
Worst punishment!

To be frank no one really new what transpired after the fruit punch.And Khali could not align the events that could have led to the fruit punch being spiked causing havoc at the flower kiss concert after- party.


The first rays of dawn penetrated through the glass wall that was east of the room and shone in.The room was fitted with expensive furniture.The other 2 walls were painted white with some antique colorful paintings hanging.

The wall opposite the bed board was painted a magnified boy's face that took three quarter of the wall.By his looks one could tell he was one of the rich kids. His symmetrical facial features could grab attention of many.His good looks did most of the job.anyway not to brag, maybe he was just photogenic.

The sun rays shone onto someone's face sleeping on the bed.It was a boy,he turned to rub his eyes.Indeed he was just as better as in the portrait.He had thick black eyebrows that were styled with two parallel cut lines that were perpendicular to his eyebrows.He had a pair of dark moles just below his left eye.He had a pair of this🎼 note earrings hanging on both his ears.

It seems he didn't intend to open his eyes due to a deep migraine that just hit him.He caressed his curly Afro hair and turned to nap again.He reached onto someone's shoulder and rested his head .His neck chain got revealed with the name KHALI.

It appears he was not alone in his room as there was a girl besides him.She was also fast asleep, unlike Khali who was dressed in all white, she wore regular clothes and it gave a hint that she was not part of the team.

Someone got hold of her palm and held on tight it seems he was having a night mare.On her right lied another boy who had almost similar genes as Khali.The only difference was that he was a little lighter than Khali in completion and he had a nose piercing in which he inserted a round gold ring on the right side of his nose.He also had matching gold earrings at the top of his left ear. He was in the same attire as KHALI and his neck chain indicated that he was named NELLY.

How did it occur for this girl to wake up in the middle of two of THE HEIRS Boys.That too in such a manner ?

The latter woke up at once and breathed, they looked around and then all scooted away from the bed into their feet in shock.

WAME looked around and spotted very alluring features standing in the room and that too on floor three and glass walls on the side giving her the view of dawn.She was scared, of what could have happened between her and the boys.

"did_ _ _they drug me and take advantage..." she thought and held her jersey, glaring at the two boys for answers.

"where am I...and who are you all?" she said in a low voice and as cracking headache hit her forehead."ouch!" she exclaimed with disbelieve. "Wait l am wearing my clothes and they are decked up too..this means I am save but...what if!"

"Are you for real...you don't no us..unbelievable..and again how did you sneak in our room." Nelly qouted as he folded his hands and moved towards her.

"Don't think too much Nelly...she's just one of the crazy fans who would do absolutely everything to get hold of us..that is why she must have hid until the party ended and squeezed in between us...just so she can brag to her friends in social media." Khali chuckled and smiled at her

."don't worry girl just relax if you love me then I can grant you a day as my girlfriend..I don't like to disappoint my fans." Nelly assured her.

"what...I don't like you..." she retorted and recalled "where is Minnie...I came to find her.."

"Minnie?_ _who is she..."Nelly retorted wearing a clueless face and then a thought hit him.

"The fruit punch was spiked Khali !"

"go out now...leave our manager is definitely on his way, we are doomed ,were are the others! " Nelly exclaimed in deep concern.

"go go now....leave...sneak out no, one must see you...the media must be observing us..."Khali pushed her outside the room and slammed the door on her face.

She was completely shocked.Firstly when she left to find Minnie last night she thought she went to the right address that one of the boys known as UNRULY sent Minnie a massage to meet . It seems she ended up in the rich kids house who were worried about paparazzi for some reason. She had to find a way out of the penthouse and again she awknowledged that the boys were worth staring at.

Wame matched though the passage in search of an elevator or stairs.She saw the stairs and ran down however there was no exit.

"what the heck....this creepy house...who are these rich kids anyway" "for the sake of that girl I ended up in big trouble..I swear she's gonna pay"

While creeping around, she heard foot steps coming down stairs.She crept towards some near by door and steadily opened and hid behind the door.It was dark inside, wame could only concentrate on the approaching foot steps.She turned to look around the room, it was little dark so she didn't see properly.

"maybe if I look out through the glass walls I will figure it out...let me open the curtains." when she headed to the curtains someone opened the door and she immediately hid behind the curtain and peeped through a hole on the crotcheted part of the curtain.

