
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

The Reason Why People Die

After the situation between Tristan and the old man had calmed down a system notification rang out in his head.

<Notice >

-Host has evolved form a [Type 0] to a [Type 0.1] Lifeform all stats increased by 1.Tristan opened the system panel with a dissatisfied expression on his face but it soon changed into one of joy, he then felt a cool energy flushing threw his body and soon after his body began to expel the impurities in it producing a fowl smell, but his skill that he had gained long ago began to react [seamless breathing], his body then began to absorb the surrounding energy.

<Notice >

-Host has evolved from a type [0.1] to a type [0.2] lifeform all stats increased by 1.

The system beeped in excitement and then said ''host your such a damn monster you manage to brake through two major realms in an instant.''

Tristan puffed out his chest then said ''humanities potential is [cosmic] and beyond a stupid system like you.''

The old man who watched Tristan's transformation in the corner suddenly coughed and said ''brat now that you have broken threw your realm of cultivation why not let this old one teach you a move or two.''Tristan held his crotch and stared at the old man and his granddaughter warily, feeling his gaze the girl blushed and the old man chuckled and said ''I'm not going to teach you in bed brat, I'm just going to teach you the move called [flow] and the move called [essence of life].''The old man looked around and said ''lets go into the nearby forest, over there and i'll show you the move'', but Tristan didn't even budge an inch, the old man sighed and said ''the only way to learn this technique of mine is when your around vibrant life force so come on.''

The scenery changed to that of a forest and in the middle of this vibrant life a river flowed, the old man then said ''you'll have to meditate here for three days and only then will you understand.''

The old man then pointed to the river and said ''first you'll have to meditate in that stream over there [completely] naked'' the eyelids of Tristan's pupils twitched.

The old geezer then said ''gather the essence of the yang aura on the second day just like the trees then you release, i don't know how you'll release just release it could be jacking off or splitting a tree in half, just release your emotions and desires and your physical tension and only then will you understand.''

Shing the old man disappeared along with that little missy Tristan stretched then said ''system show me the status window.''

Type 0 lifeform

(Sp), [300]

[Physique] (Lv 0.2)

[Strength] (2), [Agility] (2), [Dexterity] (2)

[Flexibility] (2), [Stamina] (2) [Energy] (2)

[Hidden icon]

[Force 58 tons] [Energy 1 joule] [Speed moch 10]

Tristan nodded then said ''I'll do this meditation this old man speaks of'', he striped naked and jumped head first into the shallow river, he then screamed

''Awww my head.''

''That's what you get you stupid host.''

Time passed and soon enough night came Tristan who was in the water felt a weird sensation' he felt his body or his soul drifting along the rivers current He then thought 'what if i let my energy flow along the rivers current', he then began to act on his thoughts as his energy began to flow along with the current, he then began to feel a weird yet mysterious power.

[Unhindered and ever moving, vast yet without a goal my might unmeasurable yet with limits my name is time ever flowing and constant.]


-Host has learnt flow

The sun soon rose high in the sky scorching the once cool earth but under the intense sun one could see a man in a cross-legged position he had a orange glow surrounding his entire body making him look all powerful.

Tristan on the other hand was understanding life but this process was a simple one for he had went to a top school on earth,

[My light all encompassing i shine on those i deem worthy with a gentle glow my name is star]

The third day arrived and Tristan decided to just relax and not think of anything but when the day was about to end he entered a strange state, he then heard a voice that was not too far and not too close everywhere but nowhere.

''Human how do you view the world around you including the people animals everything?''

Tristan didn't even think as he said ''i think of them as equal no one above the other.''

The voice then spoke ''what do you think of the different races?, i would love to hear your thoughts''

Tristan thought for a bit then said ''look at that tree over their and tell me what type it is?'' he pointed at a tree where its leaves where a beautiful purple and branches lush, the voice replied ''that is the magenta tree and its fruits are sweet and quite delicious to eat.''''Ok so tell me what that tree over there is?'' he pointed at a crooked old tree its bark dark and ugly the voice then spoke ''that is the greenwood essence tree and it can give life to the one who eats its fruits''Tristan then said ''no matter what tree i pointed at just now and no matter how grand, it would still be a tree'', i see humans as the same no matter if its pretty one or a ugly or has a different color/shade, humans are humans and trees are trees animals are animal for even the tallest of trees and the mightiest of beast will one day fall to the blade of time.''

The voice remained silent for a bit then said with a weird tone ''you have such an interesting view point but i have a question for you do you know why people die?''

Tristan paused and shook his headThe voice then spoke ''it's a rather simple answer [Energy]'' it continued and said ''trees are the natural energy savers of the world and this allows them to last for hundreds or even thousands of years but this is not the same for the fleshly beings that move around and expend energy for almost everything so their life span are short only living to a 100 to 300 years''Hearing this Tristan said ''so when we die [naturally] its because weve ran out of energy to sustain the body and if we die unnaturally weather through natural disasters or human intervention its because someone damaged the body causing energy to escape into the surrounding?''

He only got a chuckle in reply the the voice said ''you've already understood the essence now its time to understand the laws of immortality''

Wait what?

A/N: i was editing this chapter and fell asleep but when i woke up i realized that we have an absolute legend here coming in with 3 power stones BlackDagon324 may your power stones shower this novel.