
The Greatest Sage

to be in control of reality, your destiny? aren’t these all desirable goals for all mankind? A young and driven university student suddenly pulled away from the life he knew, into a life he didn’t. to conquer his own powers and the strengths of the world’s, and the desire to gain control of his destiny by his own resolve. However everything is not so simple, being placed in a new world Lotus is forced to make controversial decisions in-order to get to where he wants, he no longer is burdened with the laws of earth. Encountering all sorts of dangers and chaos. Lotus continuously battles his circumstances and the world he's been thrown into, known by ‘the nine lands’ each land with a different personality and mana, the life force energy for everything and everyone, giving rise to an evolution of beings and locations. Will you, reader, follow him as he navigates this mystifying and unfathomable world? Join the quest to not only conquer the world but also the mind? ……………….. Authors ext!! Lotus is not a hero, nor is he a villain, he is only driven by that in which benefits him and those he cares for! so some of the things that occur in the story may be a bit heavy for some with light tummies. Ariel is also just as important to the story as Lotus. p.s. stick through the shaky start thankssz

nateXmani · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Let's go together

as one slept peacefully half naked and dishevelled in the wool blankets, and the other, fully braced while staring at the ceiling with a look of deep contemplation and somewhat regret drawn

a knock on the door was heard,

Lotus turned to look at Ariel and strain-fully got up, slightly opening the door and peeking through with half his face, "What is it?"

the timid assassin whispered quietly

"Breakfast is ready, you guys came back late"

"Mm Lotus!" Ariel murmured still asleep

"All alright we'll be down in a minute thanks" Lotus slammed the door shut and aggravatingly shook Ariel awake

"yo! Get up, breakfast!… Hello!"

"mmm what?", Ariel blinked her eyes open and suddenly realising the events alternating at her bare body and Lotus' grim expression, an awkward silence filled the room

breakfast was awkwardly quiet with only the sound of cutlery to fill the voids

"Hey! Why's the weird couple so quiet today" Isabella

"We aren't a couple!" they both emphatically stated in tandem

"Right sorry sheesh"

picking up his plate Lotus continued up to their room,

"What's his problem?!" Isabella

"Just leave him alone alright! Don't you get tired of being annoying?"

"mmm, not really".

shortly after Ariel had finished her breakfast and made her way to her and Lotus' room

"Lotus can I come in?… I lied this is my room too I'm coming in anyways" she said mockingly while entering the room and sitting beside a pondering Lotus.

"We have to leave in a second to talk to Genesis about the academy" Lotus said inattentively preparing… with what little he had since he didn't really have belongings in the first place.

"Can you wait? we have to talk and decide together, we are partners remember!"

"What kind of partners" Lotus mumbled quietly


no response.


'what the hell did that mean?' Ariel inwardly questioned scratching her head

a saddened yet angry mood filled the room

"I'm going to this academy and you… can do whatever you like" he said before his eyes lit up gold and he vanished.

stood leaning outside the tavern they were at yesterday an aggravated Lotus spotted Ariel running towards him and rolled his eyes in frustration.

"oi, why are you running off like that, you didn't let me speak, Lotus can you listen to me?"

'how did she even get here this fast'

"ok speak," he said opening his palms sassily.

"… well I didn't have anything to say, we can go with what you decide, I just wanted to know you'd listen to my input"

Lotus rolled his eyes in response 'I've been listening to your input since I first met you'

"yh we'll go to this academy you speak of.

Judas smiled in jubilee "Excellent! great news!, okay so as I should've told you yesterday, it is a boarding academy so you will have to move to the dorm rooms"

"wait what!?" Lotus said pressuredly

"yes, away from that bitch finally" Ariel whispered quietly

"nooo my free breakfasts"

"not to worry Lotus, since you and Ariel are my scholars you will have free full-course meals at all times of day!"

"ahhh yes, all is good in the world!"

'such a child' Ariel squinted her eyes while Genesis continued with the terms and conditions of the academy

All sounded standard, for a magical boarding academy in another world, Lotus wasn't one for rules much anyway so it all kinda of just passed through his ears like water, and he would check to see if Ariel was listening intently for them which she was, so as Judas finished off and told them to meet him back here to pick them up to travel to the academy, the pair went back to the inn to pack and say goodbye to the residents.