It is was yet another boy. He switched on the lights and locked the door.Wame noticed and cried silently in agony.

"Is this hell or heaven or I have teleported into some movie..gosh and why is it full of boys..I have always preferred being a boy myself.now who is this one again.."she thought in agony.

She peeped more to see.Another heart throb , this one had a face of a rude boy.One could tell by his cool looks.He had cute almost erect ears that had about five piercings on both sides judging by the earrings that hanged on both his ears.He was taller than Nelly but the same height as Khali

"why is he so dam hot...what am I saying, today I met hot boys in a single hour...but whatever, his personality seems very rude judging by his face"

Wame thought to herself and waited for him to go out.

But seems like he had other plans.He probably returned from jogging. He was almost drenched in sweat.

" I need to shower...but first ..." he pointed his water bottle.

Wame wanted to escape, she tried to open a window but it was locked. "who locks windows and the door is also locked ! I swear if I make it home Minnie is going to pay"

He took of his T-shirt and and prepared to remove his vest, Wame was quiet anxious "is he about to undress right now...no! Please!" she thought

He took off his vest and tossed it on the bed.Wame looked in awe ,he had an alluring normal physique not too much nor too small. She forgot about the reason why she was there in the first place.It seems she concentrated more on enjoying the alluring scenery.He also wore a neck chain with the name TEFO.

He took the water bottle and showered himself.The water ran through his reddish brown messy curly soft-spiral hair.Not even Wame's hair was that big.

"wait is this? a dream how come its in slow motion...what if i am trapped in movie or ..." she paused upon noticing that Tefo was now about to takeoff his track bottom.

"what! No...no I can't let this happen..my delicate eyes...I will just look away but i'll be intrigued to see...what to do and this darmn windows or doors whatever are locked.."

While over thinking about all these her mind decided.

She jumped out and screamed "stop!" "well ah sorry but can you unlock the door so that l can leave."

For a while Tefo was dazed, he thought he was all alone but it turns out some girl has been ease dropping on him."what the hell !" "who are you...did you really have to do that..please stop I don't fancy lunatic fans, they make me sick..."

"sorry but please tell me where I am"Wame requested politely

"In my room!...are you that crazy about me that you want to see me undressed..I really loathe such girls! Get out..get out I need to shower and wait for the manager...its almost seven am."

As he ordered her out Wame felt a knock in her heart.She observed every muscle in his face move as he spoke.She changed to a shocked expression with her mouth agape and a racing heart beat. Moreover he had blue round asian eyes with almost meeting eyebrows that were styled with a cross ❌ she was about to hit the 'making a fool out of yourself in front of a hot guy mode'

Tefo noticed her shocked expression and chuckled in disbelieve reviling his dimples. "you must be amazed after all yo've got what you wanted...Do you want more?" he ended with a question.

"dimples!"she muttered and tried to look away.

"I've asked you a question...do you want more seems you cant leave...?"

"yes!"she exclaimed spontaneously and held her lips. "I mean yes I want to leave..."

Wame ran to the door and unlocked, when she stepped out...someone came her way screaming thieve.She Immediately ran away like a true criminal.Tefo got out and looked at the path she took and exhailed in fury and got back to his shower.

Yet another chased her and she felt her lungs surrender.He actually thought she was a thieve.She could not take it anymore it seems the guy was very fast and he immediately caught up to her and she tried to escape but he held on tight until Wame tried to trip him to let loose but unfortunately they both fell down and then the boy pinned her to the ground and grimaced.

"gosh this one is strong...is he an athlete or something.."she thought as she tried to escape.

She has never been in such a position before.He really pinned her hard to the ground. Almost like a romance scene from the movies. Wame looked at him and noticed all his facial features. He had an earring pinned to his eyebrow and Wame was dazed considering the pain of actually getting a piercing. Even more bizarre was the three cross earrings hanging on both his ears. He gazed at her scared face and he smiled revealing his dimple on his left cheek.

"Got ya !..who are you and what did you steal before I call the police.."he qouted

Dimple!...get it together this is just a distraction somehow"she swallowed." oh…lord his lips are so close..this might be the day..stop it." she was going nuts in her mind.

