Odin found himself gazing down the training grounds silently, the few people who noticed him offering a bow and murmured pleasantries, all of which he ignored.
He was not interested in entertaining them right now.
Grunts and groans of pain sounded from the grounds, the latter of which coming from a boy who was most certainly getting kicked around by his bored daughter very easily. He watched as Hela leapt and struck a foot out which caught the boy in the stomach and sent him hurtling across the grounds.
His seventeen-year-old daughter idly flipped her sword, gaze impassive and stance alert as she watched her opponent try to get up before slumping back on the wall with a groan. Herryk only nodded his head in her direction before gesturing for the next opponent to take his position. There was no fanfare, yet Hela seemed content. Not a warrior who likes songs sung in his or her praise then, but a silent one, capable of striking in the dark without anyone noticing.
As if sensing his gaze, he watched his daughter turn silently, until her green eyes met his own blue ones. There was no surprise, only impassiveness. No desire to get his approval.
Very curious.
Hela inclined her head, before turning back to her opponent, who looked confident in his chances to win. Even from his viewpoint, he knew his daughter would triumph. Through his own insistence for her to undergo harsher training as well as her own determination, she quickly became proficient in the art of combat; already mastering the sword, daggers, axe, spear, war hammer, mace, and moved on to more complicated weapons and forms as the years progress. Truly a natural prodigy.
As expected, she made quick work of her new opponent, and the next, and the one after that. Soon enough, it was done. The only signs of her fatigue was a slightly hitched breath, but nothing more. And in that moment, he had never seen anyone as beautiful and deadly as she.
His daughter looked up at him, before saluting with her fist over her heart and bowing her head. "Father."
He watched her for a long moment; his intense gaze not even making her fidget. It almost made him smile. "Come, we must talk."
She gazed inquisitively at him, before following after him.
They walked for a moment, Hela effortlessly matching his pace with her own. Their synchronized footsteps echoed in the vast halls of the palace and they seem to have no destination in mind.
After a long moment, his curious daughter finally turned to him. "Why have you called me, Father? Is there something wrong?"
His amused gaze met hers again, "Does a father need a reason to spend time with his daughter?"
Hela pursed her lips before shaking her head, "No, I suppose not. But you have to forgive me," she then cracked a wry grin. "Since we haven't really spoken at length ever since the Queen's coronation."
That surprised a chuckle out of him at her sheer boldness that had Hela glancing at him in surprise at the corner of his eye. "I suppose Frigga is right once again."
"What about?"
He abruptly sobered and stopped. Hela accidentally walked a bit more before turning back in surprise. Ignoring her look, he slowly took her in.
Even after so many years under the sun, his daughter remained pale. Her long black hair was tied into a tight ponytail on top of her head, the dark color a sharp contrast to her skin. Her green eyes were sharp and alert, and though she was only wearing training gear, his daughter still managed to maintain a regal and mature air about her.
Truly someone fitting to be the heir to Asgard's throne.
For a moment, his vision of his daughter interposed with another regal woman with similar sharp green eyes, long black hair tied up in an intricate style, and porcelain-white skin draped in flowing green and gold robes. But he couldn't help it, Hela just looked so similar to Angrboda at that moment.
He blinked rapidly, dispelling the mental image, before making up his mind. "Follow me."
Odin quickly strode off, leaving Hela to catch up with him. They both walked through the palace in a rapid pace, past the guards and servants milling around the halls, past countless doors, down the steps, and further down they went. After a while, he could feel Hela's knowing glance at his back, and almost smiled. It seems the rumors about his daughter's astuteness was also true.
Finally, they reached the Weapon's Vault. Odin waved away the two guards present, who saluted before turning to leave.
"I don't suppose you have been here before?"
Hela looked amused, "If you are suggesting if I have sneaked into the Weapon's Vault… No, I have not."
"Most would not resist the chance to be in a room full of forbidden and powerful relics."
"Not yet full," She remarked as her eyes darted around the sparsely populated Vault, her expression oddly pinched. "You plan to collect more?"
Odin laughed, "Very perceptive, indeed. The Einherjar have more to collect as long as we fight." He quirked an eyebrow at her, "Dare I ask if you know what this means?"
His daughter stared at him for a moment before her eyes lit up with realization and, oddly enough, resignation. "War." It wasn't a question.
He smiled with teeth, "Exactly." Odin walked further inside the massive Vault, eyeing the empty pedestals and spaces. "The other realms are growing restless as of late, as such, Asgard will begin preparing for war. It would not do to be caught unawares, after all."
