
Chapter 140: Jo

"No!" I bolted upright to my feet, out from under the fallen ceiling, away from Darby, and clapped my hands once to distract the dog.

It sounded like a gunshot in the night, and through the widening hole in the wall, a hundred pairs of glowing blue eyes fastened on the Baxton house.

What a giant herpes zoo tonight had become.

Tree branches had stretched the hole in the wall to the width of about three of me while they twirled up into the rancid night, free at last. Soon, there wouldn't be any walls blockading us from the escaped heartbeat-challenged on the street.

For the thousandth time, I wished Leigh was here.

Everything that had buried Darby and I now buried most of Darby, but I had no idea if it would be enough to protect her. The dog pawed at the pile over her and knocked several boards and chunks of plaster and roof tiles off.

"Darby, don't move or say anything until I tell you," I warned, because that was who the dog appeared most interested in.