
The Hentai System....

I'm not the author. Author - Ero Saint

Daoist758476 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs


"So he's the one who's going to marry the crown princess?"

"Tsk, he looks more ugly than I thought."

"Can any of you sense his cultivation?"

"It must be too low for us to even sense it."

"Hahahahah, you're right!"

"And what are those cheap plain looking robes he's wearing? Doesn't he at least have some money?"

Talking loudly with obvious hostility and the intention to humiliate Felix, the group of boys looked provokingly at Felix waiting to see how he'd react. 

Similarly, the other guests of the banquet also looked with interest to see how the situation would play out. Including, the woman Felix was walking towards. 

This was quite natural as, before Felix's sudden appearance, many young men were trying to be the one who'd get to marry Amy. 

Because even if you put aside the extra backing they'd get from becoming the son in law of the Nurenth Kingdom's King, the woman herself was outstandingly beautiful. 

Unfortunately due to Felix who came out of nowhere, now none of them had a chance of marrying her. Therefore they decided to group up and bully Felix. 

But, what happened next made all of their smiling and taunting faces freeze because Felix just walked by them as if they didn't even exist. 

And what was worse was how Felix's face never once showed any emotion since the beginning till now. 

Feeling completely humiliated some of them wanted to fight back, but none of them found the words for it. As for fighting him with their fists, no one wanted to be the first one since none of them could see through his cultivation. 

Looking at this every individual attending had a different expression, while those who sat along with George praised him for finding such a mature son in law who knew what battles were worth picking. 

But none of them knew that the reason Felix ignored them so easily, wasn't because he was picking his fights, or because he wanted to humiliate them by acting like this. 

In fact, the reason was because after Felix slept with so many married women, and left with their angry husband's taunting him. Felix learnt that fighting wasn't always the most sensible thing. 

After all, if he chose to battle every man that tried to taunt him into one, it would have been impossible for him to ever have a single day of peace without fighting during the past 6 years. 

Just as Felix was finally about to reach the woman he set his eyes upon, some other man stepped in front of him, walking towards the same woman. 

"Hello, I'm Jacaaaaa! "

Before he could even finish what he was saying, the man was blown away and launched head first into a wall as if something invisible hit him. And hit him hard. 

Behaving completely oblivious as if nothing happened, Felix pulled a chair and sat down, "I hope this seat isn't taken."

Hearing Felix, the cold look on her face disappeared as a smile formed on it, "For you? It isn't."

At the same time the group of boys who were thinking that maybe they should challenge Felix to a fight, instantly took a step back. 

While those around George again praised him for finding such a great son in law. 

As for George even though he saw Felix flirting with another woman, during the banquet he held to announce their wedding, he didn't get angry at all. 

After all who was he to get angry, when he himself didn't remember more than half of his concubines' faces. 


"Can I know your name beautiful?"

"Of course you can, but before that, I have something to talk to you about."

Saying so the woman who smiling until now, began speaking in a serious tone. 

Bending forward she asked Felix to follow her outside. 

Going outside together, Felix started appreciating how beautiful she looked under the moonlight. 

As the silver light bounced off her short brown hair, those black eyes of her lot up like two stars making her look more enchanting. 

"You are too good to be on this small island."

Taking Felix's attention away from her body with just a few words, the woman continued in the same serious tone. 

"And way too good to be confined in this small unworthy kingdom. Instead, you should leave this island, and go to the Nebula Continent."

"Right now the three real continents are preparing for the War of the Continents, and you should participate in it!"

"Lucky for you, my lady is searching for young talents like you! As long as you go to the Nexus Empire, I can guarantee that the Empress would definitely appreciate you, and give you whatever you want!"

Listening to her words Felix understood that she wasn't an original inhabitant if the Cloud Continent, but came here from one of the so called three real Continents. 

The Spirit Realm other than being half filled with water, had many pieces of land in it. And the three biggest pieces were known as the so called real continents. 

As for the other smaller pieces of lands, despite being given the same suffix word 'continent', the residents on those three big pieces of land looked down on them and saw them as nothing more than islands. 

And the reason Felix knew all of this due to the Advanced World Knowledge he revived from the system a long time ago. 

Having said what she wanted to, the woman didn't even give Felix his name as she handed him a token and left while saying, "This will serve as your entry ticket to meet the Empress. Make sure to go as soon as possible. Time waits for none."

Originally the woman just came here on a whim to see how the boy whom Nurenth Empire King was boasting about, even in the invitation card, looked like. And how good his talent was. 

However, when previously Felix used the Dao of Space to knock that man away, she understood that his talent was way too good to remain here. Because unlike others, she knew that Felix understood one of the hardest Dao's there was. 

And that too on this forsaken island which had no places to learn Dao from! 

Immediately she gave him the token, and left because if she stayed too long, and the scouts of other Empires found her. It might be possible for them to rope Felix in. 

Not knowing that the scouting which he was afraid about had already happened, the King who didn't expect a talent scouter from a huge empire to have found Felix so soon, was enjoying drinking with others while boasting about how great his son in law was. 

Had he known that such a thing would happen, there was no way the banquet would have ever been held.