
The God of dimensional chat (Hiatus)

“Somehow I managed to become a god after I died, but not just any god. A Wuxiaworld god! After millions of years ruling the universe I managed to find an IPhone and now it says Ding! You are now an admin to the group chat! Can my life get normal than this?”

Dark_Spider · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 Caster wish

It's still me and I have finished The Tale of Genji and now I can see why people say this novel is very important and interesting, absorbing introduction to the culture of the Aristocracy in early Heian Japan its forms of entertainment, its manner of dress, its daily life, and its moral code.

But it's not just that, it is also the Tale Of Genji's romantic life that describes the customs of the aristocratic society of that time.

I hummed my mouth as I read this book. "Damn, pretty good I dare say so myself."

"It seems you like my story master." A feminine voice was heard by the doorway, I looked up and see Caster fully awake, she must be staring at me when I was reading the book.

How predictable.

"I do Caster." I closed the book and waved it at her "I don't understand why would you say that other books look imperfect when yours is the same." I said to her as she looked down as if it was a sensitive subject.

I was about to say sorry to her but she spoke first "I've..... never completed my story before master, when I laid dead, my work was unfished, my daughter took it upon herself to finished my lifework."

She walks to me and grabbed the book as she puts her hand on the book before sliding it down. "She ended the story not how I would expect to end it, the Tale of Genji is not supposed to be how it is shown here."

I furrowed my brows as I look at Caster before she reveals her face, I suddenly realized why she seems to be so insist on books being perfect and why she seeks the grail.

"You want to go back to the past and change the story?" I said to her as she kept quiet before nodding at my question.

"That is correct master, my wish for the grail is to return back to my era so my book can be finished, completed and becomes perfect." She answered with a determined face as I close my eyes at her reason.

"I see, so that's your wish Caster." I stood quiet for a moment before opening my eyes once more as I continue my speech "But can you tell me this, if you ever were to go back to the past and change your story, have you ever thought why books were so imperfect to you?" I questioned her as she pauses before remembering the reason back from the library.

"Yes I do master but what does that have to do with thid?" she questioned me as I got up, rammed through some books as I threw some away before finding an old book I use to love when I was a kid.

"Dr. Seuss book."

I gave her this book as she looks in confusion before I gestured her to read it.

She opens the book as she reads the small book and looks in disdain.

"This book is imperfect, it lacks narrative, the information and details of the story.

Why did you give me this book master? It's a children's story." she questioned me again with a narrowed eye but the confusion didn't leave her face.

"Simple, the author Dr Seuss made it that way.

Have you ever thought whenever you find a book, read it and imagine the scene from the book?" I said to her as she nodded but still looks in confusion.

"This book is a children story and yet even adults enjoy reading it because you know why?" she tilted her head which honestly looks cute but I leave those thoughts later. "It's because books help us unlock our imaginations when were younger and taught us valuable lessons when we grew older."

I answered her which leaves her stunned as if she didn't knew the answer already and looks at the book before me again. I grabbed the book from her hands and placed it one of the stacks. "Books are never perfect, even humans like us can have flaw but that's the good thing about everything.

Its how we always look something beyond it, it is how we create our own legends." I told her as she kept quiet walking past her before going to the apartment door I again said "I'm gonna go out for a bit Caster, I won't be long so enjoy those pile of books before-"


I stared at the stacks of books as they already fell down, making a mess. She stared sheepishly at the book before me.

"Make a mess.....(SIGH) wonder how the landlord will react to this when he comes to collect rent." I said dejactly, even a creation god like me have common sense unlike those other cultivators who doesn't like Chu Feng or Yun Che...…..

Yeah lets not talk about that Scum Che.


Caster P.O.V

I stared at my master as he leaves the apartment, I would actually go with him, to keep him safe from any incoming danger but he must have his reason to leave.

I looked at Dr Seuss book 'The Lorax ' before seeing my own story.

I quietly went to a nearby table and reread my own story again. As I read the story I can't help but to marvel my own work and yet I felt this story was complete instead of being imperfect.

I imagine a scene of Genji's life as he Genji loves his stepmother, but later as a woman, and they fall in love with each other. Genji is frustrated by his forbidden love for the Lady Fujitsubo and is on bad terms with his own wife. I can already feel my mind clear and the scene playing on my head as I close my mind.

Is this what master means by story being perfect yet imperfect?

Was I truly a fool thinking my daughter had ruined my work?

"Ah, I can see why. I'm truly a fool after all." I said to myself in disappointment as I closed my book and read Dr Seuss story, the lorax.

Its like what master said, it is a children's book but I enjoyed it, the scene where he argues with the man chopping of trees, how this Once-ler had cut off the trees for his product, and the word saying unless.

He spoke of what unless means. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

I can already know what it means. I felt something wet from my face and touched it before seeing it was my own tears.

"... I was the one who did not knew what it means. I did not knew until you showed me master." I smiled at the thought, these books.....are truly wonderful after all, I was blind enough not to see it.

Even so blind to myself thinking disappointment of my daughter finishing the story without my consort.

"Can you forgive me Daini no Sanmi for questioning that I have felt so much disappointment on you?" I said in silence as nothing answered me as I knew there will be.

I got up from my seat and grabbed a book before looking at the mess I created.

"I did say I won't cause any mess, but would he know about it?" I smiled in mischievous before sitting down thinking of how I can come up with a reason to master.

Mo E...….. you truly are an interesting man. I wonder how long it can last and how long until you capture my heart.

Man this was hard in trying to come up with the reason why Murasaski Shiba wants the holy grail for, took a lot of thinking before reaching to a site called teh Saga of Shirou's summon. I managed get a reason what her wish is for the holy grail.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dark_Spidercreators' thoughts