

" you.." she exclaimed again In a surprised tone. She was still pointing him. He lowered his gaze to her finger and narrowed his gaze.

" I've long told you it's real life.." he grabbed her finger and looked at the weird looking cloth wrapped around it. He frowned and rolled his eyes.

" what is this nonsense?.. don't you afford even a plaster." he chuckled in disbelief.

" You know what Kin…!" " I've been nice to you and your friends, sorry I don't have the money for that…some of us are not filthy rich like you"

She held her hands together as if praying 🙏 and continued. "thank you! thank you! But don't get on my nerves…I'm poor so get used to that!" she exclaimed and fastly removed her finger from Kin's hands.

Kin was dazed. His eyes dilated. No girl ever said that to him, infant girls begged for his attention. His pride was really hurt. "how dare she!" he said inwardly and retorted " how do you__" before he could say anything more Wame cut him short.

" Bye…suit yourself…the night is cool!" she passed him and Kin watched all angry.

" hey!_ I'm still talking..___" Wame interrupted loudly before he could conclude.

" not listening!" she said as she locked the door and walked forward.

"she's really walking out on me!…" he said inwardly and instilled a serious face. Kin paced up to her and aggressively dragged her closer to him. She stopped breathing when Kin looked deep into her eyes just like the day in Judah's car.

She didn't blink as her eyes dilated. She could feel the heat of the pressure Kin was using to hold her arm.

" you think I'll let you reject me so easily?" " think twice babe.." he said in a low tone and he smirked.

Wame couldn't believe her ears. It was just a common phrase but it really sank in her heart. Kin called her babe!

" Nelly called me babe earlier but now…" she questioned her self in her head.

Kin searched his pocket and removed a plaster branded The heirs. He slowly removed the weird cloth and saw the cut. He took out a sanitizer and spayed it on the cloth.

"ouch!" Wame screamed a little as he cleaned the wound with the sanitizer.

" does it hurt?" he said innocently and blew some air on her wound and applied the plaster.

Wame watched the scene in awe, she couldn't believe it. The rude boy helped her. Earlier was Tefo making her heart flatter and now Kin.

" what about the sweater? Tefo took it Earlier…why?"

" thank you Kin…I'm sorry for being rude__sometimes it's just hard…" she exhailed with a sigh. "about the sweater it's true, it belonged to him!"

" so you confess to stealing…I should be hating you right now…" he raised a brow.

" well if that's the option then I'll bear it," she exhailed with a sigh.

"are you the mastermind behind the scones"

Kin asked. This time he was a little friendly.

" yes…Nelly didn't tell you, I thought he did."

" he didn't…do you like Nelly?"

" what?…he's kind of my bias." she grinned

" in other words you like players…typical!" he rolled his eyes and took his helmet from the pavement.

"lets go!"he placed the helmets on her head. He climbed the bike. " come-on…don't just gaze mesmerized! I know I'm hotter in black so just admire me along the way!" he joked.

Wame got on the back. She was scarred to hold him. Kin reached Wame's hands and tightened them around him.

" don't let me go okay! Just hold on"


Minutes later they were driving on the road passing saplings. Kin had a question.

" tell me, did I make a mistake by eating your scones. Do you sterilize your utensils?"

" well I " she felt like bitting her nails. She wasn't truly sterilizing but washing them. Then she realized something. "did you somehow teleport into my head?…are you a telepath…how come you are narrating what I thought about earlier"

He slowed down the bike. " you were thinking about me?…you are not worthy of thinking about me just quit it…"

" rude!" she muttered, she exhailed in relieve after the topic changed.

They arrived in their street, Kin packed on the road side and looked at the yard next to theirs. It was total junk, no proper fencing, poor infrastructure and stuffy. waste hips at the back exaggerated the matter.

" yuk!..it's shitty..I get why you are so messy, its this trashy place." "get off…" Kin pushed her out.

"ouch!" Wame almost fell and she went in.

Judah arrived and flashed the lights at Kin. The gate slid open and they both drove inside.


