
chapter 2 the execution

He could hear the guards moving about it sounded like they were getting something prepared. He slowly opened his eyes to still see it was very dark it seemed to be very early in the morning.

'i wonder what the guards could be doing up so early in the morning, could they be doing this to punish me'. He thought could here water being carried and it was getting closer and closer to his cell.

He panicked and pretended that he was still asleep. the guard put down the bucket right in front of the cell and went off to get some other stuff.

Fênhòng tòu didn't know what would happen or why they they put him here. ' should I open my eyes or should I pretend I am still asleep' he carried on wondering what he should do.

The guards came back with a bunch of equipment. Then they unlocked the cell door and brought the water bucket and the torture tools in. Then two guards stayed in the cell while others left and locked the cell behind them.

Fênhòng tòu could sense that there was still people I his cell and didn't open his eyes. Then one guard picked up the water bucket and through the cold water onto him , which cause Fênhòng tòu to Yelp out loud.

He opened his eyes once again, to further see what is in-store for him. There was some chains, a wip , a metal rod and some salt. ' why do they have this stuff is it to make me confess, cause I don't have anything to confess.'

The guards took his hands put the chains around his hand and hooked him up to be hanging from the ceiling. Fênhòng tòu tried to get out ofthe chain by moving his hand around but he was struggling so much.

Then the wip hit his back, he screamed out in pain and the guards kept going both with wips one would get the front and the other would get the back. Fênhòng tòu couldn't take it for long and past out.

The guards was not done and chucked the other bucket of water they had onto him. And they carried on till they were getting a bit tired. so then the brought out the hot metal rod, that had been heating up all this time.

The decided they didn't want to make one mark so they put this hot metal rod on the back an the front ,so no matter which side you look at he will have a mark. They pressed him hard with it and maked him scream again.

The guards put down the metal rod and stared to pack up. Fênhòng tòu was relieved that it was finally done ,but before they took him down , they threw salt into his wounds.

Once Fênhòng tòu was took down and guards left. Fênhòng tòu could take it anymore and passed out.

Later on the guards came in again to drag the beaten up Fênhòng tòu to the execution place. They layed him on the ground and stood next to him. While a servant got some cold water and chucked it on to Fênhòng tòu.

He immediately woke up. 'where am I? what is happening? Am I about to die?'. There was a huge silence because the god had came to pass judgement.

This god was called wànnèng de he is the only god that comes down to earth and so everyone knows him and respects him. Fênhòng tòu met him once and didn't like him that much.

Wànnèng de announced " this criminal has done a lot of wrongs and should be punished with death. But, before he dies I would like to explore what he did wrong ". Everyone stayed silent waiting for what the god would say. Fênhòng tòu was also wondering what he could have done wrong.

Wànnèng de carried on " he has been cruel and mean to the people around him. He has not listed to the law and has stolen stuff he should not live. But let see why you have done this." Fênhòng tòu knew that there was no point in telling the truth since the god already said he would die. So Fênhòng tòu replied " I did this cause I thought it was funny I didn't do this to help or assist anyone. Now if you would like to kill me take my life ,but I swear I will be back in some shape or form and I will take my revenge".

Wànnèng de was clearly discussed by what he said and order the guards next to him to chop of his head. And that seemed to be the end of Fênhòng tòu.