"please let me go I'm not a thieve...I sort of ended up here somehow but please let me escape..." she begged politely. "now please get off me...I feel uncomfortable..."

He laughed"don't act like I'm hitting on you..your clothes say a lot about you therefore you are not my type...loose jeans and an over size sweater..epic..."

"however you are so cool...I can't help it but pity myself for my Terrible luck..."she muttered

"oh no this might cause a scandal...it must be related to the fruit punch...but this girl is far from being a fan" he thought"do you even know me ?"

"well...that is the explanation I need..who are you and what is this place and please let go off me..." she struggled at his mercy

"you...thieve..you don't no me...I don't believe it! Is there any girl who doesn't no me...illegal.." he was sort of freaking out.

"I see he feels proud of his looks that he thinks every girl likes him...Typical Rich Kid...wait I have an idea to the escape !"she grinned.

"well...l might understand but the media will turn this story around_ _ _ooh are those journalists !" she exclaimed as she pointed afar.

He got distracted and looked around.At that moment Wame pushed him away and ran away.

"How dare she...who the hell is she and why did she say she doesn't know me...she has insulted me a lot..." "Nelly will also be pissed if he finds out..!"

At long last she escaped that house, if it was her choice she could have just waited to get caught by the last boy who chased her because he was just too charming than the others but not too different as they all possessed great looks,as for Wame she could not understand as to which one of them had that thing that she liked infact all of them were alluring.

At long last she managed to arrive in her hood in block 5.She was greatful to God that she managed to escape 'CHARMING VILLE'. Her heart kept on pounding the whole time in that paculiar celebrity house.She was happy to have arrived home however upon reaching the gate all her worries returned, a home she was never happy in.She hesitated to enter the yard. The tuckshop was unattended and it was closed.She turned to gloomy again and suppressed all the pain.

"you can do this...like everyday why are you hesitating now.." She felt a cold metal tickling her neck. "what is this!"

Before she could find the metal someone distracted her.

"where are you from!" "the whole night....I wanted to attend the FLOWER KISS concert and get a chance to go to their after party at their penthouse and maybe find true love!" ANDILE yelled and then discovered something that hooked to her sweater.

"what! Do you fancy KIN from the HEIRS..I new it you went and attended their concert...otherwise we're could you ever get a chain which is similar to Kin's neck chain."

"what! I told you I don't like them...I don't even know them_ _wait...could it be_ _ _shit!"Wame took the chain and remembered that she saw an almost similar chain on their necks.

"Andile..I want to see their photos now...why didn't I always pay heat to such trends.."

"Wame...whose pics ?"She asked


"sorry my laptop is broken but l will show you at school in the internet !"Andile hugged her as they headded to the house.

"Where is Minnie..I swear I am gonna kill her..."

ANDILE had to worn Wame to avoid trouble with Reneilwe one of her cousin as she hated her a lot.

"hey Wame you never told me who that chain belongs to...you are certainly not a fan of the HEIRS."Andile was interested "give me..I love it"

"well__ it's not mine it belongs to ah...some fan...Minnie!"

"ooh Kay..let's go inside it's your judgement day."

"don't worry ANDILE I have a perfect cover story.." she grinned and placed the chain in her pocket.

"Ai! Those cute rich boys..I can't believe I'm admitting it..full of themselves!..gosh!"she banged her forehead after lashing out loud.


"My chain!"Kin yelled after the realization.

Their manager was really furious and Nelly kept on vibrating his leg out of anxiety. Michael placed his hands on the table and grimaced at all of them.

"Boys...you all messed up.. this is blamed on you..." "The police will come and search this place..if anything is found then your careers will go down the drain.." "so please tell me the truth !"

Hiding the truth was no longer helpful.The truth was going to be leaked anyway.Tefo poked Kin's back.Kim relayed it to Nelly and Nelly poked Khali's back. He was now compelled to tell the truth. He swallowed and and lowered his gaze.Michael could sense that the boys were hiding a deep secret.

"Go on Khali I am listening…what did you do." Michael demanded the truth.

" Okay…there is a gang of boys in school called UNRULY they sort of hate us…they once set us up at Maghan's party last month so we planned to set them up too_ _ _well we_ _ _" he was afraid of facing Michael's wrath. He new that his father was never going to spare him. His father always warned him not to tarnish his reputation as he was the Heir to his Company.

