
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

Nix101 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

A Quest?

With every second the guidebook updated, showing Wyrm that the time to put his skill point in a skill was coming closer to an end.

Well, even though he didn't have many skills to choose in this situation, he still felt like it was a tough decision. For some reason the [Mental Damage Resistance] went up a level on it's own. Maybe this skill is the reason he didn't feel like he was literally about to die right now? If that is the case he might want to put it in there.

[Time remaining to put the skill point(s) in a skill: 00:00:40]

Ahh wait. So what will being calm help him if he is about to die? He literally just had luck that the kitsune's daggers broke. If that wasn't the case, would he still have won? Would he still be alive?

[Time remaining to put the skill point(s) in a skill: 00:00:30]

It is clear as day that Wyrm, as he is right now is weak and if this is something that happens again, he would die. After all his enemies won't be as merciful as he was right now. For this reason Wyrm decides to not put it in the [Mental Damage Resistance] skill.

The [Dual Wield] skill also wasn't a good option seeing he only had one weapon as of right now and he has problems swinging that one around if he does it with both arms.

[Time remaining to put the skill point(s) in a skill: 00:00:17]

So his only two options were his very useless skill which for some reason is broken and the [Melee Proficiency skill]. The choice was clear.

Though Wyrm didn't know how to put it there, the level of the skill just increased as soon as he made up his mind. As soon as this was finished the countdown disappeared and the available skillpoints dropped down to 0.

And with that Wyrm felt some changes. When looking down at his sword, he felt a bit more swift with it. A few ideas popped to his mind on how to react if the opponent made certain moves. The feeling Wyrm had right now was quite addictive. He might for real just get hooked on it if this would happen every time after a skill level ups. At least it didn't happen when his [Mental Damage Resistance] skill leveled up so he was safe for now.

And like this Wyrm finished a job well done. This man really deserves some GGs here... huh? We forgetting something? If we forgot it can't be this important, ri-

"Oh, right. This dude is still here", Wyrm said with a disappointed look in his face after being brought back to reality. The reality of having some dude who tried to kill him, unconcious in front of him and blood steadily coming out of his hands. Worst of all, Wyrm had no idea at all how to treat wounds. You can't really judge him there, it's not like he ever had to treat a wound... or at least he thinks so.

"Arhh fuck" Wyrm continued to talk to himself, "I am feeling dizzy" which isn't a surprise at this point. When looking at the room, one could see blood covering quite a bit of the floor. "He. Hehehehe" Wyrm giggled seeing the blood and with a loud *thud* he collapsed on the ground with his sword and guidebook next to him.


"Fuck..." Wyrm slowly opened his eyes, "My head hurts" It was a headache as strong as one which you would feel if you had gone without drinking water for a day or two. He did not know but he assumes he was out for quite some time. He still felt dizzy and had problems keeping his eyes open. Still... he felt weirdly comfortable. It was as if Wyrm was in a bed out of cotton candy.

He looked around the room and noticed he was indeed in a bed. The room looked like Wyrm was in some kind of hut in the woods. A few shelves, another bed which looks like someone just got up from there and dark wood walls. The shelves though look identical to the shelves Chloe had in her shop so maybe this was some kinda secret part of her shop?

He had to find it out himself he wants to know so used all of his power, "URRRGH" to get up. Wyrm noticed his hands being covered in bandages while pushing his body up. Wyrm already was out of breath but he simply had to act tough once again and with one jump, he stood there.

His shoes weren't on but it didn't seem like that one door was leading outside anyways. And he was correct. As soon as he opened the door, he found himself in the storage of Chloe. Though he thought it was quite weird as he didn't remember there being a door in here...

Pondering about this was just a waste of time right now.

Wyrm looked over to the door leading to the shop and saw Chloe there who seemed to talk to someone right now. He only saw Chloe though and not who the person she was talking to was.

"For real?! That's hilarious!" Chloe said, chatting with the yet unknown individual.

"Yeah, I though I was a goner there for a second" But then Wyrm realized. It was the same voice. It was the voice of the person, he wanted to hear the least right now. Actually, he didn't want to hear it at all. Ever.

Wyrm ran to Chloe as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast. "CHLOE! GET FUCKING AWAY FROM TAHT FOX DUDE!", Wyrm screamed from the top of his lungs, pushing Chloe to the side. Wyrm now saw the kitsune who seemed to be taken by surprise by Wyrm's actions. Wasn't this like the normal thing to do right now?

Though Wyrm felt a slight hit on the back of his head. "Don't be mean to customers. Didn't I tell you so, Wyrm", Chloe said while walking in front of the two, "Gen is really nice, you know?"

"Wait a damn second", Wyrm quickly responded, "How is he nice? He tried to ki-" Though he was shut up by Chloe as quick as he responded.

"Nobody died, right?" Chloe said with a dead serious smile, "Nobody died and everyone got away with just a few scratches. You also only were out for 10 minutes" And that's it with Wyrm's out for 2 days theory which kinda annoyed him since he still felt like it.

But what really pissed him of was the kitsune, or as Chloe called him, Gen. "Yeah, calm down... Wyrm was it?" Gen said, "We are both fine and can continue this any time right? Next time I surely won't lose!"


Wyrm took a deep breath in. And exhaled. This was no time to get angry. He should take an example of Chloe. And like this Wyrm put on a smile friendlier than any of those you would ever see on his face and spoke, "Try me motherfucker", while lifting his middle finger to Gen.

"Pff... HAHAHAHAHA!" And there was the laugh of the kitsune again. This one wasn't as bad as the last one but still very annoying to Wyrm, "Well, I am heading to guild, looking for a quest. You wanna tag along?"


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-Never gonna give my readers up. Never gonna let them down. Never gonna run around and desert them-

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