
The Hunter Adventures English Ver

Tells the story of an adventurer with a gold rank named Nao or what the adventurer guild people usually call him by the name of The Hunter. Nao meets and rescues a little dragon girl named Anna in the Cave where she is attacked by a monster trying to eat her. It will carry the story of an adventurer and a dragon girl who live life together as father and daughter and their adventures together. They would meet several other adventurer groups and do quests together that were given through the adventurer's guild. Nao and Anna will always encounter monsters or humans who are very strong during quests, but they will be able to complete them together.

Saphire_Ace · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Begining The Adventure Of The Hunter

<p>Ten years after the incident, Nao has become the adventurer he once dreamed of being. Now at the gold rank, he is highly admired in the central guild for having undertaken numerous monster extermination quests solo. Because of this, the guild members call him "The Hunter."<br/><br/>Nao started his career as an adventurer at the age of 14, undertaking various quests ranging from gathering medicinal herbs, hunting small monsters, to escorting merchants who needed protection during their travels. He often confronted bandits attacking roaming merchants, earning him recognition throughout the human kingdom of Oswald.<br/><br/>Nao's rapid progress as an adventurer was thanks to the training from his parents and the mentorship of senior adventurers during his early days. He also developed a habit of reading books on monster ecology in the guild library.<br/><br/>During his adventures, Nao made friends his age from a baron family. They became friends after Nao saved them from a group of ogres.<br/><br/>First, there's Laveria von Grafe, the daughter of the noble Grafe family. She has a strong sense of justice and possesses great physical strength, despite her somewhat muscular appearance. She is nicknamed "Violet Wall" because she serves as the tank in the team.<br/><br/>Next is Auram Von Zaun, the first son of the Zaun noble family. He has a cold and strict demeanor toward others but shows his true, shy nature only to Nao. He opened up to Nao because he trusted him to provide advice and listen to his problems. Auram is nicknamed "Ice Prince" because the female adventurers find him cool and handsome.<br/><br/>Lastly, there is Alex Von Elekson, the second son of the Elekson noble family. He is stubborn and somewhat narcissistic, but his magic skills are formidable, capable of paralyzing enemies with a single electric spell. He has been close friends with Auram since childhood and aims to prove himself as the strongest mage in Oswald.<br/><br/>The four of them often undertook quests together, defeating ogre squads, hunting steel lizards, and even vanquishing a cyclops. Their achievements earned them fame as the new generation of heroic adventurers. However, the group eventually disbanded due to personal matters.<br/><br/>Laveria was called back by her family to manage their mobile trading guild business. Auram had to serve as a knight guarding the Oswald kingdom and was set to marry Princess Rucresia Von Oswald. Alex needed to assist his father in researching new magical items to aid nobles from other regions. Nao continued as an adventurer on his own, eventually reaching the gold rank.<br/><br/>Now 17 years old, Nao has become the strongest adventurer in Oswald, nearly matching the prowess of his parents, though he still prefers his old sword and a newly acquired sword-shield combination.<br/><br/>One morning, Nao heads to the adventurers' guild and meets Ovilia, the beloved receptionist among the male adventurers for her beauty and grace.<br/><br/>"Oh... Nao, good morning. Here for another hunting quest as usual?" Ovilia greets him with a sweet smile.<br/><br/>"Not today. I need to read some books in the guild library about medicinal plants for my upcoming journey to another region," Nao replies.<br/><br/>Ovilia asks, "Planning to travel, Nao? That's unusual… you usually come here for hunting quests."<br/><br/>Nao explains, "It's just become a daily habit. After all, an adventurer's duty is to sustain daily life."<br/><br/>Ovilia sighs, "You're right, but don't be too greedy with the quests; others need their share too."<br/><br/>Remembering a message, Ovilia says, "Oh, Lady Airi wants to see you in her office. She said it's important."<br/><br/>"The guild master wants to see me? Alright, I'll go see her before heading to the library," Nao responds.<br/><br/>"Oh, and I brought you your favorite sweet bean bread," Nao adds, handing her a package.<br/><br/>"Sweet bean bread? Oh, thank you, Nao! I haven't had breakfast yet, so this is perfect," Ovilia says, smiling broadly.<br/><br/>"You're welcome. I should see the guild master now; she might be waiting for me," Nao says.<br/><br/>"Thanks again for the bread, and have a great day!" Ovilia waves as Nao heads upstairs to the guild master's office.<br/><br/>Upon reaching the office, Nao knocks, "Excuse me, it's Nao. May I come in?"<br/><br/>"Come in, the door is unlocked," Lady Airi replies, closing her book and standing up.<br/><br/>Nao asks, "You called for me, Lady Airi? I hope it's not another trivial matter."<br/><br/>"No, this is serious. Please, sit down, and let's have some tea and cake while we talk," Airi invites, gesturing to the sofa.<br/><br/>After they sit, Airi pours tea and serves cake, saying, "Nao, you've quickly risen to the gold rank, the fastest in Oswald. It's impressive."<br/><br/>Nao asks, "Did you call me here just to congratulate me on my achievement?"<br/><br/>"Ah, Nao, you're always so serious. Why not relax a bit? But yes, I admire that about you," Airi replies, smiling.<br/><br/>Nao responds, "I hope that's a compliment, Lady Airi. So, what's the urgent matter?"<br/><br/>Airi takes a sip of tea and says, "I want you to become a permanent adventurer in Spira Village."<br/><br/>"Spira Village? So, I won't be roaming as an adventurer anymore?" Nao asks.<br/><br/>"Yes, according to guild rules, once an adventurer reaches the gold rank, they must teach in an area with many new candidates and become a permanent adventurer there," Airi explains.<br/><br/>Nao asks, "So, the journey we planned before is canceled?"<br/><br/>"Another adventurer can take that quest," Airi replies.<br/><br/>Nao, a bit disappointed, says, "I had prepared a lot for the trip to Sonata City, planning to take many quests and get some great gear."<br/><br/>Airi, trying to persuade him, says, "Come on, Nao. You know I rely on you the most for tasks like this. Besides, Spira Village needs more personnel."<br/><br/>Nao sighs, "Alright, I'll accept the offer. Spira Village isn't a bad place to live."<br/><br/>Airi, pleased, thanks him, "Thank you, Nao. I'll inform my friend in Spira that a permanent adventurer will be arriving."<br/><br/>After the conversation, Nao leaves the guild master's office and heads downstairs to see Ovilia again.<br/><br/>"So, what did you talk about with the guild master?" Ovilia asks curiously.<br/><br/>"I'm being transferred to Spira Village as a permanent adventurer," Nao replies.<br/><br/>"WHAT? You're moving?" Ovilia exclaims, shocked.<br/><br/>"Keep your voice down. Yes, it's guild policy that gold-ranked adventurers must teach in remote areas," Nao explains.<br/><br/>"Oh... This place won't be the same without you," Ovilia says, looking sad.<br/><br/>Seeing her expression, Nao says, "It's the rule, but I'll visit occasionally."<br/><br/>"Promise?" Ovilia asks.<br/><br/>"Yes, I promise," Nao assures her.<br/><br/>Ovilia, trying to be professional, says, "Alright, have fun there, Nao."<br/><br/>"Thanks, Ovilia," Nao replies. He then prepares his belongings for the move to Spira Village and departs by carriage that evening.<br/><br/>"My new life is about to begin. Mom, Dad, Nao is ready to be an adventurer like you. Please watch over me as I become as strong as you were."<br/><br/>TO BE CONTINUED…</p>