
The Hollow Swordsman

Noelle has no ambition, he's a loner that enjoys adrenaline a bit too much and has more money than he know what to do with.While on a field trip with his school he ends up separated due to his thrill seeking and gets pulled into something greater. ___________________ I'm righting this as a hobby so don't expect much.I do plan to complete this story so theirs that, but the updates will be pretty sporadic since i'm still in highschool.

AzureFantasy · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

A Dragon,Ego,and Hollow walk into a bar...

Noah stood there frozen, as the dragon stared at him intently as if it was studying him.His legs felt weak, his breathing quickened, and despite the numbing cold sweat trickled down his back. Fear gripped his body, not from the dragons appearance even though it was terrifying, it was it's presence that caused him to feel dread.Noah dropped to his knees as the dragon moved and got closer, it's eyes still trained on him.He could't bear it anymore and his consciousness faded for the second time today.

Waking up the first thing Noah realized was he was wearing clothes, then he thought 'Dragon" and shot up.The cave was no longer as cold despite the ice still being littered everywhere. Turning to his right he saw a women that appeared to be in her 50's with short silver hair and yellow eyes.

Breaking the silence Noah spoke "Good Morning" then realized it was probably the middle of the night and regretted it.Trying again he said "My names Noah, who are you" and received silence as a answer.She appeared to be contemplating something and made no effort to speak. Standing in silence with a complete stranger did not placate his nerves as he looked around to make sure what he saw earlier wasn't a dream.

"Child" a voice rang out and it took Noah a few seconds to register who spoke as he looked towards the woman.She didn't speak anymore and just continued to stare at him putting Noah even more on edge.He broke the silence,"This might sound weird but did you see a uh--dragon in here."

"That was me" she spoke

"Pardon" he asked making sure he heard right

"That was me" she repeated

"One more time"

"I have no time for your games child" she said annoyed and the presence he felt from the dragon earlier flared causing Noah to drop to his knees."I'm sorry" he sputtered out as his breathing became heavier.The pressure disappeared but he didn't dare to raise my head as he readjusted my breathing.

"Raise your head child" she spoke "I require your help"

Noah did as asked but still didn't dare to look her in the eyes

"Wh-What do you require of me Ms.--"

"Saphira" she spoke


"I'm dying" she said in an even tone

"Do you need me to fetch materials to heal you"

"Nothing in this realm could feed me let alone heal me" she replied sounding amused

"Apologies" I said my heart beating like a drum."What do you need me to do"

"As I said earlier" she began "I'm dying, I'm too weak to leave this realm and it has been sealed off to prevent me from calling help." she paused "I was ambushed by the infernals who want my core.I managed to escape but my injuries are to grievous so I'm in a bit of a dilemma."

"This is where my proposition comes in" she said "I, will give you a path to power and you will keep my core from falling into infernal hands."

"D--do I have a choice" Noah spoke hesitantly.

"Yes" she said "I'm to weak to form a contract with you so I can only hope you keep your word human"

"I have a few questions" he said


"What do you mean by path to power"

Saphira looked annoyed and spoke "Going through all of the specifics will take time which we do not have and it doesn't matter much to you since your a hollow, someone without affinity for any form of energy."

"What I will give you is a Ego.Ego's are sentient and take the form items such as weapons or armor.They work in tandem with their user fueling each others growth" she said as a cube appeared in her hand.

She handed the cube to him and said "Name it"

"Pardon" he asked one again confused staring at the black cube

"Name it" Saphira spoke once again "Also don't name it something like Godslayer, since it will be with you for the rest of your life."

"Okay" Noah said as he contemplated a name.If he was being honest his naming sense was not the best and Saphira obviously wasn't going to give him a lot of time to contemplate a name.So he started thinking about legendary weapons and armor that he knew of and one name stuck out.

"Excalibur" he whispered looking at the cube in his hands as golden runes appeared around it.The cube floated into the air and the runes started to glow brighter turning into a cube of golden light.The shape of the morphed elongating and Noah realized the silhouette was humanoid.

The light grew blinding and when it faded and a girl around 12 years old appeared.She had long cream colored hair that reached her waist.Draped over her body was a black dress with a golden trim that reached her ankles as she descended to the cave floor.Her eyes opened revealing to golden orbs that peered down arrogantly at him with feline like pupils.

Instead of speaking to him she turned and bowed to Saphira.

"Greetings your majesty" she said still bowing

"No need" replied Saphira "I'm the one in need of your help"

"I would be honored to do whatever you ask of me" Excalibur said only now looking up.

"I believe you should get acquainted with you new master" Saphira suggested pointing towards me. "Excuse me" Excalibur replied only now turning towards Noah "You mean the Hollow".

"Funny situation we find ourselves in" Saphira chuckled "A Dragon,Ego, and a Hollow, it sounds like the beginning of that one joke."