She should have only nodded and moved on. After all, war should be a foreign concept to a child, and yet young Hela's eyes darkened. "I see. And who do you think will make the first move, then?"
"We will."
Her head snapped up in disbelief, "We?" She repeated, "Didn't you just say that the other realms were the ones becoming hostile? Why should it be us that makes the first move?"
He immediately scowled, "Watch your tone, daughter."
She immediately realized her outburst and her jaw snapped shut, "I apologize Father, I just wonder why you felt the need to fight if everything is relatively peaceful at the moment."
"'Why I feel the need to fight'?" Odin echoed. "I fight for the good of Asgard. I fight for our people. The other realms are becoming more aggressive, who is to say they won't suddenly turn their power on our realm? It is best we extinguish the spark before it becomes a flame."
His daughter's jaw tightened, but her voice retained its calm tone. "Maybe so, but that's not the only reason, is it? I know you, Father. You have constantly expressed your wish to have Asgard expand its territories. To expand into other realms is an ambitious endeavor, to be sure, and an opportunity I know you would want to take advantage of."
Odin narrowed his eyes as she paused. "However...?"
She nodded firmly, "However, if you must truly fight, then I urge you not to be the instigator. I find that retaliation is better and more justifiable than outright violence."
"You are saying I should let Asgard lie on its back and wait to be attacked before exacting revenge. Why should I do that when we already have the element of surprise?" He pinned her with his intense gaze, "I only wanted you to learn how to fight after almost losing your life to that pathetic assassin; that does not mean you can claim to know the rules of war and lecture me, daughter."
Hela stiffened and turned silent. She breathed slowly. Calmly. "I apologize again, Father."
Odin fought back the urge to rub his temple; how could he let the situation get out of hand? His daughter was clearly distressed by the subject. She is still young after all. Scolding her probably did not do him any favors.
Besides, Frigga would kill him if she found out what happened here.
"It is of no consequence. I just hope you'll understand that all I do, I do it for Asgard, for Frigga, and for you." He pinned her with a heavy gaze, "It is why I brought you here."
She looked up warily, "What do you mean?"
In response, he silently led her across the room, into a hidden alcove, until they were standing in a chamber within the Vault. Hela gasped, and he smiled before gesturing to the lifelike mural on the walls. "What you see here, is the entirety of Yggdrasil."
Flabbergasted, Hela walked forward, her head craning this way and that, and slowly took in the chamber that was glowing with the light of a billion stars, whole galaxies, and gigantic nebulae, all of which she could see were connected by tendrils and wisps of light, gas, and dust; the pattern almost resembling the branches of a tree.
Yggdrasil, the World Tree.
"Beautiful, is it not? Though I must say this does not compare to reality, which only Heimdall can truly see in its entirety."
Hela turned back to look at her father, who came to stand beside her. "This is why I have to do this. Asgard's fate is to be the overseer of Yggdrasil and its inhabitants. The Norns told me so. However, not everyone wishes it, which is why I must wage war, so we could prove our strength and quell any who opposes the mission given to us by fate itself."
He could never forget that day, when the Norns came to him in a vision and told him Asgard's duty, and his and Hela's role in it, though she was still infant then.
Odin then gestured to the universe before them, as if presenting her a gift tied with a bow. "You and I are given our duties, and as the future Queen of Asgard, and your coming of age tomorrow, you deserve nothing less."
Hela looked overwhelmed, and her breathing had turned shallow. "You mean, the Norns decreed this?" Her voice had grown faint.
He nodded, pleased that she understood. "It is your birthright."
She still looked pale and shaken, "...Forgive me, but wouldn't waging war just cause the rest of the Nine to hate us?"
He raised an eyebrow, "Then how do you suggest we fulfill our fate, by asking nicely? I understand you are young, but I did not realize you are an idealist, daughter."
She looked like she swallowed something sour at that remark, "I do not know how, but what I do know is that this is not right."
"Right and wrong are purely subjective. This way will make Asgard stronger. Bards will sing praises of this moment in times to come–"
"Then I will find another way. One that does not involve pain and death." She stood tall, her gaze cold and sharp as any knife. He watched cautiously as she bowed, carefully avoiding his gaze. "If you'll excuse me, my King."
The title coming from her lips made Odin frown, "Hela–"
She turned and strode away, leaving Odin to gaze after her with narrowed eyes.
Hela inwardly winced as enthusiastic cheers suddenly erupted from the stands near the boundaries of the forest the next day. Only Frigga's encouraging hand at her back kept her from jumping on Dagny's back and bolting far away.
Show no fear. Only confidence and authority.
