
The Greatest Feudal Lord

After the events of his uncle's death at the hands of an Oni(demon), Shin Gekio, heir to the Gekio Bushin clan, decides to become the greatest lord in order to protect his clan just as his uncle did.

Ryajin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2:Prelude of the Challenge

"Did you find him?" asked the Lord. "No, sir we were unable to locate him." Said one of his men. "Well I guess it is only normal. After my brother's death two years ago, he grew up only prioritizing his goal and nothing else." He said. "Father can I talk to you for a sec?" asked Shin. "Uh? Shin where have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you.", "I was out on a stroll but anyway look what I got. These lowlife bandits were attacking a traveler. I also took the liberty of putting them under custody" they said as they continued their conversation.

After thorough investigation and questioning, the bandits were then imprisoned and handed to the authorities. With that out of the way, Shin was scolded by his father severely for his disappearance. During that moment his father started coughing severely and then collapsed. "Somebody help! Father just collapsed, quick hurry!" he shouted as those who had heard him immediately went to his side. After some time, "It is not something very harmful. It was simply fatigue. Though the fact that he coughed is quite concerning. I'll continue to check up on him but it might be best to not let him exhaust himself again." Said the clan doctor.

With that said, after recovering, the lord was advised to take some leave from his office and properly rest and recuperate. "Do you think the lord will be okay?", "I don't know. But frankly this incident just had to happen at the worst possible time.", "Yeah I know what you mean. Even if we are talking about Sakurabo Gekio, the Lord of the Gekio Bushin Clan, he remains a human.", "Not only that but rumor has it that the Jumonji Bushin Clan is at odd with our clan.", "Then that means…", "Yep, there may be war on the horizon. If were lucky they may request a Conqueror's Game." Conversed two servants of the clan while Shin heard it all as he was resting on the rooftop.

"The Conqueror's Game, huh?" thought Shin. The Conqueror's Game as it name implies is a contest that was established during the reign of Hidetaka Muramasa, the ruler of Yamato, three hundred years ago. Using ancient arts he developed himself, he managed to quell the damage caused to the commonfolk and land when clans would enter in disputes or battles by sending them in an alternative space called Yami no To(Dark Tower). "You would think that the one who established this system was simply giving the clans a new battlefield to fight on but no, the space has its own will and rules. With that the contest in which clans must compete are completely random. Due to that, Hidetaka Muramasa is considered a genius among geniuses. Well if we are challenged then I've got no problem retaliating." Thought Shin as he rose up.

A few days later, a letter from the Jumonji clan arrived at the Gekio estate. "As per the Ultimatum sent months ago, for the disgrace brought upon one of our clansmen, we officially challenge the Gekio Bushin clan to a Conqueror's Game." Said the letter referring to the time when two clansmen of the Jumonji and Gekio clan respectively, fought as the Gekio clansman who was on a journey at the time, ended up drunk in an inn and then picked a fight with the Jumonji clansman. Even though the clansman in question was punished, the Jumonji clan was not satisfied and continued asking for retribution.

"What do we do? His Lordship has not yet fully recovered and only the clan master can lead the other warriors." Said one of the elders as they counseled each other on what would be the best option as their leader was not in any state to participate. "IN THAT CASE LET ME HANDLE IT!!!" said Shin as he abruptly opened the door. "You are but 10 years old. We can't allow it. Have you any idea what would happen if we lost? We can't let an ignorant and inexperienced child participate on a simple whim." Said Enkiji, the elder. "If uncle were here I am sure he wouldn't hesitate to step forward and participate. I won't let some other clan bring misfortune to ours. I'm the next lord of the Gekio Bushin clan wether you like it or not. Even if you're against me, I will participate and I will win! So just watch and witness it with your own eyes." Said Shin as he exited the room.

"What do you think about what he said Enkiji?" asked one of the elders. "If we are to believe the words of the late Tsuji, Shin defeated the Oni that attacked them even though it was purely accidental due to the circumstances at the time. But if it is true, then it'd be a mistake on our part to not let him participate." Said Enkiji. "I hate to admit it but you're right dear elder." Said the lord as he approached, "After the Oni incident, that boy changed. And for better or for worse he is the next lord. So I'll let him participate in my stead. This is my order, prepare everything that will be needed for the contest and ready the men." He added as the elders then simultaneously said "Yes my Lord.", During that time back in his room, "I will become the greatest lord and protect my people just like uncle." Said Shin as he was working out.

Hiyah there, look forward to the next chapter for it will be quite interesting

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