
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

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The Lords Part 2

As Luke ran back into the research facility he quickly looked at the spot in which he saw the lord peeking out of. As he stared at the spot he saw a bit of movement and with no hesitation in his eyes Luke immediately charged into the building. When Luke entered the building his fear came true as he saw two of the offspring of the lord that he fought eating a carcass of a beast that looked like it died just recently. The offspring looked at Luke as they heard him growl and tighten his muscles.

When they saw Luke staring at them with vexation, they were at first confused, but then the next second they immediately got up and prepared to fight, "so you brats remember me. Good" Luke said as he lunged at the offspring with his maw wide open and his claws stretched out.

The offspring roared out and charged at Luke, all shining a bit of hatred in their eyes. One of the offspring slashed at Luke withs its giant claws and a small crack was seen on his arrow like plating. "So you guys haven't gotten weak since the last time I fought you '' Luke said as he stared at his slightly cracked plate.

Luke focused his attention onto the offspring once more and raised both his weapon tails into the air and began to slowly shake them from one side to another. The offspring stared at the two weapon tails anticipating them to strike them.


One shrieked out as the other noticed Luke grabbing onto the other one's neck with his maw. The other one slashed its claw at Luke's head, but was quickly punctured in the head by both the weapon tails. "They never look at what's going on around them, only on a single thing" Luke thought as he bit down hard and broke the offspring's neck.

"Now, to reap my rewards" Luke said as he ripped off a chunk of flesh from the offspring's neck and swallowed it. Luke soon felt his entire body aching as he collapsed onto the ground and began to groan in pain.

{Mass increase}

The discomforting feeling that Luke felt seconds ago soon disappeared and what replaced it was information on his changes. "So I only grew bigger" Luke thought as he got up and looked at his body. Suddenly a feeling of hunger hit his body as his stomach began to ache badly, as if there was something clawing at his insides.

Luke stared at the corpse that he had just previously ripped a junk out of and, without any hesitation in his movement, began to devour the corpse. He tore off chunks and swallowed it before eating more and more out of the remains until it was nothing but bones. "I'm still hungry" Luke said as he stared at the other corpse that was bleeding out.

The slowly expanding puddle of blood slowly creeping towards Luke only made him feel ever hungry. Letting his instinct to eat and devour run wild, Luke lunged at the corpse and began to devour the corpse.

As Luke devoured the remains, his body was changing and bits of information of these changes flowed through his head.

{Body Modification}

Big bumps began to form on Luke's shoulder and the big bumps began to expand as if they were a balloon. As the bumps expanded bits of Luke's skin began to rip and small flowing rivers of blood began to leak out of the wounds. Just as this excruciating event was happening to him, Luke suddenly felt his front legs suddenly beginning to creak and crack into many different places. Suddenly they both snapped loudly and the both of them began to shrink slowly.


Finally feeling the pain coming from the shoulders, Luke let out a high pitched shriek that shook the building. Several of the windows broke and glass flew outwards. Creatures that were minding their own business were suddenly put on guard after hearing the ear piercing shriek resonating from Luke. And those that were a part of Luke's pack quickly got up and climbed up to the surface.

Soon the big bump on Luke's shoulder burst open and two giant arms came out and limped lazily onto the floor. As the two arms giant arms bursted out, Luke's two legs that were shrinking suddenly began to change. The skin on the legs ripped and the bones and muscle underneath could be seen quickly molding and shifting, as if rearranging themselves to a blueprint given to them. The two legs quickly changed from the frontal legs of a wolf or a lion, to that of a arm that had three small fingers with talons that were looked so sharp that they could cut flesh as if it was paper, the closest thing to this figure would be the hands of Velociraptor or a T-rex of the past.

"Hah hah hah" Luke panted as the excruciating pain finally disappeared and a sense of peace returned back to his body. As Luke regained his focus, he noticed the two new bulky, longer, plated out, arms as well as his changed frontal legs.

Luke's new arms were like human arms, the only difference was that unlike human arms that usually had hands that contained five fingers, these new arms had six. Four in the front and two were at the corners of his palms. Along with these new arms were the raptor-like nails that had smaller sharper rows underneath them meant for gripping and grabbing onto things more easily.

