

Read this story till 25 chapter to see if it's you're taste. Ethan Hayes never imagined that his mundane life would end so suddenly. A regular guy in his mid-20s, working a 9-to-5 job, with no significant dreams or aspirations beyond getting through the week. But fate, or perhaps destiny, had other plans for him. When Ethan opened his eyes again, he found himself in a vast, ethereal space. The ground beneath his feet shimmered like stardust, and a gentle breeze carried whispers of ancient wisdom. Before him stood a towering figure, radiating power and grace—a god. and God gave him three wishes to choose before reincarnation, what would he choose, that can only fate can tell.

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 26: A New Mission


The next morning, Ethan woke up with a renewed sense of determination. The System's upgrades had given him an edge, but he knew that edge would be tested soon. He kept his secret safe as he prepared for the day, mentally reviewing his abilities and how best to use them.

When he arrived at the academy's main hall, he found his friends already gathered, talking excitedly about the latest news. Lyra noticed him first and waved him over.

"Ethan, you're just in time! They're assigning new missions today," she said with a grin.

Ethan joined the group, curious about what the instructors had in store for them. He glanced around the hall, noticing the other students were just as eager. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation.

A moment later, Instructor Mira entered the hall, her presence commanding immediate silence. She stepped up to the podium and addressed the gathered students.

"Congratulations on completing your initial missions. Many of you have shown great promise, and now it's time for the next step. The academy has selected several new missions, ranging from rank D to rank B. These will challenge you in ways you have not yet experienced. Be prepared."

Mira began to call out the mission assignments, grouping students into teams. Ethan listened intently, waiting for their names to be called. Finally, she reached their group.

"Ethan Hayes, Lyra Stormrider, Jace Blaze, and Laina Moonshadow," Mira announced. "Your next mission will be a rank B mission—Defeat the Nine-Tailed Fox."

There was a murmur of surprise from the other students. A Nine-Tailed Fox was a powerful beast, known for its cunning and magic. A rank B mission was a significant step up from their previous assignment.

Ethan felt a thrill of excitement mixed with apprehension. This would be a true test of their abilities, and he knew they couldn't afford to underestimate their opponent.

"The mission will take you to the western forests, near the border of the Nymph Kingdom," Mira continued. "The Nine-Tailed Fox has been terrorizing nearby villages, and it's up to you to stop it. You leave at dawn. Prepare well, and may fortune favor you."

As they exited the hall, Jace couldn't hide his enthusiasm. "A Nine-Tailed Fox! This is going to be epic!"

Laina, however, was more cautious. "It's not going to be easy. Nine-Tailed Foxes are notoriously tricky. We'll need to be careful."

Lyra nodded. "Agreed. We should strategize tonight, go over everything we know about these creatures."

Ethan remained quiet, his mind already turning over strategies. The System's rewards had bolstered his confidence, but he knew this mission would push them to their limits. They had to be smart about this—especially him. He needed to figure out how to use his newfound powers without revealing the System.

That evening, the four of them gathered in a quiet corner of the academy's library. Books and scrolls were spread out before them, each detailing information on Nine-Tailed Foxes and their abilities.

"They're highly intelligent," Laina said, reading from one of the scrolls. "They can manipulate illusions, create fire, and their tails hold different powers. The more tails they have, the stronger they are."

"This one has nine," Jace pointed out. "Which means it's one of the most powerful of its kind. We'll need to be on our toes."

Lyra traced her finger over a map of the western forests. "They're also territorial. If we can figure out where it's hiding, we might be able to set a trap or at least catch it off guard."

Ethan listened carefully, contributing ideas when necessary, but he was also deep in thought about how to use his abilities strategically. The Earthquake skill could be effective in destabilizing the ground beneath the fox, and Shadow Cloak might help him evade its illusions. But he'd have to be cautious not to overuse them in front of his friends.

As the night wore on, they solidified their plan. They would approach the fox's territory cautiously, using Laina's scouting skills to locate it first. Jace and Lyra would focus on magic attacks, while Ethan would provide support with his earth and lightning abilities.

"I think we're as ready as we can be," Lyra said as they wrapped up their discussion. "We just need to stay focused and work together."

Ethan nodded. "We've got this. Let's get some rest. We'll need it."

The next morning, just before dawn, the team gathered at the academy gates. The air was crisp, and the sky was tinged with the first light of day. Ethan felt a mix of nerves and excitement as they prepared to head out.

"Ready?" Jace asked, his usual grin tempered with determination.

"Ready," Ethan replied, tightening his grip on the staff infused with lightning energy.

With a final nod, they set off toward the western forests. The journey would take most of the day, giving them plenty of time to mentally prepare for what lay ahead.

As they walked, Ethan found himself reflecting on how far they'd come since their first mission. They were stronger now, more skilled, and more connected as a team. But this mission would be a true test of their growth—and his ability to keep the System a secret while still using it to its fullest potential.

The real challenge was just beginning, and Ethan was ready to face it head-on, with his friends by his side and the System silently guiding him forward.
