
Jealous...enemy& the contract

Wame !" he checked her vitals and observed her shaking hand. " she's hungry? Or what?"

Kin picked her up bride style and matched to to their suite. Everyone was in class so no one noticed him.

He took some chocolate and gently opened her lips and inserted a cube. She chewed it slowly and half opened her eyes.

When Kin stood up from the lounge Wame dragged held his hand. " Mom!..why did you leave me?huh!..dad…I don't even know you but ….why did you have to leave too.." tears ran from her eye sides slowly. Kin looked back and a wave of sadness hit him.

He sat by her side and dragged her into his arms. She burried in and rested for a while. Kin strolled her back softly and remembered his pain. He lived with his father but he never acted the part.


" Where is Kin?" Tefo asked Andile.

" I don't no…don't ever ask me about him.he's rude"

" I last saw her with Wame at the Chemistry block. He actually punished that girl nicely." Reneilwe grinned.

"what?" Tefo exclaimed." Okay…"


Wame fell asleep unknowingly on Kin's arms without noticing it. Kin was still sitted on the same position strolling her back.

" she's asleep again…she needs proper food not this things." let me call Judah."

"my phone is still in tact." he made a call.

" Judah..I need your help"

" What help lil bro?"

Kin explained the situation to Judah and he made a plan to come and pick them up.

" Don't worry I'll come Kin..I want to see the lucky girl"

After Kin hanged up Tefo stormed in and froze at the site of Wame on the lounge.

He rushed to her and sat besides her " Kin is she okay?" " what happened?"

" she was hungry and sort of collapsed,"

" Really…she's so clumsy, we need to take her home!"

" I informed Judah, he's coming" Kin retorted, he saw the amount of concern by the way Tefo was gesturing.

" Lone and Kelly slapped each and you're not bothered. Tefo why are you bothered about her?"

" I'm humane…..but why did you bring her all the way here…what about Meghan?..you f**ked her but still you don't care about her."

" scores settled then Nimo… both of us are just humans helping another fellow human." "but I have motives this time too" Kin qouted and grinned.

"motives?…pure motives…right" Tefo qouted.


Whales and the others decided to spend their study at the D&T lab. He was busy sketching his project. He paused upon remembering how Tefo hugged Wame, he felt like crushing everything around him.

TJ walked in the lab with furious eyes. Whales could sense that something was off. TJ grabbed him by the collar and looked deep into his eyes.

" Are you nuts! Why did you attack Wame?"

" Because I was taking revenge__"TJ punched Whales on the cheek. He punched his face again.

" TJ…why are you even defending her?…even if you try she'll never like you, not as long as the Heirs are in FSS" "Tefo hugged Wame Infront of you and the sad truth is that non of them like Wame, they are only using her as a pawn to challenge us…you might not know but I don't despise Wame"

" I want to punch you many times Whales…but you are already bruised and someone already did the job." TJ sat on the stool next to Whales.

" I'm also shocked, I'm still trying to figure out who did it…but it's definitely someone we know and Wame knows."

" Why does it matter Whales? at the end of the day he did it for humanity"

"Humanity? really..aren't you the same person that landed the Heirs in big trouble?..all because of a silly misunderstanding." " cut the crap!..even I'm better than you" Whales said.

" Fine then Whales…just to inform you we are in the line up in Saturday's concert."

Whales turned in awe to look at TJ. "The fuck!did Mzic entertainment mean this when they said well be near debuting..I mean we have been backup dancers but now ..all of a sudden we are reaviling our new song at the concert?"

" yeah…it's like that …which means bye bye to normal life hello famous life.." "But please dude don't f**k with my girl aight…."

"Debuting!…this is mixed up, my bruised face" Whales complained. He was a little nevous about the whole boyband fiasco.

Well the Unruly was a dance group led by Ryan. It consisted of 5 members. At the beginning of the year some music company called Mzic entertainment saw the potential in them and started training them secretly. They were suppose to be a hip hop band. The moment had arrived to finally present them.

Minnie arrived in the lab and finally spotted TJ and Whales. "Guys. I've been looking for you. Have you seen Wame?"

"No" both responded.

