
The Hollow Swordsman

Noelle has no ambition, he's a loner that enjoys adrenaline a bit too much and has more money than he know what to do with.While on a field trip with his school he ends up separated due to his thrill seeking and gets pulled into something greater. ___________________ I'm righting this as a hobby so don't expect much.I do plan to complete this story so theirs that, but the updates will be pretty sporadic since i'm still in highschool.

AzureFantasy · Urban
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9 Chs


Excalibur was not having a good day.

For the first time in who knows how long she got a master which as much as she loathed to admit it made her happy.

The moment she was summoned she immediately felt the presence of dragon.Turning around she saw a beautiful woman and immediately bowed.

"Greetings your majesty" she said, her heart thumping.That was a Tri-element dragon for fucks sake they easily level planes and ruled over the dragons.

"No need for formalities" Excalibur was happy in heart that the dragon wasn't an arrogant prick because she was unsure of if she could keep her temper in check.

"I'm the one in need of your help" Saphira continued.

"I would be honored to do whatever you ask of me" replied Excalibur hoping it wasn't about her previous master since she knew next to nothing about her not to mention how long its been.

"I believe you should get acquainted with your new master" she said, and only now did Excalibur look at her new master.And she was disappointed, short black hair and black eyes, no obvious sign of training and he only met her eyes for a second before looking away.

'Coward' she thought having a master without a spine would be annoying for her but manageable.What wasn't manageable was that he was a Hollow.

"You mean the Hollow" Excalibur asked making sure they were talking about the same person

"Funny situation we find ourselves in" Saphira chuckled annoyingly "A Dragon,Ego, and a Hollow, it sounds like the beginning of that one joke."

'A joke I don't like' she thought trying her hardest not show annoyance on her face.Her second master ever and it turns out to be a Hollow.She took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

Turning back to Saphira she ask "What do you need from us that would cause you to bind a Ego to a Hollow." Saphira explained the situation to her and it caused her to sigh again.

"Are they trying to start a war" Excalibur cursed.

She realized she was in some deep shit.A increase in talent definitely wasn't enough for the infernal keepers to attack Saphira. Whatever they needed a Tri-element dragon heart for, it was something way out of her league.

"And you expect me to keep the whole infernal race at bay with that" Excalibur said pointing at the Hollow behind her.

"The circumstances are dire,either I die here and hope they don't find my corpse or let my corpse go with you two and hope you can protect it" Saphira continued "Besides you do have some advantages, they can't send anyone to powerful without alerting Hera and they have to be within a certain range to sense my heart".

"Yes those would be advantages" Excalibur said finally losing it "If my user had a iota of power, not a fucking Hollow!"

A suffocating pressure descended upon the cave as Saphira spoke in a cold tone "I understand your frustration" Excalibur couldn't breath, this was why she was trying to keep her temper in check, Saphira was a god something she couldn't even hope to compare to.

She could hear the hollow gasping for air behind her as the pressure lifted.

"But we don't have much of a choice, I will help you to get prepared with the time I have left, because if there is one thing I still have it's treasures."

Getting up Excalibur glared at the dragon before turning to her new master, doing another look over.

"Don't expect much" she replied lamenting her shitty luck

I'm going to be testing out First person POV next chapter to see if I like it

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