
The Hostage Princess

Note: Cover Photo from Pinterest and not mine. Credits to the owner The continent has always been riddled with war. Small kingdoms are being invaded by big ones and are swallowed up. Two empires have emerged to be the most powerful, the empire of Constantine in the west and the empire of Alessandria in the east. When the two empires clashed to dominate one another, the continent was put into turmoil. With the war stretching on for years crops and livestock began to dwindle, famine and sickness started to spread. Death had spread throughout the continent. In this war between the two powerful empires, Constantine was at a disadvantage because of the might of Alessandria. Because of the long years of war and the damage it has brought, a truce was formed. Being that Alessandria is the dominant of the two, Constantine was forced to give away some of their territory together with sending a princess as a hostage and one of many wives in the harem of the tyrant emperor of Alessandria. Almera Ashelet Constantine was the eldest princess of the empire of Constantine. Born from the empress of the empire she should have been loved by many. But contrary to that, she was only a princess by name and not favored by her father the emperor Reginald Constantine III of the Constantine Empire. She was then chosen to be the hostage princess that is sent to Alessandria Empire. ** It looked like Almera was in a disadvantageous position, she was not only a princess from the enemy empire but also a weak woman that can be bullied easily. She knew that her father has sent her knowing that she can die in Alessandria and that is what he was counting on to break the truce that was forged. But unknowing to anyone, she has a power that was passed from her mother empress to her. It was a power that can change the tides of this war. Almera kept it a secret as her mother had let her promise on her death bed. But for Almera to survive, she must use this power to wager and struck a deal with the emperor of Alessandria, Romulus. ** At the wedding chambers in Alessandria, Almera was waiting intently. Her hands were sweating even though she was feeling cold. Nervousness enveloped every part of her body. She had heard rumors of Emperor Romulus. She must get him to agree to the wager she had in mind. When the doors opened and a man entered, Almera’s heart leaped. She saw a well built man with little clothes on. It was none other than the emperor of Alessandria, Romulus Alessander. “So, you are the princess of Constantine that was sent here.” The man looked at her from head to toe as if gauging her worth. “You will do.” He had a devilish grin on his face. The man was rushing to the bed where Almera was seating. “W-Wait…” Almera said hastily. “Before everything else… hear me out. I want to make a deal with you.” Romulus stopped just right in front of her. “A deal?” Romulus had one eyebrow up. “Interesting. This is the first time a woman had stopped me in my tracks and surprised me by wanting to strike a deal. Then tell me princess, what deal do you want to have with me?” A playful smirk was etched on his face.

Les01 · História
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

A Truce (1)

I was walking on the hallways towards the throne room. It was eerily quite, as if it was a calm before the storm. My heart was thumping heart inside my chest because of nervousness.

"That man will not call all of us in the throne room if it is not important." I whispered to myself.

After my mother died and I knew the true colors of my father the emperor, my thirst for his love started to fade away until it was replaced with hatred.

What I feel now for him is nothing more but hatred for how he treated my mother and how he still treats me and my younger brother.

The door to the throne room was in sight. I saw two knights standing guard by the door. The two knights bowed their heads when they saw me approach and opened the doors.

"Princess Almera Ashelet Constantine has arrived." One knight announced my presence.

I carefully walked inside the throne room. When I looked at the throne area, I saw my father seating on his throne looking at me intently. I felt his stare so intensely as if it can bore a whole right through my body.

Not only him but his ministers were also looking at me.

'Had I done anything wrong?' I thought and dug through my memory of the past days and cannot think of anything.

I saw that my brother had already arrived before me and was looking at me worriedly.

Once I was just below the throne area, I stopped and curtsied gracefully as a princess who has learned etiquette would do.

"Greetings, your majesty." I greeted with respect. "I, Almera Ahselet Constantine, had arrived by your summons."

"Very well." Emperor Reginald replied. "We will just wait for your other siblings to arrive. Stand beside your brother while we wait."

"As you wish." I curtsied once more and walked towards the direction of where my brother was standing.

I walked passed the emperor's ministers and saw Duke Arthur as well. He was a good friend of mine since childhood. His family had been good supporters of me and my brother and I owe the late duke a great amount of debt for looking after us after my mother the empress died.

Arthur, Alexus, and I had been close since we were young. We have been playmates since childhood and good friends in our teens. But once Arthur took the seat of duke after his father passed away and Alexus started to be serious in his princely duties, we haven't gotten to meet each other to seat down and talk because of their busy schedules.

'I miss those days when we were still young and to not have problems as adults.' I sighed internally.

I passed by Arthur and gave him a smile. He smiled back and nodded his head as a reply. I cannot but help notice that his smile was sad.

I took the space beside my brother Alexus and stand by diligently.

"Do you have any idea what is happening?" I asked Alexus in a whisper.

"I also do not have a clue." Alexus replied. "I was nervous that it has something to do with you."

"Me?" I said in disbelief. "But I do not remember doing anything in particular to have father call such a meeting here in the throne room. With all the ministers in full attendance as well."

"Did you get caught sneaking out of the palace again?" Alexus asked me with one eyebrow up. "How many time have I told you to stop sneaking out to town incognito? It is not safe for a young lady such as you walking around alone."

"Oh come on Alexus. You are not my mother. And should it not be the other way around and me as the older sister be the one worried about you, my little brother." I gave him a sideways smile. "And of course I was not caught sneaking out. I am always careful to hide my tracks. And I am a master of disguise." I giggled.

"Disguise? You call wearing a wig and those baggy clothes a disguise?" Alexus rolled his eyes in frustration. "Big sister, when will you start listening to me and stop your little escapades?"

"There is nothing to do here inside the palace." I replied. "And besides, they do not even notice if I have been gone the whole day. They do not care about a shut in princess."

I have my reasons why I maintain my facade as a shut in princess, and that is to let the people inside the palace think that I am just a weak and neglected princess. That image is also to mislead our enemies who has their eyes always watching us siblings. Those enemies are none other than the Aberfort family.

Noel Aberfort has his eyes on the throne for quite sometime now and he plans to put his grandson Jonas take that seat. There were quite a few attempts on me and my younger brother's life, but thankfully with my powers we were able to survive them every time.

I cannot rely on my powers of prophetic dreams because I still do not have the means to fully control them, so few years back I founded a merchant company with another identity. The company was also an information guild underneath. It was called the White Rose Merchant Company in front and the Black Rose Information Guild underneath.

This company not only flourished in trade but also in buying and selling information and it had become a multi million company in no time. It had been also beneficial for me because of the information network. Everything that goes through the information guild, I also know and that includes the assassination plots against us as well. And not to mention, it made me filthy rich as well. I am supporting Alexus in his goal for the throne secretly. With our enemies watching my brother's every move, I must also stay vigilant and be always one step ahead of them.

"Prince Jonas Constantine and Princess Quinevere Constantine have arrived." The knight announced.

'Well speak of the devils.' I thought.

Jonas and Quinevere came inside and walked towards the throne area. The two of them had father's blonde hair and light blue eyes, while me and my brother got our mother's raven black hair and indigo eyes.

"Greetings, your majesty." My step siblings greeted.

"At ease." Emperor Reginald said. "Now that all are here, I will state the agenda we need to discuss. A temporary cease fire has been declared between our empire and the empire of Alessandria. A treaty has been talked about and the terms had just came in."

I have breathed a sigh of relief that it was nothing about me that has to be discussed in this meeting. I have already known of the temporary cease fire beforehand because of the Black Rose Information Guild. I also know that Alessandria has the upper hand in this truce.

'I am curious as to what the terms the emperor of Alessandria had asked for.' I wondered.