
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs


Lia was shocked when she heard Serefina suggestion, so she said "But he already has a mate, how can I also make myself to be his mate."

"I have once heard about a Werewolf who had two mates. Although a Werewolf having two mates is rare but it is not impossible."

Lia thought of how Ava has been good to her and hesitated only for a few seconds, before she replied "I understand what I must do mother"

"I'm glad you do, do not disappoint me Lia, because I won't forgive you for failures."

"Yes mother." Lia answered and when she was sure her mother has disconnected, she kept the blue gem under her pillow and went to sleep.


The next day, Lia knocked on Ava and Logan room and when the door was opened she was met with a scowl on Logan face.

"Who is at the door?" Logan expression softened when he heard Ava voice.

"It's your friend, i will leave you two to discuss, I have pack business to deal with." Logan said as he allowed Lia to come in, then he walked up to Ava and whispered in her ear "You look beautiful, I will be back every soon." after saying those words, he gave her a lingering kiss on her forehead and then he walked out without even sparing a glance at Lia.

Watching Logan walking out of the room without even sparing her a glance, made Lia more determine to conquer this arrogant man.

"Do you have something urgent to say to me?" Ava question bought Lia out of her vicious thought.

"I wanted to ask if you would like to take a walk around the forest with me?"

"Sure, let's go" Ava said excitedly.

When Lia and Ava came out of the pack house, Lia stopped Ava and said "I think I forgot my bracelet in your room, can I go get it?"

"Yes, but Do you want me to come with you?" Ava asked.

"No, there is no need, I will just get it and come back to you real quick." Lia said with a smile.

"Ok" Ava watched as Lia walked into the pack house and all of a sudden she felt someone was watching her but when she looked around, she saw no one. So Ava thought it was just an imagination.

Lia walked into Ava and Logan room and collected her bracelet but instead of leaving the room, she went into Logan things and took one of his shirt that has not been wash. When Lia sniff his shirt, she could still smell the fragrance of his sweat and then she muttered "Perfect"

She left the room and went to her own room to keep Logan's shirt, then she went back to meet Ava.

Ava smiled when she saw Lia and asked "What took you so long?"

"I couldn't find my bracelet on time" Lia replied.

As Ava and Lia walked around the forest, Ava smiled when she saw Logan and she shouted "Logan!"

Logan turned and smiled when he saw Ava but that smile faded away when he set his gaze at Lia. Not noticing the change in Logan expression, Ava ran to him and hugged him.

Logan gave a light chuckle as he caught Ava in his hands and said lovingly to her "You are old yet you are behaving like a child"

"How dare you call your wife old, Mr Anderson" Ava angrily said but one could still see a hint of smile on her face.

"I'm so sorry Mrs Anderson, you must've heard wrongly, I could never call my beautiful wife old." Logan said feigning innocence.

"I never knew that, the world most feared Alpha is so shameless."

"Only with his wife" Logan said as he gave Ava a peck on her lips.

Lia felt an emotion she couldn't describe as she watched them, and for once in her life she looked forward to one of her mother's plans. When staring at Logan she asked herself 'if she were to become Logan's mate, would Logan care for her like he does for Ava?'.

For the first time since she was born, Lia wanted something for herself. She wanted Logan, she wanted to feel his care, and love.

There are times Lia has wondered if Serefina truly loved her, Lia has always thought that as long she remains obedient to her mother and do all her biddings then her mother will always love her, but the truth is, she fears her mother anger the most, because whenever her mother gets angry she would hit her and call her useless.

Lia felt longing as she stared at Ava and Logan, and came to a firm decision that not only will she become Logan's mate but she will also become his wife.

Lia felt that Ava was too weak and soft hearted to stand by the side of a powerful man like Logan. Coming to such a decision, Lia walked up to both Ava and Logan and gave a slight bow to him.

Logan gave a slight nod to Lia and turned to Ava saying "I need to check the borders with Jack, there have been signs of rogue."

"Is everything alright?" Ava asked worriedly.

"Everything is fine, so don't worry. I just want to make sure everywhere is tightly secured."

"Ok but come back soon." Ava said

"I like it when you get bossy" Logan teasingly replied.

"Logan!" Ava was embarrassed that Logan could flirt with her in front of Lia.

Logan gave deep chuckle at Ava and left.

After Logan left Ava gave an embarrassing smile to Lia and said "Don't mind him, he is always like that."

Lia gave a light smile and said "Don't worry about it, the both of you seen cute together."

Ava smile and said "Let's go back to the house, I want to surprise Logan tonight by cooking a meal for him."

"Can I do it instead Ava?" Lia suddenly asked.

Ava was confused by Lia request and asked "What do you want to do?"

"Can I be the one to prepare Logan's meal for tonight?"