
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
210 Chs

The Banquet

Despite enjoying how Madison was showing her loyalty, Felix shook his head and said, "That's not needed. At least, not for now."

Madison's eyes which dulled slightly from Felix's rejection, instantly brightened when she full heard what he said.

"What I need of you now, isn't anything special. Just attend the banquet with me, and do whatever I tell you to."

Yes, Felix who had enjoyed a week full of happiness with his wives, was now ready to go full on Hentai God mode. And the reason for that was, the banquet which was set to happen in the evening. 

Despite having only walked for a few minutes, that too towards this mansion, Felix had heard people gossiping about the banquet nonstop. 

In fact, from how grand they made it sound, it didn't even seem like something which could be arranged in a day or two. 

Which it wasn't, because the original idea behind the banquet was a gathering of all the talented males and finding the best one to marry his younger daughter to. 

However, since the king already found a suitable son in law, the invitation to fight for his daughter, was changed into the invitation to celebrate him finding a son in law. 

Since he had to attend this banquet, which was rumoured to be attended by almost every influential person on the continent! Felix decided to use Madison to get any and all information about the women whom he'd see there. 

After all, he could have sex with the King's concubines whenever he wants to. But the same can't be said for the beauties who'd be attending the banquet from all over the continent. 

Thus, he decided to put his priorities straight and not exhaust himself for what he was hoping to be a night full of never ending sex. 


Originally Felix was supposed to be notified about this banquet way back, but since he was nowhere to be found, the invitation was delivered an hour before the banquet. 

Not caring much about the late invitation since he already knew about it. And even if he didn't, Felix wouldn't have cared much since he didn't need to prepare much for it. 

Putting on the same type of clothes he wore every day, the same white robes, Felix left the mansion and started walking towards where the banquet would be held. 

It seemed like due to being prepared ahead of time, the banquet wasn't shabby at all. The banquet was set in the same palace Felix met the king at. 

Entering it Felix was escorted to a particular room, which he hadn't been before. And man was it different from the rest of the palace. 

If the remaining palace was like an ugly woman that no one wanted to see, then the room prepared for the banquet was a sexy naked woman who everyone wanted to be with. 

The walls were are all recently painted, and the room was brightly lit to the point that you could even make out an ant walking on the walls. 

Furthermore, the hanging centrepiece looked very delicate and majestic at the same time, grabbing everyone's attention. 

The floor, however, was divided into three areas. 

One area had various delicious foods arranged on many tables, the other area was empty and there were people holding glasses of wine and talking to each other. 

As for the last area, it was split into two separate parts, with one part having a huge table where what looked like the older generation, or more accurately, people on the same level as the George were occupying. 

And the other part hard individual tables of various sizes to let anyone who wants to eat, sit there and eat. 

Once Felix entered the room, George who was sitting at the head seat of the table immediately stood up and shouted, "There's the man of the hour, my son in law!"

As if warning others from having any plans about stealing Felix for their daughters, George directly said that Felix was his son in law even though the wedding hadn't taken place yet. 

Not at all bothered by everyone paying attention to him, Felix walked in and started looking around to see if this banquet really deserved all the talk it received. 

And yes it did, there were beautiful women as far as the eye could see. Every single woman who attended the banquet was a beauty who could make almost all men drool. 

Glancing at every woman he walked past by, Felix started thinking about who he should hook up with, until he finally found an empty five seat table with Madison waiting for him. 

Not acting way too obvious, Madison only smiled while Felix sat down beside her. 

"So tell me, who is who?"

"He didn't leave any rock unturned in organizing this banquet. Almost every influential individual person on the continent in here in this very room."

"That there is the Void Piercing Spear Sects, Sect Master, Alan Dragon Spear."

"And that one over there, he's the neighbouring kingdom's king, Sword King Charlie."

"Ah, and that is... "

"Okay, stop. When I asked you for some introductions, it was only about the women. I don't care about the men."

Regardless of how much fun it was listening to those stupid sounding names, Felix didn't want to waste his whole night on them. 

Understanding what Felix wanted, Madison now started introducing the women. And only the best looking women. 

While listening to Madison, Felix let his eyes roam on the various woman seeing if someone was to his liking. And indeed there was one particular woman. 

"Who's she?"

On the other end of Felix's finger, was a woman who was sitting all alone with a frosty look as if she would stare anyone who sat next to her to their death. 

Looking at whim Felix was pointing at, Madison shook her head and said, "I don't know Master. But if you want I can ask around a little, and..."

"That's fine. I'll find it out myself."

Interrupting Madison, Felix stood up and started walking towards the woman who caught his interest. 

However before Felix could even go too far from the table, a group of boys started walking to him with hostile gazes.