
The Hateful & Loveable

The first time the sky turned red was the first and last time for most, leaving a tragic few alive to pick up the pieces. A few hundred years later the world had healed. But once more the darkness in the shadows stir, ready to lash out once more. The story follows the young man Samuel, the unfortunate young man thrown into an arena with gods and entities playing their own games. As Samuel tries walking the fine line of choosing his own fate.

SofaCouch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
170 Chs

Academy Part 1

Samuel stood up slowly with his legs still shaking from the sudden teleportation leaving him completely dazed. "Where exactly am I?" He asked quietly, looking like a shaking new born fawn. The headmaster glared at him for a few seconds. "Should that not be obvious?" The man angrily replied.

"Im sorry, but I have no idea whats going on, I was waiting outside to enter mage academy and in the next moment he suddenly comes out of nowhere speaking gibberish and then I am in here." Samuel finally said after taking a few breaths to make the world stop spinning.

"Oh... I see." The headmaster nodded thinking about how to flay Wizzo alive next time. "Well you can take a seat in the meantime! It takes a while for dimensional sickness to wear off." The headmaster pulled out a chair, that Samuel gratefully sat down on, before seating himself on his own chair behind the desk again, this time gauging the young man.

"My name is Vimmerick! I am the headmaster of the academy of Nicodravi." He said with a nod, Samuel quickly stood up and gave him a bow. "Im sorry I didn't realize." Instantly regretting his choice of getting up so fast he fell back into the chair thankfully.

"So was the stupid old wizard only saying things or did you actually come here to sign up?" Vimmerick asked when Samuel sat up straight again.

Samuel nodded. "Yes sir! My name is Samuel and I have come to sign up to learn magic!" He said with a small smile. "Well, you have arrived at a slightly bad time then." Vimmerick said as he started overlooking some paperwork again, speaking to the young man while writing a bit. "It is currently the last term of the year, meaning exams are coming up for all years of students." He sighed thinking about all the paperwork he had to do.

"That means that unless you have prior magic knowledge you would not be learning anything from being with the other youths. Because they are working on their respective finale parts." He looked up at the young man to make sure he understood what he was talking about.

Samuel slowly nodded realizing he could have waited with the travel another few months. "Can I still apply though?" He asked with a tinge of hope remaining.

"Well of course. But it just means you wont join any classes until the year is over!" Vimmerick quickly replied. "Since you are here already you might as well give me your paperwork so I can check them real quick." Samuel did as he was told and gave the headmaster his copies. The headmaster sat for a while reading them in silence before tapping a small gemstone.

After a few moments there was a knock on the door and an assistant entered. "Would you please double run these application papers for me!" Vimmerick quickly asked the assistant that took the copies and left. "Regular upbringing and a name I did not expect to be your guardian, and another name I did not expect as a personal healer." Vimmerick furrowed his brows.

"If these are forgeries you will be dealt with by law! I hope you are aware of that." He slowly leaned back in his chair while Samuel got nervous and swallowed several times hoping that nothing would go wrong. The wait felt like ages but it didn't actually take too long before the assistant came back. The papers had gone through fault free several times.

Which made Vimmerick raise his eyebrows in surprise as he took a look at the young man again. "I am interested to know how these people came to be on your papers, but confidentiality is something we take pride in. "I also know that these were not forcibly made either. Our magic is too good for that, all thats missing now is the payment!" To which Samuel took out the payment and gave it to the assistant who took it along with the spare copies.

"Well, in that case I can only congratulate you on becoming an official student here. Unfortunately unless someone takes you under their wing for the remaining three months of school, you will simply haveto wait." Vimmerick sighed knowing his hands were tied and not having enough personel to take time with one student.

The next voice that spoke came from the shadows of the room. "If thats the case then you wont mind it if I take the kid under my wing for that remaining time." A man stepped out of the shadows. Making Vimmerick angry for the second time in a very short amount of time. "We have talked about this Bregane! YOU DONT! Shadow walk into my office!" The headmaster started waving his hands around from almost giving up.

Samuel also got scared by the sudden appearance, the man was dressed very much in all black - probably to blend in better with shadows. He sported a big hood which made it hard to tell his features. But from what Samuel could tell he looked like a man in his thirties with a well kept beard and short hair. His eyes in dark color with a thick nose. Sporting no smile but a very serious face instead.

Vimmerick sighed for a few moments looking at Bregane with suspicion. "Why do you want to take an apprentice? You never take apprentices!" Vimmerick was very intrigued by the silent shadow mage actually getting involved.

"Because I was asked to take care of him by one of his distant relatives that happen to be a friend of mine!" The truth was better than any other stupid lie at that point.

Vimmerick nodded. While calling for one of his assistants again, giving the assistant the instruction to show the new student to his room and show him all the different areas of the school. "I wont be one to stop you from training him. Mr Samuel, you have a teacher for the next three months you will do as he says. For today though learn where evverything is and get acquainted with the academy grounds. "Tomorrow your teacher will come pick you up early!" Vimmerick got up from his chair and gave the new student a handshake.

Samuel happy for things to have been solved so quickly. He wondered if it was once again Alsian putting some extra help for him. He shook the headmasters hand and followed the assistant around who proceeded to show him everything the academy had to offer.

While Vimmerick and Bregane sat down to discuss something behind the closed doors.