

Read this story till 25 chapter to see if it's you're taste. Ethan Hayes never imagined that his mundane life would end so suddenly. A regular guy in his mid-20s, working a 9-to-5 job, with no significant dreams or aspirations beyond getting through the week. But fate, or perhaps destiny, had other plans for him. When Ethan opened his eyes again, he found himself in a vast, ethereal space. The ground beneath his feet shimmered like stardust, and a gentle breeze carried whispers of ancient wisdom. Before him stood a towering figure, radiating power and grace—a god. and God gave him three wishes to choose before reincarnation, what would he choose, that can only fate can tell.

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime e quadrinhos
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34 Chs

Chapter 27: Journey to the Western Forests


The sun climbed higher in the sky as Ethan and his friends made their way toward the western forests. The journey was long, but they moved with purpose, the weight of their upcoming mission heavy on their minds. The thought of facing a Nine-Tailed Fox, a creature known for its intelligence and power, kept them alert.

As they traveled, Ethan felt a familiar tingling sensation at the back of his mind. The System was active again, quietly assessing his progress. A soft chime echoed in his thoughts, followed by a series of notifications.

[System Notification: Past Accomplishments


Bonus Points Awarded for Previous Missions and Achievements: 200 System Points.

Ethan blinked in surprise, keeping his expression neutral as he absorbed the information. The System was rewarding him for his past efforts, acknowledging the battles he had fought and the progress he had made. It was a significant boost, one that could make a real difference in the upcoming fight.

He quickly opened the System interface in his mind, reviewing his options. With 200 points, he had a chance to make some serious upgrades.

[System Points Available: 200]

Strength: Increase physical power and combat ability.

Abilities: Enhance or unlock new special abilities.

Speed: Boost movement and reaction time.

Endurance: Improve stamina and resistance to damage.

Ethan considered his options carefully. He knew that strength and abilities would be crucial for the fight ahead. The Nine-Tailed Fox was a formidable opponent, and he would need every advantage he could get. After a moment of deliberation, he decided to split the points between Strength and Abilities.

[System Points Allocated: 100 to Strength, 100 to Abilities]

[Strength Level Increased: +15]

[New Ability Unlocked: Lightning Fury]

[Description: Unleashes a powerful burst of lightning energy, dealing massive damage to a single target. Highly effective against magic-based creatures.]

Ethan felt the surge of power as the System enhanced his strength. His muscles tensed with newfound energy, and he could feel the raw potential coursing through him. The Lightning Fury ability added to his arsenal, giving him a powerful attack that could strike with precision and force.

The System's upgrades had elevated him to a new level, making him as strong as an A-rank creature—or perhaps even stronger. But he knew he had to be careful. He couldn't afford to draw attention to himself by showing too much power all at once.

As they continued their journey, Jace glanced over at Ethan. "You seem quiet today, Ethan. Everything okay?"

Ethan snapped out of his thoughts and forced a smile. "Yeah, just thinking about the mission. We've got a tough fight ahead of us."

Lyra nodded, her expression serious. "We do, but we've trained for this. We're ready."

Ethan appreciated their confidence, but he knew the real advantage lay in the System's enhancements. He was stronger now, faster, and equipped with abilities that could turn the tide of battle. But he had to keep that knowledge to himself.

By late afternoon, they reached the edge of the western forests. The trees were dense, their branches intertwining to create a thick canopy overhead. The air was cooler here, and the shadows deeper.

Laina, who had taken the lead as their scout, signaled for the group to halt. "We're close. I can sense it. The Nine-Tailed Fox is somewhere in this forest."

Jace unsheathed his sword, the blade gleaming in the dim light. "Let's stay sharp. This thing won't go down easy."

Lyra nodded, her hands glowing with a faint magical aura as she prepared her spells. "We stick to the plan. Laina scouts ahead, and we follow her lead. No unnecessary risks."

Ethan gripped his staff, feeling the surge of lightning energy within it. The System's upgrades had given him confidence, but he remained cautious. They had a solid plan, and he would stick to it.

As they moved deeper into the forest, the tension grew. The silence was almost suffocating, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant call of a bird. They were in the Nine-Tailed Fox's territory now, and every step felt like it could trigger an ambush.

Laina stopped suddenly, holding up a hand. "There," she whispered, pointing to a clearing up ahead.

Ethan squinted, and then he saw it—a flash of white fur, barely visible through the trees. The Nine-Tailed Fox was there, lying in wait, its nine tails swaying gently in the air. It was as beautiful as it was deadly, its eyes glowing with a strange, otherworldly light.

"We need to strike first," Lyra whispered, her voice tense. "Take it by surprise before it can use its illusions."

Jace nodded, tightening his grip on his sword. "On your signal, Laina."

Laina took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the fox. Then, with a swift hand gesture, she gave the signal.

They moved as one, each member of the team springing into action. Lyra unleashed a barrage of fire spells, the flames roaring toward the fox with deadly precision. Jace charged in, his sword slicing through the air as he aimed for the creature's flank.

Ethan hung back for a moment, watching as the fox reacted to the attack. It dodged Lyra's flames with incredible speed, its tails weaving intricate patterns in the air. But just as it turned to counterattack, Ethan stepped forward, unleashing his new ability.

"Lightning Fury!" he shouted, thrusting his staff forward.

A bolt of pure lightning shot from the staff, striking the fox with blinding speed. The creature yelped in surprise as the lightning coursed through its body, disrupting its magical defenses. For a brief moment, its illusions faltered, and the team pressed the advantage.

Jace's sword found its mark, slashing through the fox's side. Lyra's flames followed, engulfing the creature in a fiery inferno. Laina moved in with her daggers, striking with deadly precision.

But the Nine-Tailed Fox wasn't finished yet. It let out a furious roar, and suddenly the entire clearing was filled with swirling illusions. The trees warped and twisted, and multiple copies of the fox appeared, each one as real as the original.

Ethan gritted his teeth, focusing on his training. The System had made him stronger, but this was a battle that required more than just raw power. He activated Shadow Cloak, blending into the shadows to evade the fox's illusions. He needed to find the real one.

His eyes scanned the clearing, searching for the telltale signs of the true Nine-Tailed Fox. Then, he saw it—a slight distortion in the air, where the fox's magic was faltering. He moved swiftly, channeling Earthquake through the ground.

The earth beneath the fox trembled, throwing the creature off balance. Its illusions shattered, revealing the true fox in the midst of the chaos. Jace, Lyra, and Laina seized the opportunity, launching their final attacks with unrelenting force.

With a final, agonized cry, the Nine-Tailed Fox collapsed, its nine tails falling limp. The forest grew silent once more, the battle over.

Ethan stood there, breathing heavily as the adrenaline slowly faded. The System's upgrades had made a difference, but it was their teamwork that had won the day.

As the team gathered around the fallen fox, Jace clapped Ethan on the shoulder. "That lightning attack was something else, Ethan. You really came through."

Ethan smiled, hiding the secret of his newfound strength. "Thanks. We all did great."

Lyra nodded in agreement, wiping sweat from her brow. "This was a tough one, but we handled it. Let's report back to the academy."

As they began the journey back, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The System had rewarded him for his past efforts, and he had used that power to protect his friends. But he knew this was only the beginning. The challenges ahead would be even greater, and he would need to keep growing stronger, both with the System and on his own.

The real challenge was still ahead, and Ethan was ready to face it—quietly, secretly, and with unwavering determination.