" Minnie what's up with you and Ryan?..he mentioned you seeing him and Allison…" he said in as assuming tone.

Minnie laughed. " Allison? that's the bi**ch's name?" "you two even know her?"

" Listen Minnie Allison is actually his classmate and she's___" Minnie starred interrupted TJ.

"Don't even try to defend him!"she stormed out of the lab.

"Minnie has a misunderstanding!.." Whales said.

"why is Ryan always with that girl nowadays…is he having a crush?"TJ asked.

" I have bigger problems than Ryan and his love affairs." Whales took out a mirror and checked his face.


Wame managed to wake up from her deep sleep. She couldn't remember a thing about what happened. She stetched under a white blanket. The atmosphere was cool and nice. She half opened her eyes and saw blurry purple visions. She thought she was dreaming. She looked around and everything was not fermiliar. She stormed out of the quilt and sat down.

"where am I!" she exclaimed

" shut it would you it's night!" Kin came in with a tray of food. " I can't believe mom forced me to do this for her"he muttered.

" Kin?…did it happen again? " she asked herself. She looked around and got a little terrified by the room lights. It was purple. She never thought rooms could have Colourful lighting.

" Kin what happened?" she asked as she tried to stand.

"sit!" Kin placed the tray on the bed. "so you don't remember?....how can you remember when you almost died…." "or maybe you remember something"

"well I__" she dag her thoughts and remembered something. " you said something to me."

" I said what?" Kin asked.

" you said I don't have to give you money and I can pay in other kinds." she shyly said trying to avoid eye contact.

Kin smiled cutely and bit his underlip. "you remember…could it be that ..you are so Keen to pay me in other kinds?" Kin sat next to her. He narrowed his gaze.

Wame was starting to have wild thoughts. She dragged the quilt to cover her feet.

" I can tell you love my room..you are even enjoying my blanket….as promised..its time for you to pay me.."Kin said.

"No…Kin I'm really not the girl to ask..I don't want to do anything with you "she said still holding onto the quilt.

Kin grinned and ignored her response, for some reason he wasn't rude. " Stop being cute and eat up..the time is almost 10pm."

" you almost died due to low blood sugar levels and pneumonia. You don't eat enough…do you?" Kin said.

Being cute! Did he just say that? This is an improvement.

Wame looked at the meal. It was spaghetti, 2boiled eggs, grilled Beef and some coleslaw salard. There was some scones too. There were so many food stuffs to choose from.

"thank you but I don't have appetite. I just don't feel like eating. I have to go." she tried to stand.

" Sit and eat..don't forget you owe me so just wait."

"my aunt will kill me Kin. She's not gonna just rejoice to my return late."Wame tried to leave.

"wait!" he did narrowed his eyes. "My aunt Prepared this for you..she'll be heart broken."

" Okay…I'll stay " she sat down and raised the fork, she ate the eggs and picked on some spaghetti. " I'm full thank you." she pushed the tray away and stood up.

Kin dragged her back and she fell on his lap.he rounded his arms around her waists and whisphered " Did you even realize you are wearing my PJs…"

"what!" she got carried away that she didn't even notice it. She felt weird. " is this the part where I pay him in kinds?" she said inwardly.

"who even changed me.. " she asked herself in her mind. " what if…."

"dont think much..I didn't change you. Aunt Kesa did it…she actually decided to give you my PJs and... aren't you happy?"

" ohh..thank you for saving me.." " where is my uniform I need to go, I promise I'll wash your PJs..please let me go"

Kin tightened his hands. " I won't let you go. I know this position we are in is making you nevous but bear it for your well being." " my mom told me to force you to eat up all these" "she's a doctor and she knows..infact even Tefo's mom is a doctor so they know what they are doing."

" but I'm full dude" Wame cried, still on his lap.

Kin took the fork, rolled it with spaghetti and Forcefully fed her.

"please stop! Don't try that!" Wame lashed out with food in her mouth.

" I can't hear you!" Kin continued feeding her.

" open up!"he pressed her cheeks and inserted a fork of grilled beef in her mouth.

Wame turned to look at him and he laughed as if rejoicing to her defeat. She was so close to him. She breathed in his breath as he exhailed.