In Kin's room

" Kin..are you for real! You rejected Maghan for that girl?" Tefo asked.

" Gosh!..long story cut short…I saved her from The unruly."

"what did they do?" Tefo asked.

". Whales was pissed about earlier so he went ahead and attacked her."

" That scam bag!… Why didn't he come for me instead of that weak poor girl." Tefo's blood boiled, he wanted to punch Whales right in the face.

" Wow! Was it a calling? Cause I think you've been acting the knight part more often." Judah said to them. " wack! Kin…I saw your photo kissing some random girl…Meghan is hot go for her"

" Judah, your dad__he insulted me because I kissed a nameless girl..he would have rejoiced if he found out about Meghan because she's the MP's daughter. Why didn't you agree to be his heir."

" because I want to live by my rules…plus it's quite evident that dad, Mr Jensen, Thuso and Mothusi planned to have children at the same time, that will be their heirs. Any way today I plan on sleeping here." Judah reclined on the bed.

" Guys..I saw Allison at Toro mall tonight, I was kissing Lone and then there she was, she ran off after that"

" Wait I think she tried to call me…" Kin saw the missed call. "why didn't you stop her, what if she's needs us"

" long time since I met Allison….is she still playing the nun?" Judah said.

" let me call her" Tefo dialed her number but she didn't answer. " she's really pissed."

"good night guys." Tefo went to his room, he found Khali fast asleep, his phone rang and Tefo removed it from the side table and looked at the name.

" Lisa? Since when did Khali talk to Lisa…we saw her last at sky chella." " she's a freshman now….let me ask about Allison."

He picked the call and Lisa began talking.

" I'm sorry Khali… I just didn't have the courage to tell you that I love someone else…"

Tefo kept quiet for a while. He was shocked, he never thought Khali will date Allison's elder sister. He breathed and began talking.

" well Khali is asleep.. its Tefo.."

" ohh!__hi!" she said

" are you home? is Allison okay, Is she around" he asked.

" yeah…she came here with Ryan earlier but she's fine…she's sleeping now. I'm on winter break"

Tefo disconnected the call immediately and slept besides Khali. He was stlii shocked of how Khali dated Lisa, he always seen her as an elder sister.


Whales starred at a photo in his phone while reclining on his bed. His face was drenched in tears. " I'm sorry for the pain I caused you…I was compelled. For the sake of TJ I had to act like I hate you to hide my feelings for you"

He kissed the photo and smiled. "its Enough..from today I'll not hide my feelings..even if I can't tell you or anyone I'll show you that I care."

He placed his phone on the side table and pulled his white quilt.


Tefo was worried about Khali. He told Kin about the matter and they went to his class before morning study.

The weather was humid, cloudy and windy.Winter was indeed approaching. Khali was sittted completing his assignment while Nelly got Jarona and her friends to complete his assignment.

"Khali…sup dude?" kin asked.

Khali glared at both of them interchangeably and faked a smile. " I'm fine!"

" Not at all…" Tefo wore a worried face. Nelly came by them. He was happy as ever and he kept on air kissing Minnie who sat at her corner sad.

" Nelly, do you have any idea why Khali is sad, I mean he's a legend of the game?" kin said.

" I don't no…" Nelly retorted and went to seat on Wame's seat. He poked Minnie's cheek and she returned to earth.

Tefo couldn't hold it in. He had to confess. "is it Lisa?"

Khali's eyes dilated as he starred at Tefo in shock. " you know__the worst part is she disappointed me just when I was about to tell you I found love."

" bro…..why her?" Tefo and Kin folded their arms.

" we understood each other.."

"Then…." Tefo paused when he saw Wame walking into class. His eyes followed her movements, this was involuntary. His gaze was longing and empathetic.

" cheer up dude…Tefo I think we should do something for__" his say was cut short by the sight of Wame entering the class. His mouth hanged open as his eyes followed her until she reached her seat. He remembered how Wame challenged him.

Tefo spontaneously asked " it's cold right?"

