
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


A few days passed since the incident, the sun now hung high in the sky scorching the land, Tristan and his party stood side by side as he then said

''System activate insanity level mission, Calamity of worlds.''


-Dimensional gate opening

A black line suddenly appeared connecting the sky and land, and just like how one would open a book the surrounding scenery was flipped to each side and an abyss like whole could be seen, as the party of five walked in the surrounding flickered like static in an old tv that lost signal.


-Host has entered insanity level mission dimensional gate closing in

3. 2. 1.

And just like closing a book the surrounding scenery reverted back to normal

Dong, dong!!

Tristan's eyes where wide open but he soon squinted them, he then shoved out his lips....this here was the sign of worry, the others looked around with mesmerized expressions on their faces, suddenly one of them shouted

"Master master look how green the grass is, it even has a faint glow to it and the leaves, the leaves of the trees are dark green but why are they giving of an odd glow? "

The four turned to look at Tristan's face but it was an odd site to look at, his eyes where scrunched up into a thin line and his mouth was pushed out, sweat droplets could be seen covering his face densely, he then said in a trembling voice

" Well you see there's a reason why the trees and grass have an odd glow to it"

" Yeah whys that? "

" Well you see there a thing in this world called....Radiation and this thing called radiation is a rather tricky element "

"Master what's so tricky about it? "

Tristan's face scrunched up even more at this sudden question he then replied

"This thing called radiation is very.....dangerous, if any living being is hit with high doses of it for too long will be poisoned and this so called poison destroys the DNA or the building blocks life inside all living beings."

Hearing this the groups faces went pale Tristan attention was then drawn by the systems notification


-Host is in a very radioactive region 100 mutation points every hour

The system then said "host you can buy the radiation suite for your parties safety"

And in the next moment you could see the four inside black suites, they weren't big and bulky as expected but skin tight.

Time passed and they where now walking about in this radioactive forest, the plants and flowers glowed with a dim light showing of its beauty,

A butterfly could be seen amidst the bright flowers, but as if startled by the humans it flew away leaving a fairy like trail in its way.

They soon found a clear spot where only the branches of the trees would cover over head, there where a few purple plants scattered about adding a sense of mystery and beauty to the spot.

Tristan felt a prickling sensation all over his skin when he neared the beautiful flowers, it felt like small needles where jabbing into skin repeatedly they then sat down on the glowing grass


- Host has come into contact with the radioactive ground plus 10 mutation points every minute

Hearing this Tristan asked system how radioactive is the surroundings?


-Host is breathing in radioactive air plus 10 points every time the host inhales







"Host this region isn't just contaminated its practically one with the radiation its output for radiation is greater than that of a star you have to leave this spot quickly, it seems like their are less radioactive regions on this godforsaken planet"

Suddenly Tristan's vision went weird and his face went pale he called out to the system but before he could say anymore

A system notification rang out


-Host has been severely poisoned by the radiation, damage done to the host DNA is irreversible host body will be destroyed

Tristan fell head first on the ground but the four who sat not too far from him didn't seem to have noticed for they too seem to have been affected by the radiation and their vision soon went dark


(All beings from the very day they where born began to adapt and survive to their surrounding's some may say it is through emotional pressure that the potential of a living being is released

Are through the physical stress of an unfamiliar and harmful environment so on and so fourth but how one truly Evolves is when ones entire being is at the brink of destruction)

(Quote: all things die but they do not know the reasoning for their demise but I can tell you why)

[Authors note: yeah I figured out why people die its nothing mysterious like grim reapers and stuff you'll find out in future chapters and its actually the reason why people grow old and stuff but in like 4 chapters or so you'll be informed of this thing that I'm talking about]

The cells inside Tristan's body started to break down and in no time he was a skeleton on the ground but as if protected by the world a miracle happened, a gentle wind blew causing the leaves of the trees to rustle with a

Shh! shh! sound, the skeleton that lay on the gentle swaying grass suddenly gave off an odd light it then started to regrow its flesh

Creepily the flesh on its body began to wriggle about as if trying to connect to each other sadly they failed and they soon turned into puss filled mess on the ground next to the body,

It was trying to recreate its self, unknowingly 2 months had passed by, the process of continued flesh regenerating continued,

But the flesh that was once plane and hard to look at was now transparent and glossy like crystals, as if not giving up the flesh wriggled about trying to connect

After sometime the crystallin like flesh on the skeleton wriggled and connected next where the vessels and what not that began to regenerate, new skin grew on the glossy like flesh

Skin as black as night and as reflective as diamonds could be seen and an odd glow radiated of his body (no pun intended)

Please read!

Authors note: I know the story is progressing quickly and I know I'm not putting out a chapter everyday, but I was actually planning out this entire book you see their are gonna be some changes to the plot and some slight changes to the character nothing too severe though,

our boy Tristan will still be a cocky bastard, anyways, you'll see the changes as you read along, I hope you stick around to see the end of this epic story i hope you shed some tears too feel angry ect enjoy and a chapter will be released once every two days :)