
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

The Grand Adventure To Becoming A Type 1 lifeform VIII

His sword moved and the singing of the blade could be heard which was then accompanied by the sound of blood splashing onto the sand, limbs lay everywhere, and as the mutated scorpion leader looked at its slain comrades, it cried out and rushed at Tristan.

As Tristan backed away he quickly thought of a way he would deal with this thing his mind moved swiftly and he decided to take a risky move, rushing forward he slashed out, the scorpion took this opportunity and its stinger flew over at frightening speed Tristan's head moved to the side and the stinger flew past him.

His slash turned into stab and it pierced into the scorpion soft eye and into its brain Tristan withdrew his blade and fled. The leader scorpion spun about and attacked the air as if in a frenzy until its body lay motionless on the sandy ground, purplish blue blood began to seep from the scorpion's head and soaked the yellow earth, yet another flawless victory claimed by Tristan.

He began to clean up the site of battle in fear of more scorpions appearing, after gathering the corpse of the scorpions he opened the dimensional storage and stored them inside now that he was finished he went into the tent to see Zanier lying peacefully on the other hand Zanier's eyes were wide open and in the next moment Tristan then lay next to her and wrapped his hands around her waist.

Zanier's heart began to beat rapidly which caused her face to become flushed, her beauty shamed the flowers and hid the sun but in the next few moments snores could be heard, Zanier's flushed face became angry.

She tried to pry his hands off, but Tristan's hands were like metal clamps that didn't budge, it was only after a few more attempts did she give up and shortly thereafter she fell asleep.

While sleeping Tristan had a strange dream, it was of something staring at him, he stared at it and it stared at him, his instincts were screaming at him telling him to run, and with that his eyes opened and he looked upward.

A humanoid creature with a massive head bulging with purple veins stared at him, its tiny arms moved and it let out a comical cry.


Tristan didn't know weather to laugh or be mad, the thing then made some weird noises soon thereafter it crawled out of the tent, Tristan stared on in bewilderment, then asked " system, what was that thing?"

<Notice > 

-Host has encountered a native human of this planet.


Tristan shouted, . . . he stared at the spot that thing left and pondered to himself but his train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the sound of scattering sand, with a single motion his body turned into a wisp and he immediately reached outside.

An: hey I don't know how Tristan does it, it's like he has superpowers or some shit like it.

Outside the tent the light of the sword could be seen and an arduous battle commenced, with 3 mutated scorpions in front his energy vision activated again and he saw wisps of energy circulating at specific spots of the scorpions body.

Tristan commenced the attack, . . . the battle was drawn out yet swift, at the end of the fight Tristan sensed something in his body, his mind focused and he could feel a strange current of energy circulating through his body he felt his muscles getting stronger and more solid, his body at this moment was going through a strange transformation, his mind wandered and vague feeling aroused in his mind the energy in his body moved with his will and it began to flow through every inch of his body the powerful energy Tristan gathered in the past also moved and circulate in his body a strange pattern began to form.

From the heart to the four limbs and from the head to something below his navel it.

<Notice >

-Host has acquired energy circulation.

After acquiring the skill Tristan pondered for a bit then decided to rest, he went back into the tent and wrapped his hands around Zanier's soft frame and he quickly fell asleep.

The dark clouds rolled in the sky like serpents, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled and with that morning came, Tristan's eyes opened at this moment however they were met by another pair that stared at him with mixed emotions Tristan smiled strangely and asked in a gentle voice "did you sleep well?" 

Zanier didn't reply but covered up her nose, Tristan's face flushed with embarrassment and he got up to wash up, Zanier stared on with a mischievous smile on her face, Tristan's head then abruptly snapped upward at this moment and his ears twitched as he tried to listen to what was happening outside.

The sound of the scattering sand seemed to have transformed into a massive tidal wave smashing ashore, this sound triggered a scene from earlier a writhing mass that moved to and frow, his expression turned fearful as he then whispered to Zanier "prepare for battle."

Zanier's demeanor changed as she and Tristan readied themselves Tristan began to talk about the strength and weakness of the scorpions and even spoke about the strangely mutated ones he encountered then talked about how each scorpion absorbed a different amount of energy.

After his explanation he asked Zanier in a serious tone "can you fight without using your energy arts?"

Zanier nodded but she then stated in a clear and crisp voice, "my specialty is casting spells and based on the description you gave of the scorpions I could fight up to ten at once". Hearing this Tristan nodded his head, satisfied at the response given.

3 . . . 2 . . .1, boom!

The two rushed out with an animalistic ferocity, murderous intent rushed out and alerted the ocean of black scorpions to their presence, the scorpions snapped their pincers in unison, . . . the air exploded and a massive shockwave shot towards the duo, Tristan's sword moved and a wave of air pressure shot outward and clashed with the shockwave.


The air exploded, and a powerful gust of wind blew, knocking over some of the weaker black scorpions, the two opposing sides rushed in and a battle of epic proportions began. 

An unknown amount of time had passed since Tristan and Zanier rushed into battle a low boom! echoed out and the backs of two figures could be seen pressed together their faces having exhaustion written all over it, these two were non other than Tristan and Zanier, the two had fought till their hands went numb and their legs sore but looking around they saw that the enemies were endless.

