
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasy
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68 Chs


Ava came back to the cabin and got startled when she saw Logan sitting down on the table.

"Where were you?" Logan asked coldly.

Ava was shocked by Logan cold tone because he has never spoken to her that way.

Logan got up and walked closer to Ava and asked again "Where were you Ava?"

"I was just walking around the forest." Ava said but she felt guilty for lying to him.

Logan saw her guilty look, then he softened his tone and said "You are lying to me."

"What?" How did he know, could he perhaps know of the fact that I actually went to see Serefina but how could he.

"You always cross your fingers and you never look at me in the eyes whenever you lie to me."

"Huh" Ava looked at her hands and truly she has cross her fingers. She immediately freed her fingers and looked at Logan in the eyes and said "As I said before, I went...." before she could complete her statement, Logan consumed her with his lips and kissed her as if he was punishing her, he bit her lower lip and when Ava thought she was going to bleed, she felt immerse pleasure when he began sucking her lips, she moaned and opened her mouth for him to deepen to the kiss but to her disappointment he stopped and made her looked directly into his beautiful blue eyes as he said "Don't lie to me, just tell me the truth and I promise I won't get angry and I won't scold you."

"You promise?" Ava asked deciding to tell him the truth.

"Yes I promise" Logan said. He was happy Ava was going to tell him the truth, he didn't want his wife to ever lie to him, he wanted to become someone that she can trust and rely on. He held Ava hands and led her to the bedroom then he sat down on the bed and made Ava to sit on his lap.

"Must we really sit like this?" Ava asked, to be honest she wanted to be at a safe distance in case he gets angry from what she was about to tell him.

"Yes we must sit like this. Do you know worried I was when I didn't see you here. So tell me, where were you? Logan asked more calmly and even with a smile.

Ava gave a deep sigh and finally said "I went out to see my godmother."

And immediately Logan smile faded and he looked at Ava coldly.

Ava was actually terrified of the way Logan was looking at her, she wanted to get up from his lap but his hold on was too strong so she gave up trying. She picked up her courage and said "Don't look at me like that, you are actually scaring me."

"How can the way I look at you scare you when you aren't even afraid of your own godmother." Logan taunted.

"That's because, right at this moment you are scarier than her."

"Ava! I don't understand you, Lia told you everything she has done but yet you still met her. Do you love her that much?"

"No, that is not it, she told me she could sever Lia bond with you so that is why I met her."

"And I told you I would take of it. Did you not trust me and why would Serefina help you if she was the reason Lia came into our lives in the first place."

Ava felt Logan hold on her was no longer tight so she immediately got up from his lap and took two steps away from him.

Logan frowned the more when he saw Ava running away from him. He didn't want to scare her but he just couldn't control himself.

"It's not that I don't trust you I just wanted to do something to help."

"And you think going to a woman who has lied to you and betrayed you was a way to help me? Tell me something and don't lie to me about it, What did Serefina asked from you?"

"She asked for the blood of my heart inorder to sever your bond with Lia." Ava said timidly.

Logan felt as if his heart stopped beating and he felt suffocated, he walked up to Ava and pulled her gown down and when he saw the scar on her chest his eyes blue eyes became red like blood.

Ava gave a sharp gasp when Logan rip her clothes but when she saw Logan eyes she unconsciously took a step back and said "Logan, are you alright?"

In all the stories she has heard about werewolves, she has never heard of a werewolf eyes becoming red like blood. One of the maid in the palace once told her that only vampires eyes are red and that was one of the way to differentiate a vampire from a werewolf. So why was Logan eyes red, even the eyes of his wolf was dark grey so why.... and besides, her mother once told her to never believe in vampires because they have gone extinct, she said they no longer exist. Ava was lost in thought when she heard a pleading voice.

"Ava leave before I do something I will regret."

Ava looked at Logan and she knew she was the cause of it, so she walked up to Logan and hugged him tightly and then she whispered "I am alright Logan. The scar in my chest is just an illusion that Hannah helped me to create, so you can get angry at me and scold me but come back to me."

Logan stiffened when Ava hugged him, he could never fully control this side of himself and the last time he became this way he ended up killing a whole pack without leaving any one alive. When he saw that scar on Ava chest he lost control, he wanted to kill everyone within sight and with the last of his rationality, he begged Ava to leave.

But instead of leaving Ava came closer to him and hugged him and when she told him it was all a lie and an illusion he calmed down. He was happy she was not hurt.

Ava felt Logan relaxed and she looked at him, his eyes were still red and so she tiptoed and kiss him exactly the way he would kiss her and at first he did not respond and when she was about to give up she felt his hands wrapped around her waist and he kissed her like he was starving of her lips. Ava gave a pleasurable sigh when Logan deepen the kiss and pleasure her in every way possible with his lips.

After some minutes of their pleasurable moment, Logan separated himself from Ava and rested his forehead on hers as he breathed heavily and then he whispered softly "Don't do that to me again, i don't want anything to happen to you. I can't even tolerate seeing a scratch on you much less a scar."

Ava opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Logan blue eyes looking at her but she immediately frown when she thought of something. She separated herself from Logan and said "Does that mean you won't love me anymore if I were to get scarred?"

Logan saw Ava accusing look and immediatly said "That is not true, I will always love you scarred or not."

"But you just said....."

Logan pulled Ava closer to him again and said "Forget what I just said and tell me, if you didn't give Serefina your blood then whose blood did you give to her?"

Ava gave Logan a mischievous smile and said "I gave her the blood of an horse who will soon be dead because it has a disease that can not be cured."

"But wouldn't she has known the difference between your blood and that of an animal?"

"She wouldn't. I made the horse to drink the potion she gave to me and then with the knife she gave to me I stab it in the heart and collected its blood. Surprising after few minutes passby, the wound close up and the horse came back to life."

"Then she wasn't actually trying to kill you."

Ava pointed to her chest and said "The scar on my chest is exactly the same scar that was on the horse after i stab it and Hannah helped in making the horse blood to have my blood scent and also she added a poison that's said to be quite lethal for witches."

"The Nove Rose" Logan whispered.

"You know of it."

"Yes, it is said that it only grows once in a century and the reason why it is so dangerous for a witch, it's not only because it is a poison that can't be scent by them but also because once it is in their blood it absorb their power slowly and kill them by making their heart to explode."

"Exactly!" Ava exclaimed with a smile and then she said "Serefina was obsessed with the blood of my heart but now she doesn't realize that her heart is going to explode very soon."

Ava looked at him and asked "Are you proud of your wife Mr. Anderson?"

"Yes, I am very proud of my wife Mrs. Anderson." Logan said as he hugged her.

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