
The Greatest Feudal Lord

After the events of his uncle's death at the hands of an Oni(demon), Shin Gekio, heir to the Gekio Bushin clan, decides to become the greatest lord in order to protect his clan just as his uncle did.

Ryajin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Origins of the Young Lord

In a forest showered by the glowing hues of the setting sun, the once tranquil haven was now a battlefield. The relentless spread of flames turned the serene woodland into a chaotic inferno. Trees crackled and splintered under the heat, casting dancing shadows that twisted and turned like wraiths.

Amongst the chaos stood a monstrous figure, laughter booming across the burning forest. His horns curved menacingly from his head, his eyes glowing with a malevolent light. "HAHAHAHA, you're pathetic," he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "Either as a samurai or as a flow master. Die and enjoy your time in the afterlife."

Behind the mysterious man, a young boy's terrified voice pierced through the cacophony. "U-un-UNCLE!" he shouted, his small frame trembling, tears streaking down his dirt-smudged face.

Placing himself protectively between the boy and the monster, the samurai with his dented armor and scorched, had determination and pain lined on his face. "Don't worry kiddo. As long as I still breathe, I won't let that monster touch you." He reassured, his voice steady despite the dire situation.

The horned creature sneered, a dark aura emanating from his entire being. "Humpf. Say your prayers, old man." It growled, exuding a palpable sense of dread.

As their battle intensified, with the samurai and the creature exchanging blows. Despite his skill, the samurai was taking more and more damage. His movements grew sluggish, his breathing labored. The creature's relentless his assault finally drove the samurai to his knees, his grip on his sword faltering.

"Farewell, O warrior. But do not worry, that twerp will follow right after you." the monster taunted, preparing to deliver the final blow.

Summoning the last of his strength, the samurai's voice rang out. "Like I told you, I won't let you touch a single hair on his head."

With a determined chant, he invoked his power: "Kami no chikara, Ofuda no hikari, Karami awase, Negai wo tsunagu. Ofuda Biding Spell!"

A brilliant light enveloped the monster, momentarily restraining him. "NOW RUUUN! I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG I'LL BE ABLE TO KEEP HIM RESTRAINED, SO SHIN, RUUUN!" the samurai shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

The monster roared in fury, straining against the magical binds. "Tsk, you're pissing me off. Just die!" With a surge of power, the creature shattered the restraints and lunged, piercing the man's heart.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" screamed the young boy, his eyes wide with horror as he watched his uncle.

The samurai, his life ebbing away, still clung to the monster's ankle. "D-don't wor-r-rry. I won't let him lay a hand on you." He rasped, blood trickling from his lips.

"Let me go at once!" the monster bellowed, kicking the samurai away with brutal force.

"AARGH!" stated the warrior as he landed heavily in front of the young boy, coughing and struggling to rise. "Uncle!" Shin cried, rushing to his side.

"I told you to run," the samurai wheezed, "but it seems that running would be quite impossible."

The monster advanced, a twisted grin on his face. "I'm fed up with all your futile. Just let me kill you."

Desperation and anger flared in Shin's eyes. "Leave him alone, Leave him alone, Leave him alone, LEAVE HIM ALOOOONE!!!!" he screamed, his voice reverberating with a strange.

Suddenly, huge blue flames erupted around them, swirling and roaring like a living entity. "Fudō myōō no kensaku sowaka, Infernal Ignition" Shin chanted, his voice echoing with an ethereal, mystical quality.

As if in a trance, he continuously unleashed the flames he conjured onto the monster, engulfing it in a searing inferno. "Die you Oni. Repent for your sins in hell." Shin declared, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly light.

The Oni howled in agony, his body consumed by purifying flames. "What kind of monster is that?" it screamed as it was reduced to ash.

The flames dissipated, leaving a scorched circle in the forest. Exhausted, Shin collapsed, his consciousness slipping away. The samurai, his strength nearly gone, gathered the boy into his arms. "Don't worry, kiddo. I won't leave you, at least not like this and especially not here." He murmured, his voice filled with resolve.

With every ounce of strength he had left, the samurai carried his nephew through the forest as if undead. Hours passed, each step a battle against the encroaching darkness. Finally, they reached the gates of a certain grand estate. The guards, alerted by the noise, rushed out. "AH?! Young lord! Master Tsuji!" they exclaimed, recognizing the young boy and his uncle.

"Hurry. Help me carry them to the infirmary!" one of the guards ordered, and together they hurriedly transported the injured duo inside, to the infirmary.

Days later, Shin awoke, his mind a whirlwind of memories. "Uncle!" he shouted, panic gripping his heart.

"Calm down." a man said, entering the room. His was Shin's father, his face etched with sorrow.

"Father. Uncle? Where is Uncle Tsuji?" Shin asked, his voice quivering with fear.

His father's expression was devastated. "I'm sorry, but there was nothing to do about his condition. My brother, Tsuji, has passed away. Before passing, he told us what had happened to both of you. He carried you back to the estate, even though he was on the brink of death."

After hearing that, tears streamed down Shin's face as he cried inconsolably. His father's words barely registered, the pain of loss overwhelming him

Days passed in a blur, and soon, after clearing all other matters, the funeral for Tsuji Gekio of the Gekio Bushin Clan was held. Many mourned the death of their brave warrior on that auspicious day.

"Father. Is it because I was too weak that uncle died?" Shin asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"No, my son." His father replied gently. "In this world, creatures like the Oni he faced are simply stronger than most humans. My brother loved his family more than anyone else in this world. It is not surprising that he laid down his life for you."

"But then..." Shin began, his voice choked with guilt.

"Listen well," his father interrupted, his tone firm. "Tsuji gave his life to protect you. Hence, you must repay that debt. You must become stronger, so that you can protect others as he did."

Shin's eyes cleared, a new resolve forming within him. "It was on that day that I decided that I would become a lord capable of protecting others, just like my uncle. But I'll do it my own way. Yes, even if I have to lead a Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. I, Shin Gekio of the Gekio Bushin Clan shall become the greatest and strongest among the lords."

Years passed, and Shin trained relentlessly. He hone his skills, mastering the arts of combat and magic. His determination was unyielding, his spirit unbreakable. "Young lord? Young lord, where are you?" said retainers of the clan who were searching for Shin within the estate.

During that time, on the outskirts of the town, a group of bandits attacked unsuspecting travelers. Shin, now aged 12, faced them with a calm, steely gaze.

With a swift motion, he unleashed his power. "Fujin no hachibushū sowaka, Zephyr Blades!" He chanted, his presence commanding and fearsome, and blades of winds sliced through the air, cutting down the bandits with precision and ease.

"Well, ain't it my lucky day?" he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "If you bandits show resistance, you'll get your money's worth. Try any funny business on my turf, and trust me, you'll regret it. I'm the next lord of this domain, Shin Gekio!"

The remaining bandits fled in terror, their morale shattered. Shin watched them go, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Let this be a warning," he muttered, "No one threatens my people."

His journey far from over but his path clear, he would honor his uncle's sacrifice and protect his clan, no matter the cost.

Hiyah there, this is the third story i write hope you enjoy it

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ryajincreators' thoughts