
Chapter 139: Jo

"I'm fine, Big D," he said, forcing a smile. "My eye thanks you."

"We thank you, too, Darby." I couldn't help the note of doubt that crept into my voice, but I tried to cover it with an encouraging nod.

"We need to get out of here," Cal said. "Go see if the window's clear across the hall, Jo."

On painful, bloodied tiptoes, I crept toward the door, but turned back, listening. It wasn't just Darby that coiled my knot of worry tighter. Something had changed, but I couldn't place exactly what. Police sirens wailed outside, the walls and ceiling groaned with the straining tree branches. But something was missing.

A creak sounded in the hallway, and right away, I knew what had changed. The piano. Mrs. Baxton had stopped playing.

Another creak, closer this time.

Was that her, coming to see what us crazy kids were up to? My second mother who had assured me I could be whoever I wanted despite the rigid box Krapper insisted on stuffing me in?