The corpses of the scorpions were many and that drew out the deep seated hatred of the black scorpions, and like a wave, they came rushing over, the two gritted their teeth and rushed forward, Tristan's and Zanier's physique had gone through that strange transformation again and again making their bodies extraordinarily tough and powerful.

Sword light shown and the scorpions limbs flew into the air, it was around this time the mutated scorpions took charge their movements were swift and their bodies resonated power, another round of intense fighting commenced, . . . The duo didn't know how long were they fighting for but one thing was for certain if they stopped even for a moment they would be killed by the endless swarm.

Tristan sword moved to the side and a whirl of air current swirled around it, a humming sound could be heard as he dispatched the scorpions one after the other, the enemy's strength was great and so were their numbers, they rushed over wave after wave they were like a milestone that grinded against the duo constantly.

As the battle grew with intensity, so did Tristan's rage and desperation. 2 more hours passed and Tristan's anger and desperation had reached a boiling point. His thoughts were in a frenzy at this moment.

"More speed!, more force!, more speed!, more force!"

His body seemed to have been enveloped by whirling air currents, he swept through the battlefield like a powerful storm, scorpions flew into the air as he rampaged, system notification rang out incessantly but Tristan's mind was already in a frenzy.

"Faster!, faster!, FASTER!, FASTER!"


With a roar Tristan disappeared to an unknown space, in this space Tristan saw the lofty mountains and the vast continent but this intangible force pulled him along he became like the wind he felt warm.

At this moment his consciousness expanded and so did his body, he became so light yet vast and while reveling in this feeling a cold and heavy feeling suddenly swept through his consciousness and body his entire being began to fall downward, the thrill made his spine tingle his mind rushed forward and the vast continent and the high mountains got covered by a powerful gale of wind.

This process seemed to have repeated several times, an unknown time seemed to have passed for Tristan, but in reality only a few seconds had gone by on the battlefield, the air exploded and Tristan reappeared.

This process seemed to have repeated several times, an unknown time seemed to have passed for Tristan, but in reality only a few seconds had gone by on the battlefield, the air exploded and Tristan reappeared.

At this moment he looked like a god that had descended to the mortal world. Tristan moved and a powerful gale rushed forth and swept up the scorpions into the air. Nature was nature. You could be resistant to the energies between heaven and earth but not the natural forces of the world.

These creatures could resist the energy but not its effects so the wind blew violently and naturally Tristan's eyes shown with light the clouds seemed to have been influenced and snow fell, it was not artificial if it was by his design.

The current Tristan didn't know this but he had slightly touched upon the elemental law realm this slight insight will bring his prowess to new height 

As the pure white snow fell onto the writhing mass of black scorpions their movements slowed several fold, but this was all they needed the two moved and a bloody storm aroused by the end of it the two were covered with purple blood.

The fight seemed to have been over, but in the corner of Tristan's eye he saw something moving towards them Tristan alerted Zanier and she raised her guard. Another wave of black scorpions came rushing over and amongst the swarm Tristan could see that quite a few had white stripes running down/across their backs.

Tristan promptly spoke and the info about the striped scorpion was sent to Zanier. She looked at Tristan and said " I can't fight those guys". Tristan nodded and said "I'll handle it", his aura rose as he charged into battle.

Tristan noticed something while fighting the scorpions; the mutated ones were actually going through the process of turning into a striped scorpion, now that he knew that his aura intensified along with the clash, Tristan's eyes were sharp as he swept through the scorpions like a storm, it was as if he was a natural disaster, snow fell from the sky unceasingly and storm winds blew.

Tristan's sword stabbed upward and he made a whirling motion and the dark clouds began to move the sky became oppressive and a terrifying pressure radiated outward. His sword slashed downward and the clouds stretched down to the earth with tremendous force.

Booom! Wooo wooo!

The winds ravaged the earth and yellow sand soared up into the sky along with the scorpions Tristan moved at an incomprehensible speed and attacked the scorpions in the air zanier also moved and attacked the stunned Scorpions on the ground.

The two fought until the sky grew bleak, in the end the two's energy was depleted to a frightening extent, but the writhing mass did not diminish in the slightest on the contrary it seemed that their numbers had increased to an impossible scale, and as the two moved with staggered steps their spirits began to overflow into the vast world and boundless heavens.

As their fighting spirits grew Tristan fell into a semi conscious state he raised his sword up high and an invisible current of shot upward his aura became chaotic he seemed to be evolving.

<Notice >

-Host physique and energy is going through an abnormal transformation, the host body is entering a state of forced evolution suppression in 321 . . . suppression failed slowing process in 321 . . . slowing failed. 

<Notice >

<Notice >

<Notice > 

As these notification rang out an unknown force began to fluctuate out from his body sword slashed down with a whoosh the clouds boiled up with energy and the sky opened up but this was not due to his strength but something else. an object of unknown origin had fallen from the sky and fell right into the writhing mass, it was at this moment Tristan regained consciousness