"yes…it is!" Khali said

Wame met the sight of Nelly and Minnie chatting and having fun. Her heart skipped in fear. Before she could say hi, Onalerona dragged her aw𝚊𝚢.

"Wame…I no that you know the heirs but please…introduce me to them !"

"I'll do so when the time is right.. or you can just say hi" Wame replied still worried if her crush liked her best friend.

Whales arrived in class and trudged to his seat. Kin, Tefo and Khali grimaced at him. He didn't show any feeling and just sighed. After putting his bag down he walked to Wame, he still had the bruises from last night's beatings.

" Onalerona can I talk to Wame for a sec."

" sure!" she agreed and went to seat down.

At Khali's seat, Kin and Tefo were secretly fuming in rage, they were So Keen to know why Whales wanted to speak to Wame.

" wow! You really lost your cool. as if Wame was your girlfriend…you thrashed him so bad that he has multiple plasters on his face,now I don't need to do anything" Tefo whispered to Kin.

" you were going to kill him too…..you are so concerned…are you having a crush?"

Tefo coughed alarming the girls.

"Even his cough is cool." Jarona said

" OMG!..😱 I'll literally do what ever you say Tefo.." Adriana shouted.

" me! Crush that girl…stop kidding..don't say another Cinderella story please." Tefo said, he found Kin's qoute sarcastic.

Whales breathed and began talking. " Wame…who was that guy that beat me?"

" it's non of your business….you take advantage of my helplessness Whales, yet you claim to be a saint in our class, are you really mad because I rejected TJ or something else!" Wame exclaimed.

" something else Wame…it's cold why didn't you wear a jersey?" Whales asked as he removed his blazer. Wame was not getting his intension.

" is he trying to lend me his blazer ?" she questioned her self.

"please wear this, atleast for your sake" he handed her his blazer.

" Thank you…Whales but I'll rather die" she looked away and went to seat down.

Whales sighed and sat down. The bell for half six rang and Kin and Tefo went to 5V

Throughout the study Tefo couldn't concentrate, somehow, he feared how bad the weather was changing. He felt incomplete and guilty for some reason.


Meghan and Kelly arrived in 2Trust, they spotted Nathan completing his assignment in his tab.

" Hi Nathan" Kelly said.

" say your business!" he didn't even care to glance at them.

" please tell me who Kin's mysterious girlfriend is" Meghan said with puppy cute eyes.

" aren't you the one? you're Meghan, the girl that couldn't stop following kin?… I thought you were his girlfriend" Nathan said while typing.

Meghan laughed " really…Kin even told you!"

" plus.. another fact, Kin said he doesn't like anything about you because you are shameless...just forget about him"

Kelly snatched Nathan's tab and looked at him.. " Nathan I'm going to be your cousin soon so don't lie to me..did Tefo and Lone hook up?"

Nathan laughed. " do you think I'll really become your little spy?" "please get lost unless you wanna show me your tiddies."

Meghan and Kelly preciously held their breasts. " uh!….how dare!" they exclaimed and left.

Kendence laughed from afar. Nathan walked to her and gazed at her weirdly.

" Why are you looking at me look like that?" Kendence asked him.

" just trying to see if you want my attension or you are really amused."

" ohh please Nathan. I don't have time for boys your age, I'll rather prefare your brother." " it's been long since I chilled with Tefo."

" come over for the weekend." Nathan said with interior motives.

" Silly boy!..you think I don't see what you're trying to do?" she laughed and took her bag pack leaving class.

Nathan followed her, hedding to the chemistry lab.


Allison was feeling guilty about what she did to Ryan. She wanted to help. Lone arrived in class along with her two friends, Tyler and Vinolia.

"hello everyone!" Lone screamed in excitment.

Everyone was alarmed, it was about lesson time but somehow Lone was happy. Kelly and Allison knew the reason for her happiness.

" Kelly dear!..I gotta say fate is not on your side..I won the pageant and I won Tefo, seems like u lost dearly, but no full disclosure you served your time but now it's mine." Lone said with a smirk.