"You did what ?…tell me so that we can figure it out before the police come here.."

"Well…we spiked 5cups of punch to give the Unruly boys…but somehow the whole beverages at the party got spiked."Tefo explained. He saw it better to just tell the truth straight forward and experience the harsh consequences and move on rather than beating around the bush. Moreover his paranoid father coming in before they confessed was the worst.Tefo's father was a ruthless canadian businessman who didn't have a soft spot for anyone. His mother (motswana)moved to Canada to work as a doctor when he was 10 years old.She barely visited and This made him a difficult kid. The only people who understood him where the band members.

"What…who did it…because I no that Tefo will never do it, he's a little sensible.whatever you are all the same but, The only fool here who can do this is Khali !"

They all turned to look at Khali.He pretended to be dazed😳.

"why are you all looking at me like that." he pointed Nelly "He made me do it.."

"what!" Nelly exclaimed "But…this was all Kin's plan he laid it down, every move"

"what…Tefo said we should get revenge, he even supplied the Drugs so this is not my fault alone…." Kin tried to defend himself.

"ask the Canadian, please leave me out of it..I only convinced Khali"Nelly said

Everyone looked at Tefo awaiting his say. "what…guys…why me? Nelly is the one who forced me to go up to the dealers to get the ecstacy tablet and then Kin even directed me to the dealer…Michael this ain't my fault"

It seems everyone was trying to defend themselves.Michael started executing Veronica's instructions (Nelly's dutch mother).Apparently Veronica had a plan to save the boys She walked in along with two security guard decked up in black suits and shades.

"I new that you will be confused, saying that and these, blabbering nonsense…Boys…you no that I don't take shit with my children..so I will do what it takes to save you." "you should have told me about those boys sooner. I could have attended them..Benji…..find out about these Unruly boys.."she instructed one of the security guards.

"yes ma'am." Benji agreed.

"Now listen..when the police interrogate you. Tell them you don't no anything about the spiked punch…don't bring up the Unruly boys…that will raise suspicion" Michael instructed them.

They all heard movement outside and one of the guards moved the curtain to check and alerted his boss."ma'am the police.."

"ok…boys I am going..Henry and Mothusi will be here soon"

"mom…please don't tell dad the whole story he's gonna kill me."Nelly requested still petrified of his father's face when he finds out.

"Stop being a fool…and atleast show me you have matured by stopping you weekly changing of girlfriends !" Veronica walked out leaving Nelly in shock.

"is she keeping tabs on me…" "I don't date those girls, they are just fans" "did she get someone to follow me or what..!"He was shocked . All this time he thought was masked.

"That's what you get for having a gangster mother who owns a SECURITY COMPANY. Sorry dude" Kin added.

However Khali was envious."dude my aunt is so cool …Sexy! "

"hey ! How can you say that about my mother" Nelly gave Khali a painless slap.

The police arrived in and started interrogating them. As instructed they told the forged similar story and all went well, however the police had to search the house.


Just like ANDILE said, it was judgement day for Wame.Her rude cousin Reneilwe was seating next to her mother( Thato) on blue plastic chairs in the varanda .Reneilwe 's two younger brothers sat on the Stoop of the varanda.Wame's elder brother sat on a traditional mat(Rorisang).Lastly Reneilwe's step father sat on his camp chair.

Wame and ANDILE arrived in the yard.Wame silently prayed.

"where are you from..you left without informing anyone" Thato yelled "do you intend to get me into trouble"

"mom…this girl is not as innocent as she claimed to be…"Reneilwe added.

" I was at Minnie's house..we had a sleepover.."she wore fake smiles.

"whatever….just go bath and attend the tuckshop" Thato said.

"ok…I am in dire need of money"she muttered and went to shower.

After a while she finally finished her chores and went to a place known as 'DIMAUSU TSA BLOCK 5' to begin her afternoon shift. Minnie arrived by the tuckshop and banged the tuckshop counter with two 5 Pula coins.

Wame stood from her chair and her eyes landed on Minnie.Her expression changed to furious, she got out and spanked Minnie's back several times.

"you…got me into trouble..why did you lie ! "She exclaimed in fury.