Be the princess they expect you to be.
She forced herself to straighten and look confident, but the Queen's always been so sharp. She gave her an encouraging smile. "Be at ease, dearest." Frigga whispered soothingly. "This will be but a confirmation of what I already knew. I have full confidence in your abilities."
Hela exhaled at those words, Frigga's effortless praise and support of her warming her heart.
It was the coming-of-age ceremony. Everyone, and she meant everyone, in Asgard was watching. It filled her both with nervousness and excitement. A ceremony to show the future Einherjars' skills and abilities, and finally prove to everyone that they are ready to handle dangerous situations, as an adult Aesir should.
Also, today is her eighteenth birthday, or born day here in Asgard, and what a coincidence for the ceremony to be in the same day. She strongly suspects Odin had a hand in this.
At the thought of the man, Hela quickly sobered. She frankly couldn't believe her ears at the nonsense he spouted. There is no good reason or justification to wage war, and if the reason is only so they could conquer and rule over the Nine Realms as its 'overseer', then it is a poor reason and she won't stand by it.
There must be a way for this to be prevented, or if not prevented, at least ended peacefully.
Also, there is the fact that the Norns again had a hand in this. She closed her eyes in frustration, were they determined to put a wrench in her plans at every turn?
Hela took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind of any thoughts of strangling three sisters. Mind in the here and now, A quick glance around the stands and she immediately saw a certain huge commander scowling darkly in the front seats as the cheers steadily grew louder. Sensing her gaze, Herryk's eyes turned to meet hers, and to her surprise, he nodded stiffly.
She blinked, and the moment was gone. Odd.
Right beside him was Vor, who sat primly and straight-backed in her seat. She nodded as well and smiled.
A gentle push at her back from Frigga caught her attention. "Off you go." She said kindly.
Here goes... "Thank you... Frigga." Hela said, barely suppressing a grin at the way Frigga's eyes widened almost comically at the lack of titles, before quickly heading off to where the other trainees were gathering to prepare themselves.
"Happy born day Hela!" A yell followed by a grunt of pain sounded behind her, and she turned to see a sheepish Ornulf apologizing to Tyrkir, who looked resigned. "We are in public Ornulf, we must refer to the Princess with respect."
"Sorry!" Ornulf laughed. But Tyrkir ignored him as he gazed at her intently and leaned forward a bit, looking oddly fidgety. "I apologize, I couldn't find you yesterday or earlier in time to give this, and I know it's very inconvenient to do it now and maybe it is a better idea to do this after the ceremony after all, but then it won't be your born day anymore and-"
"Spit it out already, you ." Ornulf rolled his eyes.
"Happy born day, Hela!" He blurt out before producing a small box out of his pocket.
She stared at it in surprise, then at Tyrkir's nervous expression, before accepting the box, carefully not looking at Ornulf fake-gagging in the background. The box was pretty; wooden with intricate carvings. Hela slowly opened it, and gasped at the sight of a beautiful silver brooch laying neatly inside. She reached down and held it up in the air, gazing at the intricate dragon design that she could only guess was Nidhogg looping in and out of its confines within a golden circle.
A powerful symbol. Very expensive as well.
"It's beautiful..." She whispered, eyes studying every detail of the design. She looked up before quickly flinging herself at Tyrkir, who caught her after a moment's surprise. "You didn't have to, Tyrkir." She grinned against his neck.
"I want to." He smiled slightly, before kicking Ornulf when his gags became too loud. "Shut up, Orn." He mumbled.
She released him before carefully pinning it on her green cloak in the left side of her chest. She touched it again reverently, "Thank you again." She smiled widely.
"I can't top that, but my gift is in our rooms if you're willing to wait. I just finished it this morning." Ornulf shrugged, before beaming at Hela, "So Princess, are you ready to slay some dragons?"
Tyrkir rolled his eyes skyward as if looking for guidance, and Hela resisted the urge to grin. "For the last time Orn, there are no dragons in Asgard!"
Ornulf stuck out his tongue, "Even if there isn't, you wouldn't know, would you Tyrkir? You never go outside the palace."
Tyrkir reddened and Hela laughed, "Good to see you aren't nervous in the least, you two."
"Nervous? We are terrified!" Ornulf exclaimed, a fixed smile on his face.
Ah, Hela realized. I guess we all have our own ways of coping.
"Bringing back an animal smaller than a boar is already considered shameful. But what am I supposed to do when I cannot even approach the damn thing?" Tyrkir sighed heavily.
"I am certain you will do fine." Hela quickly reassured them. "It doesn't have to be a boar. A stag is a suitable replacement. Just find those and you will be good to go."