Kelly felt like slapping her, this time she couldn't hold herself. She slapped Lone hard and everyone's shocked eyes turned to them.

" Don't you dare say that about Tefo..you have always remained his second option, if Allison wouldn't have said something then we could have been together!"

" is that so? Then I guess he figured he made a mistake." Lone retorted and slapped Kelly too.

" stop it ..bitch" Meghan pushed Lone away from Kelly.

Social freaks started taking videos of the incident.

" Both of you are Fighting for no reason, or am I wrong step sister" a new voice was heard from behind and everyone turned to see the person.

" Aladdin!" Kelly, Allison and Meghan said in shock.

Everyone kept on wondering as to who was the new boy's step sister. Meghan and Allison couldn't understand.Mr Davis arrived in class and began teaching.

Aladdin was a blonde from Canada. Drane's son making him Tefo's cousin. He was interligent with an IQ of 170. His father was the CEO of STAR BRIGHT ENTERTAINMENT. A company that The heirs debuted under. He was suppose to be the fifth member but he sticked to poetry, he loved Canada and his novels off course.

Now he was the new talk of Kimlock and Ryan knew he was a Jensen from the moment he smirked. Could he become another pest in his life?


To escape the all known setswana subject,Tefo had to lie that he doesn't study the language. He was assigned to attend an option with LERNH band. He decided to choose Physical education.

Before entering the hall, TJ saw Wame passing by. He paced up to her and dragged her hand.

"Wame.hi!" " it's cold but you're not wearing anything" he wore a worried face. Could it be TJ's love for her was genuine?

" TJ!…I'm not a fool. You sent Whales to take revenge on me .last night." Wame said and withdrew her hand from his.

" what?" he noticed the plaster around her finger. " did he hurt you?..he's gonna pay…" "but please for now wear my blazer"

"TJ__" he cut her short.

" no buts!"

From the staffroom corridor stood Kin, Tefo and Nelly. They watched the scene as far as the hall.

" guys..I think we need lenses.is that really TJ, gesturing towards a girl." Khali said.

" and again he likes Cinderella.. but she's craving me" Nelly said and grinned.

" for real? What's your take?" Khali asked.

"nothing, she's innocent and naive..I'll just drive her mad if I try…I'm very toxic and that's why I don't date." Nelly replied.

As for Tefo he was starring at the scene with all his senses. He didn't move an inch. For some reason he felt guilty. He regained his senses.

" let's go to class!"

"okay.." They went to attend PE.


" morning students… today we'll start working on your project.less class and more activity. Your BGCSE project is gymnastics, dance, athletics and ball games. From these you have to choose two. But today I'll group you into groups of two." Mr Bopha announced.

"furthermore…I've already paired you guys, the list is on its way.each group was made based on weaknesses and strength. I want you to help each other." " for now boys please introduce yourselves"

As expected, Nelly stood up and began. " I'm Nelly Modise aka the main vocalist..a secret..I can rap too…flower kisses !" he said and grinned.

" I'm Tefo Jensen"

As they introduced girls were going crazy in class.

🗣️" I hope I team up with Tefo"

🗣️ "Nelly is my desire!"

🗣️ "Khali is so cool..he's charming. I love his hair"

Comments followed as the boys introduced. some boys also aknowledged their presence.

Mr Bopha continued teaching. Whales noticed Wame's blazer. Onalerona turned to her and asked. " whose blazer is that?"

At that time of question, Minnie and Whales turned to hear. Their eyes pinned on Wame, she raised a brow and retorted. " TJ"

They all exhailed in disbelief. They didn't anticipate the occurance. Whales's heart shuttered by the sight. He suddenly felt weak and bowed his head under the desk.

" She even accepted his blazer over mine!.." he thought. " why am I sad….this is what I wanted afterall…for Wame and TJ to be together but now I just can't get my head together." he sighed and swallowed his grief trying to portray a fake smile.

Mr Bopha left class hedding to the staff room. Tefo turned to look at Wame. Wame saw him and frowned. He was challenged.

" how dare she frown at me !" he said inwardly and smiled at her bitting his underlip.

