
The Hateful & Loveable

The first time the sky turned red was the first and last time for most, leaving a tragic few alive to pick up the pieces. A few hundred years later the world had healed. But once more the darkness in the shadows stir, ready to lash out once more. The story follows the young man Samuel, the unfortunate young man thrown into an arena with gods and entities playing their own games. As Samuel tries walking the fine line of choosing his own fate.

SofaCouch · Fantasy
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170 Chs

Road Trip

The rest of Samuel's journey continued, with the merchant caravan making their way slowly but surely. Passing through plenty of villages. The caravan got plenty of goods sold and made big profits. The merchant business certainly was a thriving one where they managed to sell things. But Samuel also noticed the times that when they did not sell a lot, they lost plenty of money in the long run.

Samuel just took the journey to reflect on everything he learned. He also noticed how people acted differently in the countryside compared to cities, helping him grow more out of his naive nature ever so slightly. He had also learned how to do some manner of self grooming, cutting his hair shorter as well as the annoying facial hairs that were persistent.

He got better at living the life on the road, it was amazing how peaceful it could be to just travel and see the world. While daydreaming about his goals most of the time but never forgetting to stay in shape and train.

It wasn't long before they arrived in the next town. The small countryside town of Ilvilta, or at least it was supposed to be a countryside town. But the amount of merchants and travellers that used this crossroad town as a stopping point had made it flourish as a small trade center stop. There were dozen of taverns around town.

People coming and going all the time. Warriors, merchants & adventurers all used this town. It was the town connecting the east coast of Rejuan's cities with the rest of the nation. Samuel spent his little time there just checking the town. But there wasn't really anything of interest to him in the town. He could only spend his time getting more used to people in a rush, wondering if it was like this in all the larger towns and cities.

When the journey finally continued he found himself getting more nervous again, the next city was the region capitol of Nicodravi which meant that his journey was probably coming to an end. Excited about finally taking the next steps, all the emotions at the same time made it hard for him to sleep the final few days. But being tired puts most people to sleep after a while thankfully.

After two months of total travel passing through towns and villages, finally they arrived at Nicodravi the large region capital. At least three sets of walls built upwards on a large hill, with several long walls leading all the way down to the ocean revealing an incredible port. 'The city must be home to tens of thousands of people.' Was one of the many thoughts that came to Samuel's mind as he stood there with his mouth open examining the town as they were approaching.

There were large buildings all over the city, and the city seemed to have been built into districts with walls based on how rich people were. Which made him think that there would be some kind of slums outside the walls, but instead outside all the ways there were just normal streets and normal houses with people going about their business.

He definitely understood why this was called a region capital, hundreds of people going about their business at the same time even during the middle of the day. While the local militia were doing inspection checks and the equivalent of license and registration checks. Samuel got off the cart and just stood there taking it all in. He felt almost stressed out about how large this city really was.

After several moments and the caravan passing the checks and moving into the city he was still standing there dumbstruck.

He had finally made it, the first step of his goal was completed. He was snapped out of his reverie when a guard walked up to him and shook him. "Hey! I asked if I can help you with anything?" In an annoyed tone, it was then that Samuel realized he was stood almost in the middle of the road blocking traffic - so he quickly took a few steps to the side before turning to the guard.

"Actually, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the local mage academy?" The guard had a small conversation with Samuel, where Sam had to explain he was new there and was intending to sign up at the academy. He was asked a few basic questions about where he was from which he replied to with being from the town of Nar where he had trained with Faleah and worked.

After a little while and fixing him some official documents the guard pointed him in the right direction. It was one of the largest buildings inside the second wall. After quite a bit of walking and finding the right streets he made it inside the second wall and eventually found the right place.

It was a huge building up close.

There were actually three buildings kind of built on a large plot of land that resembled a gigantic schoolyard. Except that the yard had been remade into outdoor training areas, Samuel could see plenty of young people outside but they were a bit far away for him to see exactly what they were doing except for the occasional small sparks.

Samuel looked at the big metal barred gate in front of him and the large walls around the academy. Looking around for anyone to ask where he was supposed to get in. "Hello young man!" An old voice suddenly came from behind him, making Samuel jump from the scare.

Samuel turned around to see an older man with no hair on his head but plenty of white beard and old tired eyes. The man was dressed in red shambles of a robe.

"Looking for a way in are we?" The old man almost declared as he was shaking. "Unfortunately school is in session now so normally you would haveto wait until the end of session to enter." The old man chuckled. "But thankfully I am a friend of the headmaster, yeeees I am." He said quickly as if to answer himself from a question that was never asked.

Samuel just took a step back wondering what in the hells was going on.

"Come now young man!" The old man walked forward and put a hand on Samuel's shoulder and suddenly the world flashed and closed and opened up again, suddenly they were indoors and the world started spinning which made Samuel fall on his knees and puke his guts out on the floor.

"Oh right I forgot, first time teleportation. Auhahaha!" The old man laughed as he cast a spell to remove the puke that covered the floor.

"GOD DAMNIT! WIZZO!" A younger voice resounded. "How many times do I haveto tell you?! YOU CANT just... TELEPORT YOURSELF INTO MY OFFICE WHENEVER YOU FEEL LIKE IT!" Samuel looked up at the voice to see a middle aged man wearing a headmasters robe standing up from his chair and desk. He seemed to be in the middle of work. Normally he was probably very pale and good looking for his age, but now he was bright red like a tomato and fuming in anger.

"Ho ho ho, well you know I just came to deliver some flowers for the herbalist and thought to say that I completed my mission of bringing more talented students all in one go!" Wizzo said and winked. "You're welcome!" He finished and quickly teleported himself away again.

The headmasters left eye twitched and he broke a pen with his grip as he was just standing there in shock outrage.