
The Hunter Adventures English Ver

Tells the story of an adventurer with a gold rank named Nao or what the adventurer guild people usually call him by the name of The Hunter. Nao meets and rescues a little dragon girl named Anna in the Cave where she is attacked by a monster trying to eat her. It will carry the story of an adventurer and a dragon girl who live life together as father and daughter and their adventures together. They would meet several other adventurer groups and do quests together that were given through the adventurer's guild. Nao and Anna will always encounter monsters or humans who are very strong during quests, but they will be able to complete them together.

Saphire_Ace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1 Prolouge

<p>**Arlan** is a world abundant with diverse flora and fauna. It is also home to many different races. There are eight races in Arlan: Humans, Elves, Beastmen, Wingmen, Mermaids, Dragos, Dwarves, and Demons. Each region is governed by a kingdom, with rules and regulations unique to each kingdom. However, the races do not always coexist peacefully, leading to power struggles. The kingdom with the most bountiful resources often becomes the trading center and is seen as prosperous.<br/><br/>After years of conflict, the wars finally ended under the new leadership of the human kingdom, led by King Reon Oswald, the fifth generation ruler. He declared peace among the seven other races by signing an inter-racial unity pact, ensuring fair wages and regular trade of resources among the kingdoms.<br/><br/>As a result of this peace, the kings established an adventurer's guild to create new job opportunities for all races. Furthermore, inter-racial marriages were encouraged to foster harmonious relationships.<br/><br/>Due to this peace, life in Arlan became tranquil once again. The adventurers' guild flourished, producing many great and strong adventurers who undertook missions ranging from minor issues to significant challenges, always completing their tasks.<br/><br/>The adventurers' guild expanded across the continent, with more people registering to become adventurers. Consequently, senior adventurers were sent to different continents as permanent adventurers and mentors to assist new recruits, making it easier for the guild to manage the influx of new members.<br/><br/>In a small village named Charcoal Village, lived Nao, a young boy with a strong ambition to become an adventurer like his parents. Nao's parents were respected senior adventurers in Charcoal Village, always helping the villagers in times of trouble and protecting the village from ferocious monster attacks.<br/><br/>Nao's father, Karlos, had short, thick brown hair, a brown beard, a muscular build, black eyes, a human race, slightly tanned skin, wore light blue heavy armor, and wielded a one-handed hammer and a broad shield.<br/><br/>Nao's mother, Ariel, had long reddish-brown hair, a beautiful face, white skin, red eyes, a human race, wore light white armor with green cloth, and wielded a long spear.<br/><br/>They had completed many missions in Charcoal Village and would always tell Nao about their battles before bedtime. At seven years old, Nao was already being trained by his father to become an adventurer. Although Ariel was initially against the idea due to the dangers of adventuring, Karlos persuaded her, and she eventually agreed.<br/><br/>One night, Nao woke up to find the entire village ablaze through his window. He rushed out of his room to the front door, which was opened by his mother, Ariel.<br/><br/>"Nao, are you hurt?" Ariel asked, hugging Nao tightly.<br/><br/>"I'm fine, Mom. Where's Dad, and what's happening?" Nao replied, looking at his mother with a confused expression.<br/><br/>"I don't know, my son. Suddenly, a horde of monsters attacked our village savagely. Your father, I, and the other adventurers are trying to stop the attack," Ariel answered.<br/><br/>Just then, a monster attempted to attack them but was quickly thwarted by Karlos, who killed it instantly. Karlos then approached Ariel and Nao to ensure they were safe.<br/><br/>Karlos instructed Ariel, "Ariel, take Nao to safety. I'll hold off these monsters and help the villagers escape."<br/><br/>Ariel responded, "Can you handle this alone, Karlos? I can't leave you behind. I'll join you on the front lines."<br/><br/>Karlos patted Ariel's shoulder, "Ariel, don't you understand the situation? The central guild can't send reinforcements due to the monsters. We're all that's left."<br/><br/>Ariel, shocked, replied, "So the other adventurers have fallen, and no help is coming? Damn it, why is this happening to us?" she said, both angry and sad.<br/><br/>Nao tugged at Ariel's clothes, "Mom and Dad, don't worry. I'll help the villagers escape so you can focus on defeating the monsters."<br/><br/>Ariel, tears streaming down her face, said, "Oh, Nao, my child, you're growing up so fast. I'm so proud of you." She hugged Nao tightly.<br/><br/>Karlos then looked at Nao and said firmly, "Can I count on you for this important task?"<br/><br/>Nao replied confidently, "Yes, Dad. I can do it and complete it successfully." He looked at his father with determination.<br/><br/>Karlos nodded and handed Nao a small knife, while Ariel gave him a crystal necklace as a charm for his safety. After this, Karlos and Ariel hugged Nao and headed to the front lines, leaving Nao behind.<br/><br/>Nao cried but quickly ran to the villagers' refuge to help them escape from the vicious monsters. He met the village chief and informed him that no help could come from the central guild and that his parents were the only remaining adventurers. The chief, shocked by Nao's news, led the villagers to escape southward through the river.<br/><br/>At the front of the village, Karlos and Ariel continued to fend off the monsters, preventing them from reaching the refugees. Suddenly, a mysterious figure halted the monsters and approached them with a long sword in hand.<br/><br/>Karlos shouted, "Who are you? Why have you brought these monsters to our village?"<br/><br/>The mysterious figure replied, "You don't need to know my name. You'll die here anyway."<br/><br/>Ariel sensed something ominous, "This aura... it can't be..."<br/><br/>The figure suddenly attacked Ariel, stabbing her. Karlos, shocked, saw Ariel collapse to the ground with a severe wound. He ran to her side, "ARIEL... You bastard, I'll kill you now!" Karlos yelled, glaring at the mysterious figure.<br/><br/>The figure wiped Ariel's blood from his sword, "So, these are the so-called strongest adventurers in Arlan? How disappointing. I thought you'd be worthy opponents," he said.<br/><br/>Karlos attacked the figure with all his might, but the figure blocked every blow. Despite Karlos's relentless attacks, he couldn't land a hit. The figure countered, stabbing Karlos in the stomach, causing him to vomit blood. The figure withdrew his sword, leaving Karlos helpless.<br/><br/>The mysterious figure looked at Karlos with a blank expression, "So this is the end. You couldn't even wound me. How pathetic that humans are considered the superior race," he said.<br/><br/>Karlos responded, "So you want to start a race war in Arlan, making everyone hate each other?"<br/><br/>The figure crouched down, "I don't intend to start a war. I'm just sending a message that humans don't deserve to be the superior race."<br/><br/>Karlos looked at him in confusion, "You seem to hate humans a lot. What's your problem with us?"<br/><br/>The figure answered, "You don't even know your own kind. Humans can't be trusted. My clan was wiped out by human kingdoms. Now, they hunt me to use my power to conquer others."<br/><br/>Karlos, furious, said, "So you think all humans are the same as those bastards? You're blinded by revenge. You should have asked us for help to catch them."<br/><br/>The figure stood up and glared at Karlos, "It's too late for that. I've already become like this. You can't help me now, 'Guardian' Karlos."<br/><br/>The figure left Karlos, who was dying. Karlos looked at Ariel's lifeless body, "Ariel... forgive me. I failed to save you, and Nao..." Karlos collapsed and took his last breath.<br/><br/>Nao and the villagers successfully escaped through the river. The village chief thanked Nao, hugging him. Nao cried loudly, mourning the loss of his parents who had stayed behind to protect the village. Determined to become a great adventurer like his parents and grow stronger, Nao vowed to train hard.<br/><br/>TO BE CONTINUED...</p>