
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Radioactive God Emperor

(Authors note: Hey hey hey i know that you're a bit a confused as to why Tristan can display such strength, well you see his leveling system is based on the Kardashev scale,

And you have to keep in mind that he doesn't have the strength of a planet only of a peak human that's why his stats went down, now that weave got this out the way get back to reading!)

As the world turned grey a black orb began to converge on Tristan's arm

Thump, thump . . . Thump, thump.

He felt it again his heart was beating hard as if to assist him in battle, the veins and muscles on his right arm began to bulge, the black orb began to shrink with every beat of his heart

Thump, thump . . . Thump, thump.

Veins began to bulge on his face and with that the ghastly flames began to dance about as if it was excited, his mouth fell open as if to let out a scream

Ahh, Ah, . . . Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

And with that scream the blades that where in a deadlock began to move, a spark flew of into the air showing of the fierce expression on the twos faces.

Thump, thump.

His heart beat was as if a drum where being hit and with the beating of his heart the black orb finally shrank around his right arm he screamed out again as if to show his ferocity



His sword split the sky and land into two and the humanoid existence was cut cleanly in half

''bwahahahaha take that you piece of shit''

He flung his hand in the air in celebration of his victory, as he started to relax the sky had suddenly turned green giving of a foreboding feeling. A voice then boomed across the sky sounding cold and metallic.

"{Lowly being who writhe on the earth like worms, I must now use all my power to eradicate you off the face of the earth}''

''{Soldiers descend!}''

''{No mater how much power you gather you are nothing in the face of the Absolute}"

Buckets of sweat covered Tristan's face as he said ''shit where totally fucked''


Type 1.5 lifeform is approaching

"Host your definitely dead and look at that you're gonna die a virgin"


His head raised to the sky he then said "system give me my swords and equip my armor"

"Yes emperor host"

His riz level flew threw the roof, he now had on an all black sleek armor and two twin swords hung on his back, a black mask covered his mouth making him look mysterious and shit

(A/N: discovered a new word today its called riz)

He then threw the pot and sword into the dimensional storage space, after doing that he reached for the twin swords on his back one was black as ink and the other a pale sky blue


His aura exploded outwards causing the surrounding trees to bow as if they where in the face of an emperor, he then raised his head and stared at the vortex that was swirling about, his eyebrows raised at the astonishing site he was looking at,

Black dots covered the sky suppressing the land with a horrifying and suffocating radiance Tristan could even feel the pressure from this distance, he knew now that this wasn't going to be an easy fight, hell he could die for gods sake, he crouched down and then extended his hands to his sides


His figure flashed out creating shockwaves that leveled the trees within its vicinity, but the creatures that descended from the sky grew angry when seeing him rush over, the creatures then howled in rage at this impudent human.

In a distant land where the desert stretched endlessly a man raised his head to the sky, he then looked down as if what he saw was a trifling matter, in an ancient ruin a skeleton with green flames for eyes sat

It stared into the void as if watching a show, in a bustling city a magical tower stood piercing the sky, inside the magic tower a young man shouted out

''Master master look the heavens are changing does this means the gods are at war?''

A bespectacled young man asked an old man with a wrinkly face, the old man spoke out in a horse and deep voice ''Young one it seems to be that the gods are indeed angry''

''Master why don't we broadcast this fight to the cities across the world and charge a bit of money for the viewing experience'',

The old man sighed and said ''brat you can do what you want but don't take it too far'' hearing this the young man smiled with glee he then shouted

''Fire up the magical projection formation'',

All across the world a magical projection shown and a young man in sleek black armor could be seen running at horrifying speeds towards the strange looking humanoids.

Tristan didn't know that there were billions watching but if he knew he wouldn't care cause at this moment his life was on the line

The humanoid creatures couldn't hold themselves back they rushed out to crush this human who dared to anger their creator.


-Host activated temperature regulator

Suddenly the black sword in Tristan's right hand began to radiate heat that distorted the air around it then the pale sky blue sword in his left hand began to freeze the air around it

''{1,000,000 degrees yang} {-1,000,000 centigrade yin} . . . All encompassing sword slash''


The earth exploded and the sky was ripped apart, tremors and shock waves spread out endlessly across the continent, Tristan stood their at the center of this catastrophe his eyes cold

He then stared up at the sky for he felt a huge pressure baring down on him, he spun his sword about in a cool manner then stabbed it to the sky as if declaring his position,

But as if to answer his provocation a point of light shown in the sky looking like a star trying to show of its radiance.

