and power of my bloodline.

She paused, her voice filled with a mix of determination and regret.

Seraphina: It came at a cost, though. The darkness within me surfaced and consumed me momentarily. It granted me immense power, but I must be cautious not to let it consume me entirely. It's a delicate balance that I must learn to control.

Kai nodded, understanding the gravity of Seraphina's transformation.

Kai: I see. Just know that I'll be here to support you, Seraphina. We all have our struggles, but it's how we confront and overcome them that defines us.

Seraphina smiled softly, appreciating Kai's unwavering support.

Seraphina: Thank you, Kai. Your friendship means everything to me. I will strive to use this newfound power responsibly and to protect those who rely on us.

Eve, fueled by her determination to unite all survivors and forge an alliance between the different races, looked at Seraphina and Kai with unwavering resolve.

Eve: Seraphina, Kai, it is time to rally the survivors and bring them together. We need to establish an alliance, not only between humans but also with the demons and angels. Our shared goal is to protect our realms from further destruction.

Eve listened to Seraphina's concerns and understood the deep-rooted animosity that existed between the races. However, she remained resolute in her belief that unity was their only path to survival.

Eve: Seraphina, I understand your doubts and fears. The wounds of the past run deep, and the scars of the Eternal War are still fresh in our memories. But if we continue to hold onto our grudges and remain divided, we will only play into the hands of our enemies.

Seraphina: But how can we expect them to listen? We were enemies for millennium, and they nearly wiped out humanity.

Eve: It is precisely because of our shared history that we must come together. We have all suffered losses and witnessed the consequences of our past actions. Now is the time to learn from those mistakes and build a future where cooperation and understanding prevail.

Kai: Eve is right, Seraphina. We have a chance to break the cycle of hatred and forge a new path. We must have faith in the power of redemption and the possibility of change.

Eve: We cannot force them to listen, but we can extend an olive branch and offer them a chance to unite. It is up to each individual from every race to make the choice. We must believe that there are those among them who seek peace and are willing to put aside their grievances.

Seraphina took a moment to consider their words, understanding the weight of the decision they were making. She knew that their task would not be easy, but she also recognized the importance of trying.

Seraphina: Very well, Eve. I will support you in this endeavor. I will reach out to the demons, and together we will extend the invitation for an alliance. It's time to give them a chance to prove that they can change.

Eve smiled at Seraphina's commitment and nodded in gratitude.

Eve: Thank you, Seraphina. Together, we can set aside the prejudices of the past and build a future where our races can coexist in harmony.

Only time would tell if their call for alliance would be heeded, but they were willing to take the first step, knowing that the fate of their realms depended on it.