
The great Gods System

Infloxx_King · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The System

[Welcome to the great gods system....]

[Monitoring host's body.....]

[Multiple broken bones detected..... Starting repair]

"I guess I've finally gotten a few screws loose from all the beatings I've been receiving lately" Aiden said.

Considering he's got a few months till he turns eighteen, he thought he shouldn't have received the system yet.

After a while without hearing a sound in his head, he was convinced that he was just losing it, and he started walking home in great pain.

After reaching home, he went inside the bathroom and started cleaning himself. After washing off the blood he realized that most of his wounds became no more than bruises.

"That's weird, I could've sworn that I got a couple of cuts, could that have been my imagination too or do I really have a system"

He looked surprised and said in his mind

' open system ' and just as he said that an interface appeared in front of him.

[ body repair 80%....Please get a sleep to complete repair]

"It's real, it's not my imagination, it's really real" he said, sounding really excited. "well, I better catch some sleep then, just hope this doesn't turn out to be a lucid dream". He then walked to his bed and straight away went to sleep.

*beep**beep* *beep**beep*


" who the hell is calling me this early?" Aiden woke up with heavy eyelids and looked at the watch on his hand.

"Oh shit, it's Rick, guess I'm in for an earful" He said when he saw the caller id on his watch and clicked on the watch screen to bring up an image of a somewhat handsome looking guy.

"Sup buddy" Aiden said, sounding a little nervous.

"Don't 'sup Buddy' me, where were you yesterday?!" Rick shouted

"I got caught up with Mrs Smith" Aiden said, trying to not tell his friend he's being bullied.

"Got caught up with Mrs Smith for an entire day? do you think I'm an idiot or what?!" Rick rebutted Aiden's response..

"*sigh*, Are those idiots bullying you again?" Rick asked.

"No, not at all, Like I told you I just got caught up, and ended up taking extra lessons that's all" Aiden denied.

Rick started observing Aiden through the hologram from his watch and when he saw that Aiden was without wounds or bruises, he decided to believe him.

"So what's up?" Aiden hurriedly changed the topic.

"Well, I just called to deliver Mr white's message to you, he wanted you to know that you're fired" Rick answered.

*sigh* Aiden sighed knowing this was coming, after all who would keep an employee that's late to every job.

"I know man, I'll start looking for another gig soon" Aiden said.

" Okay man, see ya later" Rick then hung up..

Rick put down his hand, where his watch was, and headed to the bathroom.

"I should start looking for a job, my food stock is almost finished, but I'll do that after visiting Martha"

As Aiden was about to enter he heard a ding in his head.

"I totally forgot about this" he said while looking at the interface Infront of him.

[ Repair complete, all body's internal and external injuries have been cured.... Displaying host's information]

[Host Information

Name: Aiden Black

Level: F-

Exp: 0/100

Health: 200/200

Mana: 100/100

Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Stamina: 10

Senses: 5

{missions} {Shop(unlocks at level E+)}{Inventory (unlocks at F+)}


Looking at his information, Aiden was pretty surprised, he knew he was weak but not this weak. According to the system he's basically a child in a teenager's body.

He then looked to the buttons and tried to click the only available one with his hands, only for it to pass through completely.

"Huh?, how do I click this thing?"

[the host just needs to think of the action]

"Than-, what the hell, who are you?" Aiden got startled hearing a voice reply to him.

[I am the combination of 10% of the each of the four great gods' powers into one]

"The four great gods?, is that Zeus and some other mythology kings?" Aiden asked sounding confused.

[ Though the host is not qualified to know the identities of the great gods, I can tell you that they are much more powerful than Zeus and the other three kings]

"Wow, does that mean I have the powers higher than Zeus's blessed" Aiden asked.

[well, yes and no, Yes because the host has the potential to become the most powerful human and no because the power doesn't define a strong person, you may have the power of those gods but becoming the most powerful depends on you now]

"Hmm, I kinda feel like a protagonist right now" He said and smiled


"So do I get a beginner package or what?" Aiden asked

[You do, but not after completing your first mission]

"Well then let's get on with it, what's my first mission?" Aiden said sounding excited.

[You can check your missions on the mission tab]

"Right" Aiden then commanded in his mind for the mission tab to open and it opened

[Daily mission available]

[Missions content: The vessel of the great gods should always be in top shape, complete the following exercises.

Push-ups: 50

Sit-ups: 50

Run: 1km

Rewards: Beginner package, instant level up, +10 to all attributes.

Failure: -60 health

Note: After loosing more than half of your HP due to mission fail, the host will go into a deep sleep training for a 16 hours]

"The system is really generous with it's rewards, but the punishment is also scary, well let's get started" Aiden said after reading the contents of the mission.

----------30 minutes later----------

A young man could be seen sitting on a park bench breathing heavily, but despite how he was breathing he had a wide grin on his face.

"haa, Finally completed it" Aiden said looking at the interface Infront of him.

[Daily mission completed, Do you want your reward right now?]

"Let's return home first, I'll check the rewards then". Aiden replied to the system.

After walking for a bit Aiden stopped while looking ahead of him. He was looking at a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes getting in a car. The girl's name is Amanda and she was Aiden's long time crush, Aiden once confessed to her his feelings, but he not only got rejected but she also shamed him in school for daring to think of her romantically.

Aiden's heart (and face) broken for a few weeks but he got over it thanks to Rick, his best friend, and he hasn't spoken to or seen her since then.

Aiden stopped due to his initial surprise but he started walking home again after the car left.


Sorry for the late update on this chapter, I couldn't write cause I was really sick for a few days and also lost inspiration for a while, but don't worry I'm back now and I'll try to regularly release chapters.