
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Vampire King

"This is it." Ava said as she gave the little bottle filled with blood to Serefina.

Serefina took it with a smile and said "You took too long that I thought you had changed your mind."

"Of course not, you know that I love Logan and I can't bare to see him go away from me."

"I will ensure that he won't leave you. With your blood his mate bond with Lia would be broken."

"Yes godmother." Ava said and she was about to leave when Serefina stopped her.

She turned and looked at Serefina wondering if she had figured it out.

"I would like to see your chest mark"


"I have something that will make the scar go away, so come on pull down the straps of your gown and let me help you to apply the ointment."

Ava stared at Serefina quietly and at that moment no one could tell what was running through her mind but then she finally said "Yes godmother."

Ava pulled down the straps of her gown and revealed her chest and she saw the glint of excitement in Serefina eyes when she saw her scared chest.

Ava let out a sharp gasp when Serefina touch her scar and she said "Careful, it still hurt."

"So sorry, I will get the ointment Immediately." Serefina said as she opened her drawer brought out an ointment, then she applied it very carefully to Ava. To be honest what she really wanted was not to apply ointment on Ava scar but to check if it was real.

After confirming that the scar was real, Serefina smiled and looked at Ava, then she said "Seeing that you are willing to go this far for a boy from that family, perhaps I might finally accept him."

"Oh really!" Ava replied excitedly

Serefina chuckle at Ava excitement and said "Really. And after I break the mate bond between Lia and Logan then no one can take him away from you."

Ava smiled and hugged Serefina as she said "Thank you godmother."

"You can go now, after the process is done, I will find a way to let you know."

Ava nodded and left after saying goodbye to her godmother.

Few minutes after Ava left, the door to Serefina cottage was opened, thinking it was Ava she asked "Did you forget anything?" when she didn't receive an answer to her question, she turned and saw her daughter Lia, then she asked

"Why are you here?"

"It's that the way to welcome your daughter that you haven't seen for a while. Didn't you miss me mother?"

"Do not get dramatic with me. Anyway I have finally got it."

"Got what?"

"The blood from Ava heart. She gave it to me thinking that her blood could sever your bond with Logan."

"And you are sure that is her blood?"

"Yes, I even saw the scar from her chest. That foolish girl is so in love that she doesn't know what she has done."

"The scar" Lia whispered as she remembered the time Ava had a deep knife cut that healed without leaving a scar within a night.

"What are you thinking about?"


"Then why are you here?"

"Wil youl really break my bond with Logan?"

"Yes, not only do I have Ava blood but I need you for something important. And besides wouldn't you like to make yourself useful."

"Taking the role as Luna of the Crystal pack is making myself useful."

"Do you really think that I do not know how you have been following Logan around like a dog."

"I do not wish to break my mate bond with Logan." Lia finally said, hoping her mother would understand her wish but her mother words shattered her hopeful heart.

"What you wish does not matter."

"I love him"

"You haven't even known him for that long. That love you feel is all in your head."

"Would you really deny me of this one request I asked of you?"

"Yes I would because it is not a reasonable one."

"And you think becoming an immortal is reasonable."

"You do not know a thing. A lot of people say that I am a very powerful witch, but you know what? Such praises are useless when I am not even a member of the immortals. When I become immortal with Ava blood, then I will be able to join the Immortals and that's when you come in."

"So all this madness is just for you to become a member of the Immortals. You have achieve your goal and I played a part in it so why won't you help me achieve mine."

"Because your goal is delusional, even if you marry Logan, he will never mark you and as a result of that, his pack will never see you as their true Luna."

"If I become Luna, wouldn't it benefit you?"

"And how would that be of benefit to me."

"As Logan mate, the Immortals will support me more than that human. If I have the Immortals support then I can make you a member of their council."

"Do you really think becoming Logan mate will make those ruthless bastards support you. You are worthless to them because you are not his weakness."

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't understand, even though I were to become immortal with Ava blood, they will not easily accept me as one of them and that is why you will need to make Jayden to fall for you."

"You do not mean that"

"Yes i do. Forget Logan, If you were to marry Jayden, you will hold much power than Ava ever will."

Lia looked at her mother and walked closer to her and then she hugged her and whispered in her ears "If I can't have what I want, then you won't get what you want either."

"What do you..." Then Serefina felt a sharp pain on her neck. She felt weak for some reason and it was then she realized what Lia has done to her. She used up her strength to push Lia away and asked "What have you done?"

"You must really be crazy if you thought that I will marry that insane vampire king for you."

"You see mother, you will never become an Immortal. I mean how would you become an Immortal if you have no power." Then Lia laughed a very malicious laugh.

"You see, I will get Logan and I will also get rid of Ava by myself. I do not need you."

"I took you in and this is how you repay me?"

"And I have done your biddings for years yet you couldn't grant me just one request."

"Logan will always love Ava and not you"

"It doesn't matter as long as i am by his side he will come to love me some day."

"You are so foolish, Logan can never love you, he will always love Ava."

"I can change it"

"You can't change it"

Lia waved her hands at Serefina as she whispered "Duratus." And then a layer of ice surrounded Serefina and encaged her.

"Do you see now dear mother, i am stronger than you. All you just need to do is stay here, I wouldn't like it if you were to force me to do something terrible." Lia said as she turned to leave but stopped all of a sudden because she saw the little bottle filled with blood. She smiled at Serefina and took the bottle, then she opened it and drank the blood.

"So sorry mother, I guess you can't become Immortal but don't worry I will help you to fulfill your wish." Lia said and left the cottage with an evil smirk.

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