Luke soon moved the two new arms as if they were with him since birth, moving them in ways one would if they had them for years. Luke slammed both palms of his new arms onto the ground and lifted himself up. "This feels so natural" Luke thought as he easily walked around with his new arms.

If one was to look at Luke as a human , they would say that Luke was walking like a four legged animal, with both his elbows pointing outwards and not inwards like how a regular person does.

"I guess I should call these new arms my main arms and my old legs, or well arms, as sub arms" Luke thought as he tucked his sub arms close to his chest. "Now let's test them out" Luke said as he quickly turned around and moved his main arms towards an offspring that tried to sneak up on him. Luke brought the offspring close to his face and began to sniff it, all the while closing his eyes as if he was in a trance.

Luke suddenly opened his eyes wide and made a smile that looked demonic. "Found you" Luke said as he gripped his main arms hard and a large snap could be heard coming from the offspring body. Luke threw the dead offspring towards a nearby wall and moved his head down the hallway and looked at the staircase that led to the next floor. Luke slowly walked down the hallway, before beginning to do a small jog, and then full out running through the hallway. As Luke ran, his footsteps shook the ground as if there was an earthquake happening and his head, that was barely half of the half size, was bumping on the ceiling of the hallway.

As Luke was getting closer to the staircase, he could see several offspring running down, ready to attack any intruder. But once they saw Luke running through the damaged and ruined hallway to them, they quickly ran back up the stairs. Pushing and shoving each other out of their way as to not be the first one to be shoved into Luke's giant maw that looked as though he could swallow half a human in one gulp.

"Graaaoooh" Luke roared out as he was several meters away from the staircase as well as the fumbling offsprings. Once Luke made it to the staircase, he did not stop his dash to kill the offsprings or to not hit the wall. No, he instead continued his charge up the staircase, crushing several the several offsprings that were in his way to death before doing a sharp turn and continuing his charge over the offsprings and towards the next floor.

Luke rammed through the doorway that was blocking the stairway to the next floor and quickly closed all his eyes except the red ones. He quickly looked around and could see several heat sources in front of him. Luke quickly charged out of the dust and towards the nearest heat source, his maw wide open ready to devour whatever got in his way.

Once Luke was out of the dust, he saw an offspring looking at him. Before it could do anything to defend itself, Luke slammed his jaw shut and cut the offspring in half. The remaining parts of the offspring, its leech-like tail and half of its hand, fell limply onto the ground and a small puddle of blood slowly formed. Luke opened all his eyes and stared at the many figures in front of him. As he looked he could see one of the offspring bigger and bulkier than the rest.

"There you are, Lord of trees" Luke said as he rushed towards the Lord of trees. As he rushed, several of the offspring jumped in front of Luke as a way to slow him down, but only had their body flung away once they made contact with his heavy body. Their bodies laid on the hard floor as blood trickled down their leech-like mouth.

"Kreee" the Lord cried out as she charged at Luke. As the two charged at each other, Luke slowed down his momentum and prepared his weapon tails to stab at the Lord's side. Just when the two were about to clash, something unbelievable happened. The Lord who was crying out in rage suddenly changed her direction and jumped out of a nearby window. When Luke saw this he stopped moving for a couple of seconds out of shock since this creature made him cower in fear when he was small and still new to his life. Luke returned back to reality and looked out of the window where the Lord jumped out of.

When he looked he could only see a bunch of trees blocking his vision. "You think a couple of trees will stop me" Luke shouted out as he jumped out of the window and grappled down the side of the building using his four sharp thumbs and his weapon tails.

Once he reached solid ground did Luke close all his eyes except his brown ones. Luke looked deep into the forest and in a matter of seconds could he see the silhouette of the Lord swinging across the trees.

Luke stared at the silhouette swing across the trees in fear, trying to make sure it was getting as much distance away from Luke. This action made Luke remember the bloody battle he had with the Lord that instilled fear. That made him afraid to leave his cave for days before he mustered enough courage to go back to the world and hunt some food. And now that he was strong enough to kill one of the offspring, that made him fear for his life, he couldn't even use it on the creature that made him like that.

Luke took several deep breaths as he felt his chest tighten out of rage. He could feel his body telling him to not let that creature get away, to not let it see the light of day. Luke roared an earth shattering roar towards the heavens above before looking back at the silhouette that was getting away from him. "Let the hunt begin" Luke said in a cold voice as all his eyes slowly opened.