
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


Though our collective strength is great but when we happen upon great discovery we hinder our selves, the great confusion in such a grand illusion.

"That brat, . . . Tristan gritted his teeth in anger, no wonder she was startled when we said we knew about the system, as he thought of this, the memories of that day came flooding in.

''Do you know why you were brought here? ''

They had shook their heads due to being completely ignorant of the situation, she then proceeded to ask another question, '' Do you know why you did all those silly things when you got here? ''

''And your probably wondering what's that holographic image display thingy? ''

it was when she asked this that Tristan began to focus on that familiar voice spoke.

''Isn't it a system?''

A calm voice asked, and that 'demon' froze and she turned towards the unknown speaker that startled visage that 'slightly' rushed breath and those eyes that sharpened thoe only slightly it was evident only after close observation, she asked in a stutter

'' Ho, how do you know that?, ''

'' This is common knowledge on earth, we have anime's and movies displaying systems and other weird stuff. ''

She let out a light cough and continued speaking, '' first I'll explain why yawl were brought here.'' 

Tristan sensed it a vague killing intent was dispersed when she coughed it was almost imperceptible his body shook as he welled up with a myriad of emotion and at this moment the parasite began to move causing his body to tremble due to the pain.

The parasite writhed and moved about like maggots on an infected corpse then that lump in his head shown with light again and halted the wriggling mass making him regain himself but as soon as he did panic set in in that instant his thoughts focused and he remembered that he was going to make a break through and it was only then that he began to relax yes all he needed was to relax.

With a deep breath his taught mind and muscles softened then expanded and his eyes glazed over he seemed to have fallen asleep while in that cross-legged position.

Why improve oneself when there are always weakness or limitations afoot?

A formless pressure rushed from Tristan's body and ripped the cocoon apart his eyes which were once glazed shown with a dazzling radiance he stood up and his emaciated figure released horrible fluctuations the entire sandy plain seem to be shaking but Tristan just stood their his eyes seemingly piercing the truth.

Thinking about it the system had a weird obsession always saying his transformation was not perfect, and if he remembered correctly the system had two instances of it weakening him:

The first being when they entered the chaotic region second when he fought the Radioactive God Emperor, it was subtle but if one looked at it it seemed weird it was as if the system was afraid he would fight back or the parasite had to inhabit the perfect vessel. 

Tristan sighed then thanked the Dao fragment in helping him destroy the perfect vessel he looked to his left to see the Dao fragment resting in the air. 

In a hazy space Hailey could be seen staring into the void she smiled mysteriously then a demon with its face rotting away came over the stench causing her to cover her nose, she turned to it and spoke "what's the matter?" the lesser demon scratched its worm filled face and said "mi lady section c has been whipped out"

Hailey's expression didn't change as she said coldly "throw them into the nourishment chamber" as she said this the demon walked away sheepishly while scratching its head, Hailey's face showed a peculiar expression and in the backdrop a floating panel could be seen and in red were a few words; 

Tristan sighed again then said can she be saved the Dao fragment shook and in a surprising turn of events it replied no she is apart of the main story line of this illusion Tristan's body shook as he was filled with emotions.

Tristan was young at heart he felt great emotion at finding out that his companion was but an illusion Tristan thought for a second then said sorrowfully for our last adventure I will 

but before he could finish his words Zanier appeared in front of him she stared at him strangely then said "master said I should give this to you" she took out a jar the size of a fist then she continued speaking "master said you should put this near the area the feel the most discomfort."

Tristan's eyes flashed with a light of understanding, he turned then zanier spoke her voice slightly shaking "may you have a blessed life and " . . . her voice trailed of then turned into a whisper "thankyou for making this life a more meaningful one'' she took a few steps and disappeared leaving behind a few tear drops that landed on the gerund, Tristan didn't see those tears but those words touched him deeply.

Tristan turned to the Dao fragment then asked "can we really not save her" the Dao fragment released a sigh and spoke "the only one you can save is that little girl and those people that were following you" Tristan went a small distance away to begin the extraction of the parasite.

Hailey seemingly loosing interest in the demon turned around to continue to stare at the monitor and in the next moment the world stilled and a boney hand stretched out from an unknown gap and rested on Hailey's shoulder her pupils constricted and her body tensed then a voice sounded out it seemed ancient like a creature from the dawn of creation.