Wame managed to escape his clutches. She rose from his lap and took a few steps, kin pushed her to the bed and she lied supine. Kin pinned her to the bed.

" you leave me know choice, stop behaving like I like you Wame or else I might compell you to compensate for my phone here…"

"huh!" Wame was scarred.

Tefo and Judah bugged in and found them in a shocking pose. They both stood up.

" what the!.did we come at the wrong time?.."Judah asked.

"well…ah" Kin didn't have anything to say.

"No!" Wame fastly said.

" Tefo let's go back..we really can't disturb them. Interrupted feelings can be harmful."

" Judah you can go. Kin will never do anything to her. She's way out of our league." Tefo walked in. "he noticed Kin's PJs on Wame and his smile disappeared.

" I had to force her to eat up…she's really stubborn..I don't get why she's acting like this." Kin rolled his eyes.

" Tell me something, do you love this girl…or she's the player here?" Judah asked.

" N/A" Kin said.

" I'm going to sleep…" Tefo left without a word. He seemed off. He went in his room and laid on the bed. He got a call from Lone.

" Can you believe Kelly..she dare slap me!..babe you should put her in her place."

"okay… you managed to slap her back so I can't do anything. Plus don't try involve me in your flight. I'm your boyfriend not your body guard Babe."

" I Know that!" "Should I come over, my fam is out of town…"

"No my mom is here and I respect her…but next time we'll meet I'm serious…just drop the call, I'm stressed."

Lone was confused. Tefo's qoute had more askance. She had to verify something.

" Okay I love you, just tell me you love me too." " I just adore your voice when you're sleepy."

"let me say truth….I don't love you… bye…liking is enough!" he exclaimed and dropped the call.

" what did I just say?" "ohh my god!"" why? What's wrong with me" he asked himself.


" Andile kante ware Wame o kae?…o tsile go nkitse today…ga apaya discone, ga ya dimausung, gompieno ga gona yo thatswang dijana.(Andile where is Wame? She's gonna know me today….she didn't cook scones, she didn't go to DIMAUSU, she didn't wash the dishes.)"

"Mma Renei, I haven't seen her." Andile replied.

"shes gonna pay…I want money for my new house and she's waisting money."

"Andile the heirs Live nextdoor. That house is theirs" Renei whispered

" you are kidding me !"Andile was shocked.

" That means my Canadian lives next door"a smile drew that on her face.

"I'm darm seriously.."I even saw their car there."

" What if She's at Onalerona's place." Andile was exhausted.

" She should not bother coming here at all…" Thato said as she tied a wire around the gate.


Kesa and Amo finished checking on Wame.

" dear you should take care of yourself…Start eating property okay." Amo said as she held her hand. " my son must have made sure you eat all the food…". Amo winked at Kin.

" Don't worry dear..I'll explain it to your aunt in the morning that you spent a night her, we want to observe you." Kesa said. " Where is Tefo by the way?"

" he went to sleep" kin said.

" That fool! Sleep?..go and wake him, we have a patient and he sleeps. Who will give her, her medicine at midnight…"

"ok" Kin went to Tefo's room and woke him. He trudged behind Kin still asleep.

"Kin..why is mom calling me so late.." he said as he followed. His hair was messy and his buns covered his eyes.

They arrived. Kesa frowned at him. " I told you she needs observation and you sleep…you have to help her get her medicine at mid night okay.."

" mom…" he paused when he saw Wame resting on Kin's bed. " okay mom I'll help you out… Kin and I will sleep in my room."

Kesa was shocked, she thought it will take a lot of effort to convince him. "so you agree..wow!"

" Now can I please get to sleep. I'll set an alarm.." His eyes closed.

Wame felt like laughing. Seeing Tefo like that was kind of funny. She looked at him and smiled. His hair was over his eyes.

Kesa and Amo gave Kin the medicine and left the room.Wame had spontaneously fell asleep. Kin and Tefo walked to the exit but Wame flipped over the bed and almost fell.

Both ran to hold her. Kin and Tefo starred at each other in shock. Their reaction was reflex.

Kin slowly moved her to the center of the bed and covered her with a quilt.