Wame's expression changed after that. She was somehow mesmerized by his smile. This time she remembered all those close encounters with the Canadian. She remembered his qoute yesterday at the art lab.

The lesson ended and Mr Bopha pasted the list on the wall outside the hall. Everyone rashed to see their partner. Most people wanted the heirs to be their partners.

Minnie looked up and grinned, she was paired with her bias. " ooh! My god… Nelly" she screamed.

" I guess I'm destined to help you babe." Nelly whispered onto Minnie's ear from behind.

" Nelly!…stop acting wise…you are a bad boy and everyone knows that." Minnie qouted.

Wame saw them and felt sad , she wasn't ready to be crushing a boy her friend loves. She never considered Ryan because she didn't like their crew.

The list was crowded. Wame had to wait for the others to see. She pushed Peace and got to the list. She traced her fingire along the line until her finger landed on her name.

Out of the blue she saw another finger next to hers, she looked up and realized her partner. It was non other than.

Tefo blinked twice as he looked at his name. Wame starred at him still shocked. Her mouth agape and dilated marbles. Tefo looked up and met her dazed eyes. They were 3cm apart. His nose almost met her face.

Tefo grinned and revealed his front teeth. He errotically lowered his gaze to her lips and rubbed them with his thumb.

" Dry lips?" he asked. " should I wet them up somehow..I don't have Vaseline on me right now?" Tefo was trying to rizz her.

Wame was not really believing it. He was teasing her again. She licked her lips and retorted. " what ...do u?"

" Relax…it's really nothing,"



Khali & Lalissa

Minnie &Nelly

Whales& Onalerona.

Olorato& Basetsana

Adrian & Peace

Raven& Thato

Arabang.A & Yaone

Arabang.C & Zain.

Tefo.D & Mabedi

Tefo.J & Wame.k

PULE & Julia.


Wame and Tefo ventured on the walk to the labs. Tefo wasn't fermiliar with the school yet.

" You must be happy, Kin saved you from Whales…he's not the knight kinda guy but he really stepped up for you."

" well it's true, he did. Please don't asume that I love him or anything!" Wame exclaimed.

" certainly not, I know you like Nelly so…it's no big deal." " the big deal is you dating TJ in secret"

Wame laughed charismatically and held Tefo's shoulder for support. " you are insane !" " I'm not dating him!"

" really! Then why would you accept his blazer?"

" Was I dating you when I accepted you sweater?" Wame asked.

" you mentioned that the sweater belonged to your boyfriend remember?" he smiled

" What if…in another universe you are my_" he paused when he saw ,whales, Skara, Shay and. Phemelo passed by them on the Chemistry block corridor. TJ was also coming from the flat side.

Tefo decided to do the unthinkable just to revenge the Unruly and make them swallow their pride. Without waisting any time he dragged Wame onto his arms and Hugged her tight.

Everyone was dazed. They never thought he would do that. TJ watched with a broken heart. As for Whales he was disgusted by the scene. He couldn't contain his anger. He knotted his hands into fists in the pockets of his blazer.

" What?..no way guys" Skara commented in shock.

Kin arrived at the scene and watched it. He was dazed and didn't know Tefo's intensions. Wame fastly moved back. She was pissed.

" how can you hug me forcefully!"

" your lover is behind you and your admirer is standing behind me…" Tefo held her hand and then TJ rushed to push Tefo away.

" let her go!" TJ said.

" so now do you admitt that he's your lover"Tefo said and caught up with Kin.

Wame was left there dazed,she never thought her life would take that the turn.

" TJ, I'm fine …." Wame said and paced up to class. On the way, she couldn't stop grinning for some reason. She cupped her cheeks and smiled brightly. She hugged her self and twirled around Three times until she dashed into someone.

" Sorry!" she said.

" As expected. Irrational and foolish. I didn't no clumsy was also in the profile." Khali said and passed her with a cold face. "who is this Lalissa I'm paired with, I'm trying to get over Lisa and now Lalissa!.. creepy" he thought.