"How is the plan coming"

But with those words the world flipped upside down and Hailey hair was hanging down but she replied calmly

"It going just as you planed, Grand Monarch"

The unknown entity remained silent before speaking I will be advancing to another realm . . . during this time use any means you see fit to deal with any anomalies

"As you wish Grand Monarch"

Everything returned to normal her hair fell messily she brushed her hair to the side and continued to stare at that spot her emotions a mix of lining and worry she then turned around her expression "sinister that smelly demon actually dared to deceive me."


Tristan sat cross-legged and placed the jar at side of his head the an unknown suction came from within and began to pull.

<No noo tice n . the system began to malfunction as it and parasite were being extracted this was an excruciating process in hazy space Hailey at warning sings lights flashing continuously on monitor but no site she probably off confront demons.< p>

In the next instance a familiar figure walked up to the monitor and began to tap rapidly in the air then the warning and flashing lights disappeared then that familiar figure quickly vanished into the corridors with some mysterious foot work, shortly thereafter Hailey came storming in her anger apparent but she quickly calmed down when she saw the monitor she even seemed excited

But her excitement dampened when her nose twitched and she picked up on a strange smell it was faint but "heheh" she smiled and her face distorted into something frightening many eyes covered head as she spoke her demonic aura thickening.

"The anomalies began to appear shall I have a lunch break?" then a vague outline of a hand stretched out and pressed a button on the monitor that had break on it.

Her smile stretched to her ears and those eyes blinked and moved about sporadically the hazy room became white then she stepped into a corridor disappearing from sight.

AS the parasite and system were being extracted Tristan thrashed about in pain but he held the jar firmly to his head and at this time destruction spoke "we will help but note this we will not pass on our memories because they are false"

creation spoke "we will not pass our skills to you because that is not the path"

Then the two spoke together "now we will tell you the truth, . . . we failed, not once but twice and was trapped by the system but we resisted parasitization however we were kill by that figure Tristan asked "Hailey?" they shook their heads and said "the one who stands behind her."

And before he could understand a jolt of pain rushed through his body then a roar resounded throughput the sandy plain, after sometime the scene settled and in the jar Tristan was holding some fluid along with lines that covered the container wall could be seen along with a chunky piece of flesh with long tendrils stretching out.

It was rather disgusting but Tristan had seen worst he then move to the tent and called Zanier but he received no response in return he thought that she was in the tent but when he walked closed he heard some buzzing sounds behind the tent 

An uneasy feeling washed over and he began to walk to the source of the sound and as he did so something zipped past him, his eyes sharpened and in his vision a fly an inch long curved around the tent, using his foot work he immediately reached around the tent and his pupils constricted and his body began to shake.

Before him lay the lifeless corpse of Zanier her throat was slashed open but how? . . . he looked to her hand to see a knife clasped tightly that was stained with red blood flies swarmed her neck and quickly laid their eggs in the next moment the eggs hatched and maggots' quickly borrowed into her flesh and were moving beneath her skin her and body thinned rapidly.


Tristan's mind shook as he felt helpless and panicked and enraged at this moment, . . . he rushed forth and a formless pressure rushed out of his body the flies that were busy laying eggs were startled and flew away the he held her in his arms and that horrible pressure from his body forced out the maggots in her and neck they fled in a hurry.

As zanier lay lifeless in his hands his eyes couldn't help but moistened with tears as he held her body tightly something fell softly on the ground witch caught Tristan's eye it was a note from Zanier 

He lay her gently to the side then picked up the envelope with care then opened it to read his hands trembled as he did so then tears fell unceasingly from his face the message read goodbye, . . . , 'but before i go here is my first but last selfish request . . . can you live for me?'

Tristan's mind crumbled as he read it he felt anger pain loss and emptiness thoe this was an illusion she had her own thoughts and could still live her own life but how could she how could she live a normal life knowing your just a mere hologram helping a parasite take over someone's body how could she 

Tristan let out a long sorrowful cry that echoed across the sandy plain the sky darkened in response and rain slowly began to fall from the sky, and as the raindrops fell Tristan hugged zanier tightly as he questioned everything, why was he even here? . . . he was just in school but now he was here feeling a sense of loss 'again' and as the rain fell and soaked the sandy earth Tristan continued to weep.