They slowly walked to the door. AGAIN! Wame kicked the blanket away. They both looked back and their eyes dilated.

Tefo went back and pulled the blanket over her.

They were now going. The sick girl really got on their nerves. She flipped towards the side table and the water jar almost fell.

" This girl is going to destroy my room Tefo!" Kin removed the jar.

" Kin I'm off..deal with it. I only agreed because I didn't want to worry my mom…I'll come midnight." Tefo trudge to the door.

" okay I'm coming!" Kin said as he sat on the couch.

Tefo left. Kin wanted to go but it seems Wame was making it difficult for him by her uneven sleeping patterns. He just sat there and watched her closely.

Wame said something, " please don't leave me here… please." she was crying in her sleep. " am I that bad that you leave me…!" "please don't go away…" Wame cried.

Kin went to seat by her side and covered her with the blanket again. Since she was diagnosed with pneumonia, she had to keep warm.

He noticed tears slowly coming out of her eye sides. He didn't know what to do. " I brought this upon my self anyway…" he sat on the bed side and slowly dabbed her tears with his towel. Wame was whining a lot in her sleep.

Kin extended his hand towards her head and paused for a while. He swallowed and exhailed. He strolled her head slowly. " How can someone look so good with just a simple average sized afro."Kin muttered as he strolled her head and smiled shyly.

" what am I doing?…" he tried to resist laughing as he looked away.

Wame turned to face Kin's side and got hold of his hand, she pulled it and placed her head on his hand as if a pillow.

Kin turned and found Wame feeling comfortable while sleeping on his hand.

"she's so gonna pay for this!"

He tried to removed his hand but Wame held on tight. "let me go!" he whispered. Wame smiled brightly on her sleep. She chuckled softly. " she's being cute unnecessary now… thieve! she stole my hand." " why am I even laughing…did I say she's cute again?"

Kin started making up a rap verse as he waited for her to leave his hand. What's crazy was that he was rapping about her.

🎶 Shawty wildin on my bed.

Flipping,turning she stole my hand.

Now she's smiling as I rap.

What's this vibe I'm getting frm her nap.

She really Fucked up ma mind map

I cannot sleep till 12a.m

kin its crazy cut this crap man!🎶

Kin stopped and ran his fingers on his hair. "she made me rap about her…"


To be honest the Canadian didn't sleep. He just starred at the ceiling and thought about the concert. He checked the time constantly and looked around.

" why is Kin still not here? Is he planning to sleep there!" " whatever…" "why did I say that to Lone…she's really offended." he messed up his hair and went to seat on the couch.

" let me call Andile..she should know that her cousin is here"

Tefo dialed her number. "let me prank her " Tefo launched his deep voice " Hi babe!"

" Babe?…who is you?" she exclaimed.

" can you come over again…I kinda miss your lovely eyes."

" lovely eyes? …please don't fool me..it's a wrong number..I only have feelings for one boy okay!"

" who's he?" Tefo asked.

" My Canadian…!" Andile exclaimed.

Tefo laughed and changed his voice. " so you are so loyal to me…Andile."

She held her lips. She was ashamed. "Tefo!..sorry I didn't mean it that way"

"its okay…I just wanted to tell you that Wame is here don't worry about her."

" what?.. why?…are you…did you?"" what did you do"

" chill…she's with Kin, Kin decided to show her his room tonight "

"what?…Kin! He is so rude..why did you allow him. What if he.." Tefo interrupted her.

" Don't go there. Kin will never…she fainted earlier, so my mom and aunt are doctors and they are treating her."

" Thank god!.." she exhailed. " is it true that Kelly is your girlfriend "

" No!..we broke up!" " bye!" He hanged up, the time was 12 midnight. Tefo wore his slippers and went to Kin's room.

He found Kin seated on the bed side with his head leaning on his big H shaped pillow, that he got as a gift from a in Gaborone.

"He decided to stay but he's the one sleeping whereas I was awake all night!"

Tefo slapped his cheeks. " wake up man!"

Tefo saw Kin's hand under Wame's head and his eyes dilated. He grinned and looked at her. Tefo took some water and splashed Kin and Wame.

" guys! I'm really feeling like I've just walked into a new couples room…Mr Kin please give your Wife her medication..as for me I'm going to Sleep."

