
The great Gods System

Infloxx_King · Fantasy
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4 Chs





"AIDEN!" an angry looking teacher stood in front of a sleeping student.

"I wasn't Sleeping!" Aiden woke up, startled, only to see the pissed face of his teacher.

"ooh, is that so Mr Aiden? Then you'll be able to answer the question I just asked, no?" Mrs Smith, Aiden's teacher, said.

"um I " Aiden started stammering while looking around.

"sigh forget it, just meet me at my office after school" Mrs Smith told Aiden and turned around to continue teaching.

"Damn, I'm probably going to lose my job today and now I'm stuck with Mrs Smith for an hour, could this day be any worse?" Aiden whispered.

Aiden was an orphan whose parents were unknown, he was found as a kid by government officials, he was later adopted by a woman named Martha. Martha lost her child during the beast attack and she was devastated until she adopted Aiden. He became the light of her dark world and she became the same for the 4 year old Aiden, they were living happily until Martha got infected by 'System Syndrome'.

Approximately 10 years after the beast attacks started, humans also started hearing strange voices in their heads granting them what's known as the system. With the system humans began developing powers like, super speed, pyrokinesis and the lines, with these abilities humans were able to fight back and reclaim certain parts of their lost lands. Every human is granted the system at the age of 18, but if the system is granted and the host's body is too weak they'll develop an ailment called 'System syndrome'. System syndrome puts the patient in a deep sleep and their body would go through countless damage and repairs, the system tries to prepare the body for it hence the damage and repairs.

Martha became sick when Aiden was 16, since then Aiden had to mature quickly, he took on jobs to sustain his schooling and feeding (Aiden doesn't have to worry Martha's hospital bills because the government made it free for people with system syndrome).

Aiden is now a 17 year old in his final highschool year and it hasn't been the greatest experience for him, due to his jobs he doesn't get enough sleep so he falls asleep during classes, his grades dropped from excellent to average and to top it off he is bullied. His bully's name is Mark, he is a 19 year old with the blessing of Gaia (he has the earth attribute), according to him he bullies Aiden to relieve his stress and Aiden is also his favorite punching bag.Due to all this Aiden hates his high school life and wishes to graduate and stay far away from all this, in another city with his Martha.

After classes and an hour's lecture from Mrs Smith, Aiden was on his way to visit Martha at the hospital, as soon as he reached his school gate.

"Hey punching bag" a bulky looking boy strode towards Aiden with a two guys behind him.

' Great, my day just went from bad to worse' Aiden thought, trying to ignore Mark and his friends.

" Are you ignoring me, you twat?" Mark growled, seeing Aiden moving in the opposite direction from them.

Mark and his friends tried to approach Aiden, only for him to run back into school grounds.

"Ha ha ha, our little punching bag is trying to run from us, why don't we wait and give him a headstart guys" Mark said, laughing loudly.

"10, 9, 8..... ready or not, here we come" one of mark's friends started counting with an evil grin on his face.

"Alright enough playing, get him speed" Mark ordered the skinny looking guy on his right.

Aiden was almost to the school door when he felt a punch coming towards him, he instinctively move to the side but he was too slow and the punch connected to his jaw. He went skidding through the floor and spat a mouthful of blood, when he looked up he saw speed grinning at him.

Speed was blessed by the message god Hermes, so he moves really quickly. In no time Mark and the other guy, whose name was Jake, caught up to them..

Mark restrained Him on the ground with his earth powers and started speaking. " Listen here punching bag, originally, I was planning to just punch you for 5 minutes and collect some booze fees but since you dared run, gods help me"

As soon as he finished speaking a covered his hand with a layer of earth and started punching Aiden. Aiden was punched till he lost consciousness, he didn't even know when mark and his gang got tired of punching him and left, when he woke up it was already midnight and he was still lying in the school compound..

What about the school security? you may ask, he was of course sitting there without bother. Anyway, Aiden woke up with a severely swollen face and a head ache. He held his head with his hands and started wincing, that's when he heard a voice inside his head.

[system booting.....]

[booting complete..]

[preparing system interface..10%...30%....80%...99%....100%]

[System prepared, Welcome to the great gods system]



I hope you're enjoying my book so far, It's my first time writing a novel and I hope you guys remain patient and not drop this book.

I know the story is starting slowly, but I promise it'll get better from here so I hope you stay with me in this journey.

Also if you have any suggestions, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do..

Much Love❤️❤️❤️

Your Author..

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