"please forgive me…Wame I just wanted to go to Ryan's party." "so I had no choice but to say I was going to stay at your house.sorry…."Minnie explained.

"really…your sister came up to my house telling me that your mother was on her way home..and she was urgently calling you. I lied to her and said you were at Onalerona's house and I told her I will go and find you." she breathed "then I remembered the address you noted in my book and went ahead to Molapo to find you and after that i woke up early morning in some penthouse full of boys…""I think someone drugged me."

"what !" "but I went home after my sister called. She must have forgot to tell you when I arrived…she's forgetful…sorry but I promise I will make it up to you."


" I will help you find a boyfriend to shut those class mean girls and step on their pride. How dare they say no boy can ever like you.look at how cute you are!"

Wame looked at her reflection on the fridge door and chuckled "Minnie are you bultering me right now…stop it atleast help me with today's shift. That will be adequate to elevate my mood"

"ok…let's make money then…friend. This is why I love you ,so understanding not finicky like your crazy spoilt cousin Reneilwe who thinks the world revolves around her, she's like the evil step sisters."

"stop it Minnie I'm still mad….at you and remember when it comes to teaching my lousy evil family a lesson I rock."

"yeah.. last week you took all the stock money and bought textbooks…Thato was so angry that she tried to kick you out and then you threatened to report her to CHILD WELFARE authorities."

They both got back into the tuckshop and continued selling fat cakes(magwiga), Mapakiwa,scones,fried chips and some drinks.

Well through out Wame's life she had one family friend who shared a lot with.Minnie was her partner in crime and they pulled up many dangerous stunts together and most of them they emerged successfull.


"we found something !" a police man shouted in the terrace "we found a bag of drugs !"

Machael and the boys rushed upstairs to the terrace. The bag was foreign to the boys. It was weed.

"but….we never had any weed…" Nelly qouted.

" Boys you have illegal drugs in here. You might wanna come over to the station and explain." an Inspector took out handcuffs.

"No you can't do this…they are just kids !" Michael tried to protect them but in vein.

"Well according to the law these boys are even more than able to go to jail."the inspector said.

The police took out handcuffs to handcuff them.At that moment they were all scared. Khali was even more terrified.

" WAIT !" Henry stepped in. Tefo's father arrived. A huge amount of fear built up in his heart.He new that he was going to punish him either way.

"Inspector…are you sure this is the evidence ?" he asked

"yes. Sir ! This is what we discovered "

"come here…I want to show you something…" Henry dragged the inspector to a corner.

They whispered and then he handed the bag to one of Henry's guards and then he was bribed. Well Henry's approach was wrong. Bribing the inspector proved the boys guilty.

"well..this was a misunderstanding…good bye"

The inspector left and now they had to face Mr Henry Jensen. He approached them and exhailed.

"Tefo…is that your drugs?" he asked

"actually…dad _ _ _" he slapped him hard.

"You all messed up…prepare yourself..your punishment will be delivered later on…for now enjoy and wait till 10pm." Henry qouted and left the penthouse. The slap echoed in Tefo's ears. Michael was really concerned.

"Tefo let's go out..I will take you for a snack" Michael insisted.

" I also want to come….I am so nevours..my crazy dad can suggest death." kin saw it better to go out and relax.

The others remained behind and they drove off to the ghetto side of town. This time Michael was not going to some fancy restaurant. He went to his old time favorite.

"why are we here…don't you hate such food ?" "don't even think I will eat that…" Tefo said wearing a disgusted face.

"okay…let me buy first then…" Michael got out and walked into Dimausu TSA block 5. He went to his old time favorite.

"can I have five scones !"

"that will be 10 bux sir..thank you again..you are a very loyal customer."

"okay…well..today I have company…lousy rich kids.." he exclaimed

Wame thought about the boys she just met earlier. She kept on recalling Tefo and Kin for some reason.

"bye!" Michael prepared to leave.

"Kin!" she fastly exclaimed.

Michael somehow misheard her but he was certain he heard her say Kin's name.After a while he got back in the car and drove off to Molapo.

At around 8pm they arrived and waited for their grand punishment to be revealed while enjoying the scones.

" I gotta say..these scones rock..are they spiked or what" Khali joked.

"Wow! Space scones !" Nelly joked.

"stop it guys this is no the time…!"kin exclaimed.