Wame sat back and Kin stood up."Thank you Nimo…as for this girl..I can't wait for her to leave my room, she tried to destroy everything"

" Kin…I'm sorry..I'm not really a good sleeper." Wame said shyly.

" whatever…just take your medicine." Tefo brought some water and the capsules.

Wame drank up the water and gave Kin the cup. She slowly ran her hand in her skipper to reach her bra and unhook it. Her chest got exposed.

Kin noticed and hicked up. He swallowed and felt weird. As for the Canadian, he gazed in awe. He remembered the day fitting room incident, he saw her only on her bra. He lost track and watched as she struggled to unhook it. He licked his dry lips and held his neck out of impatient.

" why are verses coming up in mind….when she's here..it's like I can make a song about her…whatever, " Kin said inwardly.

" She's doing this intensionally. She's arousing my feelings so late..let me get out of here!" Tefo thought. " Now there is a rush in my vessels…I'll never give into this weird feeling"

Kin held his lips and blinked several times. " is she trying to seduce me!" "but she's not doing anything…" Kin thought.

" Stop that!" Kin exclaimed and Wame starred at him, Tefo too.

"That..you are____i mean, remove your hand from_____" he blinked as he stammered. "stop…doing that__you are causing___you are stretching my pj!"

" ohh__okay! This hook gets struck sometimes." Wame stopped. "good night then __Kin and Tefo, thank you" she went to sleep.

Tefo and Kin were still dazed. Somehow she triggered something causing confussion in their minds. They both walked out and closed the door.

Tefo took a different direction hedding down stairs.

"Dude! Your room is this way…" Kin dragged him.



Kesa helped Wame prepare for school the following day. She gave her Tefo's new shirt and polished her shoes. She combed her hair and gave her a pair of nice earings.

" I wish I had a daughter." Kesa said.

"Thank you ma'am" Wame bowed.

" Dear don't Call me ma'am. Just call me mom,that way I can atleast experience having a daughter"

" I'll call you aunt!" Wame exclaimed.

Kin and Tefo came downstairs all groomed up in uniform.

"good morning boys..please leave with her" Kesa suggested.

"huh" Tefo exhailed with a sigh.

Kin walked out to the car. Tefo walked forward and stopped and looked at Wame.

He grabbed her arm aggressively dragging her upstairs to his room.

"let me go!" Wame yelled.

He didn't even retort. He slammed the door and pinned her to the door. He was very furious. His eyes burned flames.Wame was scarred.

"You honestly think you will go to school like this!" he asked.

" what's wrong?" Wame asked.

Tefo reached onto her blazer and slowly removed it from her body.

"What?.. stop!" Wame tried to stop him but he was stronger.

" I don't like the fact that you wear TJ'S blazer, it pisses me off.."

Wame was amaized. She laughed in awe and looked at him in deep shock. "Are you serious…what's your problem?"

He instilled a serious face. " I've decided that you won't wear it." he said in his deep Voice.

Wame was Terrified by these other version of him. "but___why"

" I don't like TJ..now chop chop!" Tefo went to his closet and took out his other blazer.

" Wear this one!"

Tefo took TJ's blazer and placed it in his bag.

He walked out as he got a call from Michael.


" Minnie I just wanted to apologize.." Ryan said

" so you calling me now…fine , I forgive you but I need space" Minnie qouted and hanged up.

" you don't look so good.what up ?" Nelly asked.

"Nothin new just__dating problems."

He laughed. "Then why don't you just dump the dude…don't worry you can always come to me if your wanna…." He bit his underlip and Lowered his gaze to her lips.

Nelly dragged a chair closer to her and took a pen. He pushed her skirt a little and wrote his number just above her knee on her skin.

Wame watched closely, she was shocked, did her crush just flirt with her friend. Whales and TJ were shocked too.

" Nelly is shameless!..poor Ryan." Whales muttered to himself.

TJ noticed something, Wame was not wearing his blazer. It was a new blazer. "Did you buy a…blazer" Just before concluding,Tefo walked in as handsome as always and ran his figures in his hair slowly. Girls were dying for him.

