
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasy
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103 Chs

2nd awakening of the Eden bloodline

Seraphina's vision went black, and she suddenly heard a voice. She looked around and saw another version of herself in the black void.

Seraphina: Who are you?

Dark Seraphina: I am you. To be specific, I am the darkness that lives in your soul.

Dark Seraphina continued, blaming Seraphina for the death of her mother, claiming that it was her fault for being weak and rejecting her bloodline. Seraphina became overwhelmed with guilt and started crying.

Seraphina: No... it's not my fault...

Dark Seraphina: Don't just sit there, wallowing in your own guilt. Blaming something else won't change anything. You're complacent, always changing but never adapting. That's why you're at fault.

Seraphina: Shut up!

Dark Seraphina: Did you think you could blame it on something else? Coincidence... tragedy... fate...

Seraphina: SHUT UP!!

Dark Seraphina laughed with amusement on her face, dismissing the concept of destiny and urging Seraphina to take control of her own fate. She taunted Seraphina about the deaths of her loved ones, claiming that it was her fault for not embracing her bloodline as an Eden.

Seraphina couldn't bear the weight of her guilt and started crying even more, but Dark Seraphina continued to berate her.

Dark Seraphina: Why are you crying? This is your doing. You saw what happened with your mother.

Seraphina, consumed by sorrow, thought about her mother and expressed her longing for her presence. She questioned why her mother didn't choose her and wished for revenge.

Dark Seraphina: Even if it means forsaking your aunt, will you seek revenge?

Seraphina: YES!

Dark Seraphina: Even if it means forsaking your humanity?

Seraphina: IF IT HAS TO BE DONE!

Dark Seraphina: Even if it means killing the old you and fully embracing your darkness.


Dark Seraphina manipulated Seraphina's emotions and pushed her towards accepting the darkness within her.

Seraphina: I won't let that happen. Anyone who tries to take them from me... will get no mercy.

Dark Seraphina: And what if your decision ends up being the wrong one in the end?

Seraphina started to accept the darkness.

Seraphina: That won't happen.... because I am not wrong... What's wrong... is my humanity.

Dark Seraphina: Now, consume me, Seraphina! And become the very essence of darkness.

Dark Seraphina completely disappeared afterwards.

Seraphina accepted her Eden bloodline.

Seraphina picked up her spear, embraced the darkness, and made a firm decision never to regret this choice. She was now ready to avenge her mother's death and the lives of billions murdered by Atriox.

Seraphina, fueled by her acceptance of her dark bloodline, faced off against Atriox in a fast-paced, brutal battle. The clash of swords echoed through the air as they engaged in a deadly dance of martial prowess.

Seraphina: (yelling) Atriox! You will pay for the pain you've inflicted on Kai and the death of my mother!

Atriox: (roaring) You think you can defeat me, Seraphina? Your power is nothing compared to mine!

As they exchanged blows, Seraphina unleashed her newfound abilities, casting lightning spells that crackled through the air and fire spells that engulfed their surroundings. Her voice rang out amidst the chaos.

Seraphina: (yelling) Lightning strike! Firestorm!

Atriox: (gritted teeth) Your tricks won't save you, girl! I will break you just like I broke Kai!

The battle raged on, both combatants fueled by their determination and anger. Their voices intertwined with the clash of weapons as they hurled insults at each other.

Seraphina: (yelling) You're a monster! You don't deserve to live!

Atriox: (roaring) You're weak! Your mother was weak! I enjoyed killing her!

Seraphina: (through gritted teeth) Shut your mouth! You will pay for every life you've taken!

As the battle intensified, the environment around them suffered the consequences of their conflict. The ground shook, and debris flew through the air, adding to the chaotic atmosphere.

Seraphina: (yelling) This ends now, Atriox! I will avenge my mother and everyone you've hurt!

Atriox: (snarling) You're just a pathetic little girl playing at being a warrior! I will crush you!

As they exchanged blows, Seraphina unleashed her newfound abilities, summoning bolts of lightning that crackled through the air and fire spells that engulfed their surroundings. The clash of steel and the crackling of elemental forces filled the air, creating a chaotic symphony of destruction.

Seraphina: (yelling) You will pay for what you've done! For my mother, for Kai, for everyone you've hurt!

Their battle continued with relentless intensity, each strike carrying the weight of Seraphina's determination and Atriox's ruthlessness. The environment around them suffered the consequences of their conflict as debris scattered and the ground trembled.

Seraphina: (through gritted teeth) You... will... fall!

The clash between Seraphina and Atriox reached its peak, their movements blurring as they fought with all their might. Blood stained the ground, but neither of them showed any sign of relenting.

Atriox: (gritting his teeth) You... insolent fool! You cannot... defeat me!

With one final surge of power, Seraphina unleashed a devastating strike, shattering Atriox's defense and leaving him vulnerable. In that moment, her eyes glowed with an intensity that matched the darkness within her.

Seraphina: (whispered) This is your end.

Finally, Seraphina's determination and her acceptance of her true self proved to be the deciding factor. With a final, devastating strike, she disarmed Atriox and left him vulnerable.

Seraphina: (panting) It's over, Atriox. Your reign of terror ends here.

Atriox: (struggling) You may have defeated me, but others will rise in my place! The darkness cannot be stopped!

Seraphina: (calmly) I will be there to face them, just as I have faced you. Your time is over.

With a swift and powerful strike, Seraphina drove her spear into Atriox's heart, ending his reign of terror once and for all. The battlefield fell silent as Atriox's lifeless body hit the ground.

Seraphina stood there, her body trembling with exhaustion and her heart heavy with the weight of her choices. But she knew deep down that she had done what was necessary to protect those she cared about.

Seraphina: (whispered) I have avenged you, Mother. I hope you can find peace now.

As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Seraphina looked upon the battlefield,

After the battle, Seraphina's attention turned to Kai, who was in need of medical treatment. She rushed to his side, using her skills to provide the necessary care.

Seraphina: (softly) Kai, hold on. I'm here for you. We will get through this together.

As she tended to Kai's injuries, the weight of the battle and the losses she had endured settled upon Seraphina's shoulders. Her eyes reflected the tragedy and darkness that had shaped her journey.

Seraphina: (whispered) Mother, I hope you can forgive me. I had to embrace the darkness to protect those I love, and with that, I will continue to fight.