
The Hidden Gift

Strange things start happening after Maria Summers wins her Tennis Championship Finals. Caleb, her twin brother takes her, Madison, her bestfriend, and Cyrus out to celebrate when suddenly she starts hearing voices. At first she pays them no mind thinking it's just mind games until they come back...louder and stronger which then results in her hurting her brother. Later on she finds out that she's getting her powers back but they were binded when she was young for a reason and that her friends and brother also have powers too. Too many things happening in one day causes her to freak out a little and then a mysterious man shows up holding her mother as a hostage. What is really going on? Five years later, Maria, Caleb and Madison are taking in and training those that are superhumans, mutants and those who can also do magic. Maria's on a search for the man who killed her mother and trying to get to the bottom of whatever he's planning, Caleb worries about his sister's health, Madison tries to keep the house intact, the kids and everyone safe and people from the past start turning up. What's in store for these three? Well start reading to find out ;)

MzMysteryy · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


*Five years later..*

Another day. Doing the same old shit.


Just kidding, another day of finding more mutants. More superhumans like me and my brother. Bet you thought this was about to get depressing huh, well eventually.

Caleb, Mads and I had started this recruiting mission for about a year and a half now.

After what happened on that night five years ago, Caleb dropped out of college, Mads and I didn't finish Uni. Because it wasn't safe for us anymore.

Especially me.

Then getting attacked by the man who killed my mother three years later and our cover being blown that we were superhumans, we had to move to Falls Bay, a city in California, because Florida just wasn't safe for any of us anymore.

Now things have progressed alot compared to when we had just started.

To think it all started when Caleb brang home an injured college kid named Joshua, who had gotten into a fight.

He was beat up pretty bad, so I healed him. When he finally woke, he was a bit scared at first having no idea where he was, but Mads helped in that department.

The fight had started when some boys at the party, that he instanly recognized as the ones always making fun of him at college, started harrasing him.

He'd asked them to leave him alone and as expected they didn't. He tried walking away from them, when they all ganged up on him and started to beat the crap out of him.

What they didn't know is that Joshua could shoot fire from his hands. Well he didn't know either at the time.

One had his foot on his back and the other was about to kick him, when he grabbed onto his leg... And set it on fire.

It was just out of anger, and a defence mechanism why his powers decided to rear it's head that day.

He didn't know how to stop them but thankfully no one was hurt too bad, although I would've hurt them bad enough, they'd never even think abouting laying a finger on me again but whatever.

Caleb was driving pass the house the party was being kept at, when he saw them on the front lawn.

He stopped everything from reaching to a certain point of no return then carried Joshua back here.

From that day we decided it'd be a pretty good idea to put this big house my grandma gave us to use.

Now some of these superhumans we'd take in were kids, some were teens and some were just entering college. A few adults came to us wanting to help out since they know of the struggle of hiding who they are and some had just gotten their ability and needed help.

Some have been neglected by society, they wouldn't accept them anywhere and some their parents allowed to stay here for their safety and to also be able to learn how to advance and control their powers.

The adults would help us out with training and recruiting. They had some pretty cool powers, like Bishop, same age as us, use to work on construction. One day he turned up to the site and no one could see him, turns out he has an invisibility power.

Lexi, she's twenty seven the oldest in the house. She can do magic, she's been helping me control my chaos magic but nonetheless she's a big help around here with the kids.

Then there's Aaron he's only twenty one but act's as if he's the same age as the teenagers. He's fun to be around and can make you smile when your down but sometimes...he can get very annoying. His ability is his limbs can elongate which gets pretty weird sometimes.

Those who had school and college or whatever else they had to do were still able to attend but here was their home now. Unfortunately school was over today and the start of summer holiday.


I rolled over on my side, looking at the time on my alarm clock.

10:00 AM.

I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling rubbing my palms over my eyes.

Rise and shine.

Sitting up and leaning on the headboard I took up the bottle of bourbon on the bedside table beside my bed. I shouldn't be drinking this early in the morning but it's whatever.

"Hello litle fella." Putting the bottle to my lips, before I could take a sip the bottle was ripped from my hand.

"Tsk tsk tsk." I turned my head to see him standing at the foot of my bed.

"Drinking this early it really isn't good for you ya know." He smiles, then starts drinking the liquor that was just in my hand.

"Just always have to shit on my already shitty day don't you brother." I smile at him shooting daggers with my eyes.

A whisk of my hand and the bottles back in my grasp.

"Cheers." I wink at him and start chugging down the alcohol or what's left of it anyways.

He walks over to my desk and sits there, staring at me.

"Even though my eyes are closed I can feel you staring." I joke, he sighs.

"How are you, you don't look so okay."

"I'm fine, I'm not a baby I can handle myself." I look over at him with a side eye placing the bottle back on the table.

"Hmm I see." he places his elbows on his knee and rests his chin on his hand, eyeing me up and down. "I don't believe you at all no matter what you say Mar."

I jump out my bed and make my way to the bathroom, stopping beside him on my way there.

"Believe what you want Caleb." I pat his shoulder.

Walking into the bathroom, I stop at the sink and look into the mirror. Sighing, I wash my face and brush my teeth, and then take a quick shower.

Then I tiptoed out the bathroom and head to my closet for some clothes.

I put on a jeans shorts, a white shirt and my black boots since today seemed like it was going to be super hot.

I stepped out of the closet and made my way back to the bed. Caleb is still in my room, except he was now on my bed and scrolling through my laptop.

"Way to invade my privacy dude."

"Any updates yet?" He asks, ignoring my remark and still scrolling.

I sighed "Not yet, I tracked so many leads just for them to be dead ends." I lay on my bed hugging a pillow to my face.

"Well, maybe he doesn't want to be found yet." he pats my head.

"Yet?" I raise an eyebrow at him. I groan and keep the pillow on my face. "I could never give up but at this point its becoming a lost cause. It's been three years Caleb".

"But if you give up we all know it's gonna eat away at you more than any of us." He takes the pillow off my face and rests it beside him.

"I'll be fine, no need to worry about me now." I stare up at the ceiling.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

I sigh. I was about to answer my brother when Mads called me, well using her powers so we were talking in our minds.

"Maria, you up?" She asked telepathically.

"Yea, whats up?" I reply.

"We got a call two superhumans, a boy and a girl, their mom wants us to talk to them, see if we can take them in."

I rub my palms over my face, sitting up.

"Do you know their abilities, or do they have magic?" I started to pace around the room.

"Well the boy is just like Caleb he can absorb matter, but the girl seems to can freeze things."

I stopped and looked at Caleb who was staring at me with a "what is it" look.

"Okay, be ready in 5."

I walked over to Caleb. "We're going to recruit some teens, so far Mads has found two of them. A boy and a girl, siblings."

He stood up and walked over to the door as I followed behind him. We walked down the stairs seeing some of the other teen recruits running up and down the hallways and Aaron trying to catch them. I passed the kitchen on my way to the door and boy was it a mess, I tried not to pay it any mind until I came back which for their sakes I hoped was cleaned by then.

"Sounds good, just be safe sis." he said raising an eyebrow "And don't kill anyone."

I gave him a lazy smile.

"Pft I would never." Hitting his shoulder, he chuckled and hugged me.

Madison finally came down, wearing her jeans and a tank top with a jacket on top and her suede boots. She gave Caleb a peck on the cheek and walked over to me.


"Whenever you are." I said and walked out.