🗣️ "Tefo can you be my bad boy!"

🗣️" you are so hot. Marry me!"

🗣️" his serious face guys.huh!.please be my mafia prince!"

A girl stood Infront of him and screamed. "please call me tonight" she winked.

Tefo rolled his eyes and took the piece of paper she wrote her number. He gave it to Skara who stood on his right. " please call her, she's just not of my league…"

And everyone was like "ohhhh!.." " THU!OUCH!"

For some reason he was very serious today. Khali was amused for some reason he loved Savage Tefo.

Tefo approached TJ and threw his blazer at him." Thank you…but we don't need it anymore"

" what the f**k!" TJ exclaimed." why did you take it..Wame why is he?"

" Don't ask her, when I say it then she doesn't have anything to say…thank you again!" Tefo passed them. He went to Khali.

"Michael wants us now at the studio." Khali and Nelly stood up and followed him out of the class, leaving the girls dying and Wame in shock.

"looks like the Heirs are set on taking revenge?" Whales said.

" I'm sorry TJ…." Wame left there immediately.

" what?"Minnie and Onalerona exclaimed.

The heirs had to go to the studio.Andile wanted to thank Kin properly for helping her cousin. She ran to him before he left.

" Thank you Kin" she lowered her gaze.

"Why are you thanking me ?…are you thanking me for kissing me forcefully?"

" No…you helped Wame yesterday..thank you"

"Well,thank you is not enough!..wait for it ""and why do you care. You don't even care about Wame." "she suffered pneumonia and malnutrition."

" Kin let's go…" Tefo qouted still serious.

" why are you darm serious today?..but I love your serious version bro."Khali said and just jumped on his shoulders.

" I'll be careful…but thank you more…" she said and went to 5H to check on Wame.


Henry was in his office and Kesa arrived in. She was actually delivering Nathan's tab since he was staying there for the week.

" Hello Kesa." Henry said.

" I brought Nathan's tab… I heard that Aladdin is here..it's really happening, Drane is getting married"

" Yes…and you were jealous, you thought I was getting married"

" No I wasn't"

"really!" Henry took off his blazer and remained with his shirt.

" You…can't say you are still not fascinated by my handsome face …our handsome sons proves how appealing I am"

Kesa just couldn't control herself. She really missed Henry all those years. " Mr. Jensen…stop this childish act."

"childish?" he went to lock the door and pinned her hard to the wall. " We both 35…appealing " he said slowly. " when I'm with my son Tefo, people often say he's my brother…I don't understand why you resist me"

" I don't …just move away.we are devorced!" Kesa said.

"ohh!..that's why I hate you…" he whisphered as he traced his thumb on her lips slowly. " I want you to give me permission Mrs Jensen."

Kesa was shocked. She closed her eyes and Henry's lips met hers slowly. She removed the statoscope and removed her white coat.

" Now you comply" Henry chuckled and continued.

Tefo knocked but there was know one , he took out his spair keys and unlocked the office only to find a traumatizing scene.

" Dad! Mom!" he exclaimed with dilated marbles. They fastly got away from each other.

" sorry!" he said and left. It was traumatizing for him. Allison and Aladdin arrived in the practice room.

The four of them happily hugged Aladdin and Allison.

"its your birthday soon.!" Nelly screamed

" This year I might have to bring something big…" Kin laughed.

" stop it guys…Tefo, where is Lone?" Allison asked.

" Well I'm not into her anymore…I think I should break up with her" Tefo retorted still trying to know if her parents were together again.

When Allison heard that she couldn't stop grinning. " okay guys…tomorrow is my party so come in time, at the penthouse."

" I missed the penthouse.." Kin said .

" Tefo…your girl slapped my sister to be.." Aladdin said " and it appears she's also your ex. Dude you wreck havoc."

" Maghan..will be there..but I Have a plan" Kin grinned.

" Tefo give me Andile's number." Kin insisted.

" Why?..do you want a Make a part two?" Nelly grinned.

"shut it. Nelly… Tefo give me the number"

Tefo gave him the number.

Kin then remembered something. " I want to record something.." he got in the recording room and started recording the verse from last night. He just wanted to keep it for t

future uses.
