
chapter 3 rebirth

Fênhòng tòu woke up , looking around to seek some knowledge of what just happened. The last thing he remembered was that he was executed, so he thought I should be dead now so why am I alive.

He looked about his hands and noticed they were smaller then before. He suddenly got up, slightly dizzy but goes straight to the mirror. He had long pink hair which would just reach the start of his legs with a real pale face, it almost looked like a girls face. He was way shorter then before, he must have returned to the past.

He didn't know when this was but had an idea.

Knowing he had a servant ,which is more like a friend, who would always be ready for a summon. He called out "Zhōngchéng, I need you".

Zhōngchéng came in just a matter of seconds and asked " what do you need master".

"how many times have I told you just call me tóu" Fênhòng tòu said to then carry on with " well anyway can you remember what year this is".

Zhōngchéng answered " it is the 20th century" but perplexed he asked " why would you need to know that ." He asked in worry "Did you hit your head ?"

Fênhòng tòu said " think I hit when I woke up but I am fine now... well anyway I would like to get ready, so you may leave wait for me outside".

Zhōngchéng with relief, agreed and then left.

Fênhòng tòu thought ' so it seems like I am about 15, from what I remembered it be two days before I am sent to go live and survive by myself. Except why trusted servant will come with me so I won't be alone. For now I will just wait till that happens.'

He changed his clothes while thinking about how to overcome the future events. He could help but worry that he may get executed again. But just before finishing changing his clothes he thought 'I will lead me and my friend down the path where no one can rule over us and we will be stronger then a god.'

He left the room feeling a bit excited on what would happen. He greeted Zhōngchéng to then say "let's walk around town to see if there is anything interesting there."

Zhōngchéng agreed and they both went a long walk to town. It was very big will loads of people walking by some drunk some really excited and others who does not care much about other people and those who just want to trip people over.

It was very easy to come across bad people in town , which is what mad it interesting. We went into a shop to gets some candy. The shop keeper kept asking if we wanted some thing else and offered other stuff such as dried frog. I have no clue what that is but we did not accept anything and just brought the Candy that we wanted .

We left, Zhōngchéng asked " do you have any clue what dried frog is".

I laughed, but denied it cause I really did not know how to explain" I just laughed cause we where both confused on what it was. Sorry if you thought I was laughing at you."

Zhōngchéng said " it is fine." we carry on walking down the street when we saw a strange guy in an alleyway talking to man in black.

we started to get closer but hid to not be noticed . We squatted behind some crates to figure out what they were saying.

I realize that I have changed tense a couple times so please don't mind that I guess this is just how the story will be sorry if there are mistakes I realized the last chapter had many mistakes a I corrected then to the best of my abilities I also sorry if this chapter is really short it is just how it is

Somethingirlygamercreators' thoughts