"… I suppose you are right." Tyrkir said reluctantly.
"I will probably try hunting a moose. Or a lion if I can find one." Ornulf decided, and Tyrkir shot him a resigned glare.
As if the rest heard their conversation, declarations of animals they will hunt began echoing in the area; cries for boars, lions, and even dragons' heads from Arne's direction ultimately made Tyrkir groan. "Why does no one ever believe there are no dragons in Asgard? The only way there would be is if Nidhogg managed to find itself all the way up here from Yggdrasil's roots."
"Perhaps because you are mentally an old man with no imagination?" Ornulf teased.
"Says the overgrown child." Tyrkir shot back.
"Boys," Hela fought the urge to laugh at the two. Was it odd she found them adorable? "That is just nerves talking. Both of you will do great, I know it."
The two immediately reddened at her words. Ornulf shoved Tyrkir, who proceeded to smile shyly. "Thank you, Hela." He said.
The noise suddenly quelled, and the three turned just in time to see King Odin ascend the platform, his Queen a step behind him. Odin slammed his spear Gungnir on the ground, the sound immediately calling everyone's attention.
Hela felt herself straighten unconsciously at the sight of her father, their conversation in the Vaults still weighing heavily on her mind.
"Today's occasion is important for many reasons," Odin's eyes roved over them one by one, until they rested on her. Hela stared right back. "The coming-of-age ceremony is a traditional Aesir rite that would determine your future and standing in this realm. It is the time when you are neither a child, nor a man. Prove yourself, and the reward will be great.
"Whosoever brings back the largest or most dangerous creatures shall be the victor. A whole day shall be allotted for this ceremony, and everyone must return before the sun rises on the morrow." His eyes moved away from her, and Hela exhaled in relief.
Odin's attention always makes her feel uncomfortable, considering how rare he acknowledges her. She could probably count with one hand the total amount of interactions they have had over the years. "You may bring your own weapons and packs for the hunt. Helping your opponents and the use of seidr is prohibited." Here, his eyes met hers again, and she resisted the urge to scowl. "Prepare yourselves, and may the Norns smile upon you all today."
With that, the King of Asgard settled on his throne on the stage, and everyone proceeded to scramble for their chosen weapons and packs.
Hela stared all around her; watching her fellow trainees hefting large battle axes, long swords, maces, and spears, Tyrkir with his sword and Ornulf with a sword and a bow and arrow, before turning to stare at her own conjured long sword. It seemed flimsy compared to the weapons the others were carrying.
Tyrkir seemed to notice her dilemma, because he stared blankly at the sword. "The King and Queen did not provide you with weapons?"
"Perhaps they wanted me to make it on my own, without any outside help." She suggested, though she inwardly cursed at the fact that she does not have her own weapon. All she had were her packs and conjured swords, but seidr wasn't even allowed, so there will be no extra supplies of weapons.
Perhaps Odin wanted to punish her for being so insolent and disrespectful in the Vaults. However, if it was, then how low of him indeed. Frigga, she kind of understands. The Queen is a Vanir; they wouldn't have a rite of passage such as this. Perhaps she simply didn't know.
Continuing to curse at this oversight, Hela proceeded on conjuring two more swords which she placed in scabbards at her hips. Then, she conjured a set of knives and daggers and put them on her belt. And finally, she conjured a bow and arrows for hunting, which she slung at her back.
Conjuring was a complicated branch of seidr, because the longer someone maintains the conjuration, the more it saps your strength. It was the same with illusions, but harder. She had always been better with conjuration than illusions, so she suspects the enchantment will hold, but not for long.
"I have to kill the first dangerous beast I will find." She resolved. Or else she will be left with nothing.
Tyrkir and Ornulf glanced at each other, before staring at her in concern. "Are you certain you will be all right, Your Highness?" Tyrkir asked anxiously, "I mean, if those disappear eventually, you will be a sitting duck."
"She'll be all right." Ornulf countered, "Hela is the best warrior in our group. She can handle herself. I am more worried about us!"
Tyrkir cringed, "That is true."
"It also doesn't help the fact that we are also forbidden from helping each other." Hela sighed, "I could really use the help."
All three collectively sighed in defeat and Hela absently touched the brooch for strength.
"Norns help us."
Hello guys, CDR_Grae here!
May I present Odin's A+ parenting, everyone. Kidding! So contest time~! Let's see how Hela and her friends will fare.
If you guys want to see what the brooch looks like, it's this:
Thank you for reading, please review! Constructive criticism and ideas are welcome!