[A/N: I'm going threw the older chapters and fixing my grammar errors if it still needs improvement tell me so that i can fix it, oh and i'm writing another book and its about how earth went to war and the collapse of society, its another evolution type book and its 'Not' gonna feature any gods and stuff like that just a boy and his path to the top alone coming soon]

[Information dump must read if not next chapter]

Power system

[Type 0 life form]

A type 0 lifeform can only use the natural energy of the environment to grow such as eating, drinking and breathing for these are essential for mortal beings.

[Type 1 life form]

A type 1 life form does not need to eat drink or breath because these beings can manipulate the energies of an entire planet, they can change the weather with a wave of a hand, these beings bodies will be clear of all impurities and because of this they could freely regenerate internal and external injuries and also increase lifespan, these beings would be able to walk in the sky and water like its land.

[Type 2 life form]

A type 2 lifeform will not be able to maintain its body on just the sun and moon, but will have to devour the energy from the sun and neighboring stars, these beings will be able to travel to and from planets with ease.

Type 3 life form

A type 3 lifeform will be able to travel the galaxy with ease and the low gravity of planets will no longer affect this being and the lifespan will be the peak of its species, these beings will not just use just the neighboring stars for energy but hundreds of thousands of stars and could use wormholes to travel very long distances.

Type 4 life form

A type 4 lifeform will need tremendous amount of energy to survive so they will need to extract energy from multiple galaxies and black holes, these beings will be able to extract consciousness from flesh and achieve immortality, at this point these beings can create worlds with life but these beings are neither omnipotent nor omniscient.

Type 5 life form

A type 5 lifeform will use the energies of multiple universes and even the energy of whit holes becoming a multiversal being, after mastering the energies of the multiverse they will realize that they have only mastered the 3d/material world, but their exists higher dimension and realize that life exists there.

Type 6 life form

A type 6 lifeform would realize that entering a higher dimension would destroy their bodies, but a true type 6 lifeform would have discarded their bodies and exists as pure consciousness, the amount of energy required to go in these dimensions wouldn't be hard to acquire because of mastering and controlling the energy of the multiverse, after these beings become multidimensional they can travel back and forward in time without cause and effect, then these beings will truly become omnipotent and omniscient then they'll find a new truth if other life forms like us created worlds with life who created our world.

Type 7 life form

Type 6 lifeforms will realize that they will not be able to make themselves become a type 7 lifeform no matter how hard they try, the creator lifeform is not really a lifeform but existence its self, it is the creator of all matter, energy, natural laws, space, time and dimensions, everything exists at this level they will not be gods but god of gods but the type 6 life forms eventually found out a way to transcend this level, they asked the question why be existence when they could transcend existence its self?

Type 8 life form

These beings have transcended all meaning, all laws, time, space, dimension's and matter, these beings now do not see the boundless expanse as a place to live anymore, so they will now go on to explore more mysterious and unimaginable spaces and worlds, they are now omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent

Type 9 %#@#^


[Strength and life span system]

type 0- type 0.5

{Strength, enough force to destroy a continent}, {Lifespan of a thousand years}

type 1- type 1.5

{Strength, enough force to destroy a planet}, {Lifespan of ten thousand years}

type 2- type 2.5

{Strength, enough force and energy to destroy a solar system}, {Lifespan of a hundred thousand} years

type 3- type 3.5

{Strength, enough force and energy to destroy a galaxy}, {Lifespan of a million years}

type 4- type 4.5

{Strength, enough force to destroy multiple galaxies}, {life span Immortal}

type 5- type 5.5

{Strength, enough force and energy to destroy multiple universes}, {Life span Immortal}

type 6

{Strength, enough force and energy to destroy dimensions and the multiverse}, {Lifespan eternal immortal}

type 8- type 8.5

{Strength, can erase the boundless expanse with a sneeze}, {lifespan ∞}

9 type

{Strength %#@^$} {Lifespan $#%$^6}

Units of measurements

{pm/ planetary masses/ mass}, eg he traveled 100 pm in a sec or he destroyed a hundred pm of space

{gm/ galactic masses/ mass}, eg he traveled a hundred gm in a second or a beam of light tore threw 50 gm of space

{unm/ univesral masses/ mass}, eg he destroyed a million unm of space within a second