Lunch time, The heirs met up at their new suite, Khali's dad decided to bring them a expensive luxurious caravan in the school. The caravan was placed at the back of the D&T flat. They were served lunches according to their diets.

They all had a similar notification in their phones and opened it from the Kimlock school blog. They watched the video.

" Oh! My god!" Tefo wowed after noticing that the girls were Fighting over him. He laughed loudly. " Are they really fighting over me…sad that I don't love any of them"

Kin was dazed, for some reason Tefo has always been unpredictable. " your girlfriend has been slapped by your ex…and you laugh?"

" yeah! It's not my fault that they want me so bad "

"wow! that's the mantra Nimo. Girls like us so, it's common for small fights to happen"

" I've been paired with a girl called Lalissa, is this terrible luck or what?"Khali said as he laid supine on the lounge.

Nelly took a grape and fed Khali. " there you go….my little baby…break up quakes…turn into a play boy like me…no one gets hurt, its just thank you next."

Khali pushed Nelly away and got up.

" they say…MJOLO KE SCAM….LAITAKA.( DATING IS A SCAM BRO)" Kin qouted as he remembered his experience. He once loved a girl dearly but his dad made sure they broke up.

" Tefo why did you hug Wame earlier?" " are you planning on playing around with her just like all your privious girlfriends?"Kin asked.

" why did you save her Kin?…I ain't trying to fuck her" Tefo qouted and stood up. "Guys I'm off "

They all followed, outside students were running holding their plates heading to the DH ( cafeteria). As known Wednesday was Fried chicken and rice day.

Wame had just exited the HE flat holding her plate heading to the line with her classmates. They were pacing while chatting.

" I really miss Lalissa, she's taking long at that tournament." Onalerona qouted.

" I miss her sarcastic jokes..she doesn't take no for an answer." Wame laughed.

" Just say you like her because she doesn't take shits when someone tries to bully you." Raven added.

" yeah…she does. I just wish she could fly here tomorrow" Wame sighed and smiled and as she remembered her other best friend Lalissa who was representing the country at the African netball games in Namibia.

Immediately when Wame turned to the chemistry lab she crushed into someone. Her plate scattered into pieces and Kin's i-phone crushed on the pavement. They both looked down and looked up at each other.

Reneilwe came out of the Chemistry office and saw what has happened.

"Wame!" she screamed as she approached them. " how dare you brake my mom's important piece…your gonna pay."

"sorry! Please don't" Wame felt guilty.

Kin picked his phone and and Starred at Reneilwe. He removed his bud and chuckled softly.

" lab partner!" "so what should she pay first? My phone or your fake plate?" Kin asked.

" well…she should definitely pay you first…" Reneilwe said lightly.

" right then, apologize to her for being rude.."

Reneilwe could no believe it. She had to apologize to Wame .A girl that has always been inferior to her.

Somehow she was compelled to apologize to. Wame. "sorry Wame!"

"be sincere…if you try a thing I'll be next doors". kin said and winked at her.

Reneilwe was charmed and grinned. "you mean you live next door?" she screamed in excitment.

Kin took out 200 Pula note from his pocket and handed her. " go and replace it, that's the less I have. I don't carry cash." Kin held Wame's shoulder and winked at her. "Lab partner…as for Wame Here she'll pay for my i-phone."

Wame's eyes dilated after Kin's qoute. She wanted to go to the line but now she had no plate she felt her tummy grumbling indeed she was really hungry. Reneilwe left.

" why should I pay for your phone. I never asked you to pay for my plate."Wame lashed

" now I'm hungry it's your fault, you can't go around holding your phone in school it's illegal"

Kin grinned and dragged her closer. "you don't have to give me money…you can pay in other kinds." kin whispered to her and slowly licked his lower lip.

Wame lost her energy after his qoute. What did he imply by kinds. She felt dizzy and collapsed on his arms. She passed out.

" Kin looked and saw her peacefully resting on his chest. He looked around and study time was approaching. " what to do?..did she pass out?"

" Wame!" he held her cheeks.
